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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Great to have you mate, you deserve it for the dedication from so far away! Hope you can get out here for a game one day soon.
  2. Forget wyl, Range Rover must be spewing he 'retired'.
  3. Sad but true. We have to make signing Frawley a priority, as soon as possible. Edit: Actually wasn't Jamar a FA last season? We re-signed him.
  4. Wouldn't mind Yarran, although he can be a bit soft. He'd be a good addition to the forward line seeing as we are screaming out for a crumbing forward. Got a source?
  5. Or they can all jump on Nathan Jones' back - he's had some experience at carrying 21 blokes at a time.
  6. What has killed us more was our drafting through the early 2000's - the players that should be around the 28 mark now. There are none of them, because we farrked up every pick, setting us well behind all the other clubs and it has really been telling the last 5 years or so. The lack of mature talent in that respect really shafted us.
  7. They want a ruck man that can play, don't think Spence really meets the criteria as much as he has a go.
  8. Jose = Machiavelli. Not sure he ever said Morton was our future though?
  9. Travis Colyer wanting out of the bombers, maybe one of the Dons players we are interested in?
  10. Apparently that's because he didn't want to be asked about the Carlton rumour - it's supposed to be a load of shite, started on twitter by someone. Ironically I got this info from one of the facebook pages so that could be totally off too.
  11. Look at Flowers legs and hips, hardly a similar build to Morton in that respect.
  12. And you haven't noticed a change in the last couple of years?
  13. BB, your perception of Col is completely based on his first 5 or 6 years. The last two seasons he has been out of the news, consistent on the field and one of our best in the middle/half forward. We are going to miss him unless we can replace him with another senior player and consistent contributor.
  14. This is a loss for us - just another senior player and a solid contributor that we have to replace. As we know this has not been easy recently.
  15. Contrary to rumours, I don't think Shuey is going anywhere. He said (a couple of years ago) that after all the Eagles did for him when his sister passed away he wouldn't want to go anywhere else. This is a case of rumour vs rumour but I did hear that the managers of Shuey and Selwood both came out after the links were made to the MFC and stated that this had come from nowhere and had no basis in fact.
  16. Some good stuff in there, but about Shuey: he didn't support Melbourne, he supported Hawthorn. I think you did get that off the Facebook page, which also stated that Shuey was good mates with Jack Viney because they went to Carey Grammar together but that's bs, Shuey went to Marcellin. There's also a big age gap between them so I doubt they're 'mates'
  17. Maybe nervousness isn't the right word but I'm sure there'd be a little bit of reluctance coming to a struggling club over a very good club, particularly for the top draftees who know they'll be drafted at some stage.
  18. That's good to hear. They might also be a bit nervous because we are rubbish
  19. Keep your doubts to yourself next time. Thanks for the input though!
  20. Good comments in there, wonder if we actually will pick up one of those big Americans from the Swans academy? Could be a possibility to add another project ruckman if Spencer goes.
  21. Thank you Benjamin, it's probably the cricketer in me. I have also watched him play and there wasn't a whole lot there to excite me.
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