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Everything posted by Undeeterred

  1. Aren't you the one who says about Ben Brown that when great players land on us we don't complain? I'd much rather Mihocek than Brown...
  2. Utter nonsense. He's tough as. I'd love him to be squeezed out and I'd have him in a second
  3. He'd struggle to get within a bull's roar of 60 trying to pick up half volleys off the deck on the lead all season, which is what he'll get if he comes to us.
  4. It's not just social media. Demonland is as bad.
  5. And Jack Grimes, although that was navicular as well
  6. Why would he? He's having a ball in the media, probably earning a fortune. He's probably happy he's left this basket case of a club.
  7. Fair enough. My comment still holds on that measure too
  8. Salem wouldn't be in the Top 20 at Melbourne for flakiness. To single him out is absurd.
  9. Why? Why is this a condiion of you not being hounded and abused in your workplace? Comments like this are ridiculous. Imagine I put your photo on Facebook every time you did something stupid at work.
  10. I can’t get over Trac’s last goal. That was insane.
  11. He is constantly out wide bailing out the likes of May or Oliver when they’ve dug it out of the trenches Then all of a sudden he bobs up 8 seconds later at the other end of the ground to receive again and you think Christ how did he run faster than the ball? And how is he always on his own? Apart from the odd shank has been absolutely bloody brilliant for us this year.
  12. I completely agree. Absolutely love him. He’s as incredibly accurate field kick for a guy his size and position. He took 6 intercept marks tonight and attacks the footy beautifully. He doesn’t get the credit outside here but I think he’s been our most important player all season.
  13. He'd probably go better in Melbourne under COVID restrictions where he's not allowed to leave the house after 8pm
  14. You are joking, right? So when we say we don't have a sample size big enough to work out whether Brayshaw should play on the ball, a third placing in the Brownlow less than 2 years ago isn't helpful data to assist in making that assessment? Give me a spell.
  15. Being who exactly? Obviously not the 20 year old who died yesterday or the 30 year old who died the day before. If that age bracket is starting to die, who exactly are you expecting to be in the 'invulnerable' category?
  16. It does sound silly. We haven't actually had the full whack of the disease. You wouldn't like it if we did, believe me. The cure is pre-emptive.
  17. Other than a third place finish in the Brownlow you mean?
  18. Sorry, but if we're canvassing Trade Viney as an option and not canvassing Trade Brayshaw, we're kidding ourselves.
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