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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Would Roos really be an effective mentor for him? Has Roos had experience with indigenous players from backgrounds such as Liam's and isolated communities?
  2. Hoping for Freo. For a second I was wishing I barracked for Freo and lived in Perth, that bus ride across the country would have been mighty fun, with a few too many sherberts along the way...
  3. For me, half forward flank is out of position for Howe. I'd like to see him deep where his marking will really hit the scoreboard. It might be difficult to play him down there with so many tall options though.
  4. Pick 3 is very ambitious. Lucas Cook at pick 12 ambitious.
  5. He won't go to Essendon. We can offer more cash and a far better coach. Why would he leave one basket case-coming-good for another basket case?
  6. I've given up the dreams of him becoming an elite player, it's not going to happen. The fact is we are very short on players of Sylvia's age group, more so on ones that can earn a game each week. His footy this season wasn't bad at all and although he won't become the gun we all wanted, he is a solid contributer and we have too few of these as it is. He is required going forward.
  7. No where. We need Sylvia to hang around.
  8. You're all soft, I prefer to follow the ancient gladiatorial battles of the Coliseum. My favourites are the Thracians.
  9. Sadly that's the case with most of our players. We'd be lucky to get anything for Blease and Tapscott would have no value at all.
  10. I reckon what Biffen was trying to say is that you don't get the same kind of physically competitive beasts (like Cale Morton, Jamie Bennell etc) in basketball as you get in footy as they thrive on serious contact.
  11. Didn't Adelaide have something similar a while ago, with a scholarship program? That's how they managed to get Tex Walker with pick 70 odd.
  12. You do have a good point however Chappy is a big step up from Byrnes, he is a champion. He would add a lot more than Byrnes and Pedo have but you are right, we do have to ensure we don't overload with close-to-done senior players.
  13. Because you'll never learn if you don't look to the past. Most players can learn a thing or two by having a look at how they went in 2013.
  14. I like hearing Garland speak more than any other player on the list cos he comes across as the most genuine. Love ya Col.
  15. What I've heard is along the same lines, that he'll be squeezed out this year. Hopefully we are there to scoop him up when he falls from the tree.
  16. Ah yeah, there is that problem I suppose haha
  17. Youtube my man, most of the episodes (in full) are on there in reasonable quality.
  18. We should be redrafting Juice before we think about picking up Tambling.
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