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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Guys captaincy or no....hang in there for just a tad longer. Jack & the Jones boy should bounce back in 2020. Jones needs to find a role mostly up forward IMO (cant cover a quick player down back). Started his career there and did ok. One of his best games for the year (of a handful) in my op was the match against the Swans where he lead from the front kicking 3 very nice goals. We wont need him down back once May, Lever, Nev and Hibb (hopefully) start hitting some consistently good form. Next year is all about the forward line as well as finding some speed/class & finish on the outside. In the right place / role, with a little less (but focussed) game.time, Jones still has another solid year ahead IMHO. Viney might be carrying a niggle but if so then im not sure why we would play him from here (or even weeks ago). Most players have dropped away significantly as we know, with only a few players maintaining last year's form or better in rare cases. It's a team game, it's a bloody tough game. With the exceptions we're all aware of, the whole team needs to lift in 2020. Many hands make light work and if they do Jones & Viney can still play a solid role. Not necessarily as captains. It only needs one stellar season plus some fixes to maybe pull off the big one. One caveat here.. If Goody gets some major help and comes to his senses adding a tempo possession trait plus major list changes (especially forward) we might be in for a reasonable bounce back. If very little or none of the above occurs and Goody decides to bring more of the same...forget i mentioned any of the above positives and might want to batten down the hatches!
  2. Mostly forwards (KF who can mark and kick goals, two blitzkreig smallish fellas who have white line fever & can also find the middle) and some outside speed class and finish with a raking left foot LN. May i suggest slipping a mickey into Simon's drink at the B&F. Take him out the back for a ripping session with one of Australia's leading hypnotists, starting with "Repeat after me....we must recruit..." and insert the above, i would be very appreciative. Thanking you in advance..... RN
  3. Don't under estimate the FFF (Forwardline Flop Factor) in this year's demise Praha. It's been immense IMO and we would be knocking on the door of the final eight had we fired a shot here. One of Goody's (with assistance from Macca) greatest fails was to see Hogan walk without a 'genuine' KF coming in to replace (a la Lynch) while placing way too much emphasis on the ability of Weid to fill the void. Jeffy hasn't quite been up to his 2018 standards in terms of overall ability to impact up forward (yes still hitting the scoreboard and putting tackles on inside 50 which is great but outside of that) hasn't helped either. Partially due to the shoulder issue? No other quality smalls to assist Jeffy other than a medium small in Hunt popping up at times. Melk, our best ball user coming inside 50 and probably most mobile impact forward. One of our most accurate goal kickers also (not many of those either) has barely been on the park. The biggest fall IMO T-Mac. Firing on all cylinders once in 17 attempts! Then we have three keys mids who havent been anywhere near their 2018 form in Jones, Gus and Viney except on rare occasions and usually not together. Hibb's massive dropp off from his 2018 form. Apart from the Clarry, Big m, Harmes, Salem, the improvement of the Frostmeister and a bit of May brutality & attack on the ball it's been another season from hell really.
  4. His heart was never in it. PJ's as well. Both did a very professional job whilst paid to. Was always a short term 'AFL' driven fix to right a badly listing rusty (culture) ship. The ship was righted but the rust remains. Needed at least another two years (or more) from both to eradicate the rust.
  5. Yes still a dirty thug in my eyes AS. Arguably the greatest by some but i have Ablett Snr & the King before him in that order. Happily paid my $$ on two occasions to watch Ablett play at the Cattery. The only time i've done so with Opp teams outside of GFs. The only downside was dodging all the thermoses, picnic blankets, director's chairs and avoiding the same question on a few occasions "aren't you at the wrong match?" (Demon scarf on).
  6. I wasn't implying you were implying that Chook! Presently looks like a stick figure out there. Might be lacking a little conditioning / hardening with all the time out. I reckon he'll be fine if all goes well over the pre-season. Onwards 2020!
  7. Player / Team Stats Form Guide To Rnd 19, 2019 vs Season 2018
  8. Been out for a good chunk Chook. We aren't exactly overflowing with alternatives! It's all about 2020 now anyways (hopefully i'm not repeating myself at this stage or earlier next year)
  9. Mostly No.5. post Swooper, mixed in with a little of No.2 about every five years (usualy coinciding with each subsequent stuff up).
  10. "The program was built around strength and agility and not running as players find in season with the volume of running they do it makes it hard to add and sustain weight and muscle." Melbourne football manager Josh Mahoney said. That part certainly worked Buck. Couldn't get within 3 meters of any opponent on Sat night. Maybe this block will focus on sprinting.
  11. "I'd never really met Simon before and I went in to Todd Viney's house (the venue of the meeting), probably thinking he'd be one of many (candidates the club spoke to)." ... Roos speaking after the meeting and subsequent anointment of Goody. Does this mean the club only presented / introduced / involved Roos with only one candidate after the search process?? Anyone?
  12. TA are you telling me other teams are doing this and it's working? I thought 'not marking or crumbing off packs etc" was an old fashioned methid that very few teams,, if any, utilised any more. Are you suggesting a manic attack on the footy by most and extra numbers at the aeriel contest aren't a better method? There's no need ro mark up forward or crumb ground balls surely. You were possibly having an off night and your mind was imagining and getting a bit muddled. I have only heard of such things in distant fairy tales from decades ago, the details of which are long forgotten.
  13. Smith is too slow to react to what's happening around him to impact consistently at AFL level IMO DS. Has had many chances at this level and yet to really stamp himself on the game for more than a quarter or two. Injury prone also. Classic coach teaser that never quite stays on the park for more than a quarter/game or two. Pruess didn't just ruck well he did ok when moved up forward also with a nice mark and goal and brought the ball to ground on a few occasions. Handy chop out for Big M when resting. I know you aren't a fan but like all big men and all rookies (12 AFL games...he's a babe in the woods for a big guy) he will take time and be in / out of the seniors to go back and reset / develop (slowly) & learn the nuances of the game before (IF) getting a recall. Yes I realise Freeman's Casey DS which is why I said IF available meaning IF he was on our list it might be worth a one match entre' upstairs. Hence the mention of another pre-season and more time at Casey before considering if he's worth picking up. Definitely showing some signs though. Munro ....simply saying he might make it a time AFL level (you might have missed the 'Somewhere' part in my rambling). Not for us as we have too many similar. We need outside run, speed, class and finish. Maybe the suns. As you say, maybe he won't make it for good reasons.
  14. Sure did ....missed that one for some reason DS. Did you happen to make that?
  15. Older brigade need some managing and give some who are terribly out of form and getting worse by the week a break to refresh and re-set. Also an ideal time to give a few of the younger brigade at Casey a brief taste of what is required against the best to be the best. Out: Jones Boy (playing super tired ...mentally? Managed), O-Mac, Baker, ANB, Lewis (managed), Gus (needs a break to refresh / refocus - Managed), Smith (would have gone for J-Wag but sadly no other replacement defenders at VFL level on our list that would improve things at this point. Freeman if available for a one off look maybe) In: Stretch, Hore, Dunkley, Lockhart, Melk, JKH, Pruess (a long way from being a regular at AFL level but his 2nd half ruck performance against Sandy earned him a place and can mark when on. Something we severely lack at AFL level. 57 Hit outs, 27 disposals, 216 DT points and the highest ranked player against the Zebras. Can clunk the odd mark inside 50 and kick a goal or two also. No worse / better than Smith but a better ruck relief option by a country mile) Footnote: Freeman looks likely with another pre-season and some more time at Casey. Munro is a super run with / impact player at VFL level who might make it yet to AFL somewhere. Tagged Stevens out of the game somewhat and got 30 himself.
  16. Player / Team Stats - Weighted Composite Score Rnd 19, 2019 - Saints vs Demons (Marvel) Statistically our 2nd worst team performance for the year, only bettered in Rnd 6 vs the Tiges where we put the cue in the rack early and pretty much played the game in our defensive half, giving up the forward half to the Tiges to flip the ball around and set up their multiple forays inside 50. Goody prevented a blow out by bottling up the back half so i guess we achieved something. I'm guessing he was looking to limit the damage then reset during the 10 day break. Here are the stats from Rnd 6 vs the Tiges...... And from our previous encounter against the the Saints in Round 5. A much better standard / output statistically but the same result. No doubt the Saints were traveling better at this point also...
  17. I cant believe we still don't get this part pretty much as a team with a few exceptions. We watch other (quality) teams tap or kick the ball out towards their perceived or 'seen' fellow players weekly so the tapee or fellow player can run on to it or kick / tap it further again (it's called gaining yardage Goody) yet, apart from Gawn and Jeffy (from memory), our blokes are hell bent on taking posession at every opportunity and getting immediately tackled for another bruising contested ball up / stoppage. And guess what, we then look to do same again if we feel any heat, which we do as we don't maintain outliers around the stoppage, too many going for the ground ball always which encourages the opp to bring an extra to the ball to either sweat on this inisde mess or sit him on the outside for the recieve once we tire and they begin to get on top on the inside as well as the outside. An almost fully fit available list might improve some connection skills, but certainly won't change aspects of the 'style/manner' in which we do or don't do the every day things needed to gain small advantages in a match. The way we structure up (or don't) and maintain it (or don't), including other basics like getting smaller / medium crumbers front and square, not having 3 to 4 defenders up in a marking contest, ensuring your two key tall forwards make clear separation on running patterns instead of getting in each other's way, and the above possessin obsession style etc etc lies with Goody and his methods. Won't win you many games of footy on the trot and very easy to counter and defeat as an opponent, but certainly a fabulous looking dog's breakfast.
  18. Apart from a one dimensional flawed game style (chaos bash crash - overwhelm the opponent with numbers at the ball) i would suggest you may wish to start believing that it is certainly one of THE main reasons Praha. It is complete shizen and all those stats you listed are forward line related.
  19. 6. Gawn 5. Tracc 4. Clarry 3. Harmes With the exception of these four, the remainder of the team either played a two sided game with two many flaws/turnovers or were completely shizen. Some were a mile off AFL level tonight. Unfortunately Oskar Baker was virtually unsighted with only three effective disposals, four turnovers and one miserly tackle.
  20. Easily the toughest question after tonight's loss ADC....do we cancel our recycling bins?
  21. Lewis i get for on field coaching and can play half a match or so with some impact and decent finish / decision making. The two wags give some sort of contest for a half. Smith & Omac should not be playing vs Pruess & anyone for Oscar who has height and a bit of speed off the mark & athleticism. Coaching panel is clueless at selection and maintaining cohesion / faith with those who are likely to be around next year vs those that wont (shouldn't!).
  22. Gus & Viney slooow liabilities at this level against a strong through the body, quick burst speed centre line like the Aints or Essendrug now. Anytime we meet them (or similar) we are toast. Big M can get all the hit outs we like. Useless if very few mids can get to the drop first other than Clarry and Harmes (when he plays through there). We don't have enough off the line speed and structurally don't set up or offer dangerous options / outliers for the receive and give inside 50. Our players in general are devoid of dispoal skills/confidence and belief. Constantly giving it straight back to the opposition under pressure. Jones, Lever and Frost fabulous examples this evening. Not enough players with composure, evasive skills or finish/class. ANBs torpedo (too high) handball to Fritschkreig at the end there a great example of ordinary skills (turnover). All other clubs that would have been a goal 29 out of 30 times. We have serious list and coaching issues and the skills / structure issues start and end with Goody. He has ruined this club's skills / structural disciplines & persists with his horrid chaos play on at all costs game style, which has sent us to the bottom. We have no possession / tempo game style to counter a run on and cool down the opponent when they are hot, which means we are unable to maintain a lead at any stage of any match. On top, outside of Tracc and Fritschkreig, our forward line is not AFL worthy or capable of kicking a winning score. How many times do we see too many at the marking / spoiling contest and no one down for the spill. Or doing same and ball spills out back for easy joe the goose? How many times do we need to see too many chasing the ground ball and leaving an extra outlier or two of the opp's on the outside for the easy receive then off to the races?? How many times do we need to see a few players go up in a marking contest and the ball spills to an opposition player who is just playing the basics (structure) front and square, grabs spilled ball kicking an easy goal or hitting targets inside 50. How often have you seen our blokes play front a square for the spill? I can't recall it too often this season. Easily the worst drilled/coached team in the AFL. I cant see us finishing anywhere but bottom 6 again next year as Goody just keeps giving us more of the same rubbish week in and out and, outside of his control to a degree, there are just too many non-AFL level plodders and spuds on the list. Hoping for better but preparing for plenty more misery under the present Goodwin game style, the pitiful skill levels, ill disiplined structures and the lack of a tempo/possession game.
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