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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Any chance of us snatching Taylor Adams from the clutches of the Magpies at the last second with pick 9? That would be sweeter than pie.
  2. I suppose Bontempelli from Marcellin falls in the rung below, the 'poor' school of the AGS.
  3. I don't think GWS are that interested in Vince right now to be honest and I think his preferred destination is MFC anyway?
  4. If we manage to snare Vince as well as Michie and Tyson, I'd say we are a shoe in for Cross.
  5. Although we've been pretty good at picking the worst in recent history, times are a changing.
  6. Are you taking the pi$$ or do you actually believe we should trade pick 9 for Vince?
  7. I know highlights aren't much to go by but Tyson's reel is impressive. Good rig on the lad too, you'd think he was about 25.
  8. I like Tyson and am impressed that we got pick 9 back but giving up 20 and 74, especially considering Tyson's injury history, seems a bit excessive. I'll be happy with the deal when I see Tyson tearing it up on the park and a good selection at pick 9. Roosy knows what he is doing though.
  9. It's just pathetic how Robinson (effectively just an outside observer) ridicules the decisions of Roos (one of the best coaches in the last 10 years and someone directly exposed to the workings of the trade racket and the AFL in general).
  10. I think we can and second list lodgement is after trade week? Could wrong though.
  11. Looking forward to seeing The Counsellor, written (story) by the same guy who came up with No Country for Old Men. Looks like a great cast too: Fassbender, Brad Pitt, Javier Bardem, Cam Diaz and Penelope Cruz. Also directed by Ridley Scott. Another one that looks like it has potential is 12 Years a Slave.
  12. Pick 20 is probably just about the limit of what I'd be willing to pay for Vince. Although he is 28 he'll come straight into the side as our second best midfielder. On the other hand, if we go to the draft with 20 and pick up a kid, he may never play a game for us and the odds that he'll make an impact in the next two or three years are slight. Knowing that we'll have to pay overs for almost every player we are luring to the club, pick 20 is probably okay but I'd rather we work out a deal such as pick 20 and our fourth rounder for Vince and Lyons.
  13. I agree and if people think Myers is big, Josh Kennedy is 188cm and 100kg - that is enormous for a midfielder. Let's not forget Goodes at 194cm and 100kg though he is a once in a generation kind of player.
  14. Myers could be the huge midfielder that we've needed for a long time, to bullock his way through the clinches and force the ball out to other midfielders, like Watson, Kennedy, Mundy, Barlow etc. In saying that, it's only in his size so far that Myers compares to those names. I personally haven't seen him play all that much.
  15. Everyone stop bloody wringing your hands and being pathetic, Chip will be signing a contract extension. No doubt.
  16. They did what they needed to do. Imagine if they were without Judd the last seven years or however long, I think they'd still be in that hole. People tend to forget how bad they really were.
  17. A reasonable point but it was more like Judd was a crisp $100 note and Sylvia $2.75 in silver.
  18. If you read the server errors thread, it explains that Nasher is in the process of installing some sort of software required for the avatars.
  19. That's fantastic news (if true) with still a week to go. I have a feeling we are going to end up with a pretty good deal for pick 2 and we won't be taking it to the draft.
  20. Not sure we'd be able to get Greenwood with pick 72. Any news on him by the way?
  21. Yeah I think it's more about replacing players with slightly better ones, if we can't get vastly better players. That way we should at least be getting better and on a curve of improvement.
  22. Hang on, Richmond are a much better side than us, played finals and Nahas played quite a few games. Kent will be playing in the middle and Taggert hasn't played an AFL game - going by that, wouldn't Nahas be a better option?
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