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Posts posted by Undeeterred

  1. Of course he got advice on this disclosure and of course Essendon will get off.

    That's why he's relaxed.

    I am astounded that more is not being made of this. But, as usual, justice does not prevail.

    He and his mates will be playing untouched for ever...

  2. Only 85 problems such as his lack of work rate, lack of physicality, poor tackling and general lack of desire to win a clearance but besides from that it should be ok.

    Watts skill set - nice size, decent speed, skills and vision make him a loose ball out in space player. So that means half forward or half back. He's failed at half back, if we still with him at half forward we might get somewhere.

    I disagree, although totally see your point about tackling etc.

    I think Watts could be a great choice in the midfield, although we'd be exposed if he didn't get his hands on the footy.

    However, wouldn't you say that size (including bulk), speed, skills (precise disposal) and vision are in fact the perfect skill set for a midfield ballwinner?

  3. I got more than sympathy, the bloke bled red and blue. Brought up a supporter and did heaps of extra stuff around the club to motivate the youngsters like his boxing camp for Rookies.

    He was also arguably the teams most vocal onfield leader, frequently firing up the boys during a match.

    Leadership comes in many forms and Beamer definately had some leadership that was vitally missed.

    Sorry, but you people are in la-la land.

    Yes, he'd be playing for us. Yes, he'd still be playing crap, unaccountable, inconsistent football.

    Hooray for him.

    And as for being our most vocal onfield leader, spare me. I could stand in the middle of the G waving my arms and yelling. In fact, memo to the FD - here I am and I'll take a bargain basement wage of $200k to do it. Sign me up.

    while yesterdays comment may not have been his brightest moment.

    I have a little sympathy for BM.

    He gave the MFC his best and I believe he would still be playing with us if not for the change to Neeld.

    He feels vindicated, and after all he is playing in a better side were he feels valued.

    His nemesis is unemployed.

    Surely that says something!

  4. Thank goodness for the voice of reason.

    They were bigger, stronger and more experienced but we had a crack. Unfortunately, what worked in the first quarter failed after that. The loss of Dawes affected our forward structure and we simply lapsed into a frenzy of self-inflicted errors of which Collingwood took maximum advantage.

    Once we eliminate the errors, these games will be 6 to 8 goal losses. Get a few of those injured blokes back and we won't be far away from winning games against our fellow cellar dwellers.

    • Like 3
  5. A huge proportion of their goals when the game was there to be won were from burning ball going inside 50. We took the game on and looked really good, then turned it over in the corridor so that everybody (usually Garland) got caned on the way back. Once they cut those skill errors out we'll be right in games for much longer.

    • Like 2
  6. Neeld isn't going anywhere, you people are dreaming.

    And this is not his fault.

    These guys are playing for him and having a crack. Our problem is not structures, gameplans or anything else.

    We just have terrible, terrible decision making and technical skills.

    • Like 2
  7. I did the old match up thing, and I can only find four winners for us in the starting 18 - Sylvia over Macaffer, Watts over Williams, Dawes over Reid and Nate Jones over Blair. And the last two are really a split decision and suspension of disbelief that Jones won't be run off by Pendelbury, Swan or Sidebottom.

    I know they never match up like that, but it is a good 'finger in the air' measure of how things might pan out.

    The answer: Not well.

  8. As for Jack, he will never be the footballer he could be at Melbourne. The well has been poisoned and both need to get what is best for both parties (decent compensation for us and a good home for Jack) and move on.

    There's a lot in this. And it kills me to say it, but he will be absolutely fantastic once someone like Malthouse gets hold of him.

  9. Good on you for getting amongst it!

    I would say though that when we tried Watts on Jono Brown he got absolutely, completely smashed. I doubt Neeld will go there again.

    HI Guys. My first post but have been reading this forum for awhile. I would try Jack Watts on Cloke. He has the size to compete.

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