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Winter Dan

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Everything posted by Winter Dan

  1. He elevated to mascot status in my mind - think we shd crowd fund and get him back!
  2. Damn! Just seems a great fit for our on field needs. Experiened winger with good foot skill who covers the ground. Has some tricks and is creative with ball use.
  3. Yeah, i heard that but i didnt buy it.
  4. Howes is a good prospect but looks like he needs a few pre-seasons before being ready.
  5. Has my support! Money ball. I wld certainly want him as a possible option coming into the season rather than not. Its not like there is a better available option. On 2022 form he won't get a game but definately wld on 2021 form. We may end up with too many key fwd options, but BB and Tmac have question marks over their bodies, so throw another option in there. Its probably 2 KF positions being fought over between JVR, TMac, BBB and Bruce. Then two rucks and Fritch. Makes sense if its a Tommo swap.
  6. I wonder if we thought we would use a Bedford type if the interchange bench moved to 5 rather than the sub. It would explain to me our comments about our expectations for him next year if he stayed.
  7. If it is slightly true, it might be a rational for us to have offered Bedford the 3 yr deal.
  8. We cld push the Freo low ball onto the Pies Grundy deal. Ie. ' we wont accept Freo deal and therefore look to sign Jackson up for another year or two, thereby forgoing the Grundy deal, unless Pies accept a late 2 rounder rather than 1st (incl cap support), to which we would accept the Freo deal.
  9. I blame the game plan not Jordan. I observe players across the team doing the same thing, so it must be coaches instructions. I thought that was the central problem in our loss to the swans in the finals.
  10. There appear to be a lot of trades dependant on other dominos. Freo's Jackson offer dependant on what they get for Lobb, Logue etc Melb Gundy offer dependant on Jackson deal getting done. Pies trades subject to Grundy.
  11. Doubles our kick out options. Tough ask for opp to nulify both Gawn and Grundy targets.
  12. Ok, watched from the Olympic Stand which is a great view. We fundamentally lost this game in the coaches box \ game style. Which is on us because apparently as BB said 'we can win in multiple ways' Two key points: 1.They played an extra at stoppage, we played a spare with the backs. 2. It was slippery. Had rained just before game and maybe bit of drizzle during. Despite being outnumbered at the contest and wet, we handballed around the contest rather than putting it on tge boot to one on ones in the fwd half. So we coughed it up and denied our forwards chances. This was why so many fwds had poor games. We looked fumbly bc of the wet and the pressure combined. Secondly, on transition we refused to kick long and quick to space and one on ones. Rather we held up play to congest our fwd half. So we wanted to bottle it up at the expense of scoring. These are the 2 game style points that cost us. Not withstanding some 50's and missed opps that just went against us. Now these elements are somewhat normal to our game plan, but it was the wrong play for the opp setup and conditions last night. We defended ourselves out of the game. Opp sides can have no fear if we never threaten to hurt them on the scoreboard. I dont think slippery conditions suit us, but comparatively it did the swans who are pressure based and who love the spilled contest and crumb with their agility and high skill.
  13. I agree. Scaryly it sounds just like Neale's game plan.
  14. Absolutley! Puts the competition in disrepute.
  15. Yeah! I thought it was supposed to be the backbone of our game plan, at least it was last year. Grind teams away and out run them in the 4th.
  16. Had similar experience. Upper deck, predominently dees supporters. I was really frustrated with how quite dees supporters were, like they were out bird watching. I like dee supporters aren't aholes but they give nothing to actively support tge team. Club knows it too - see Nazeem's video on 'how to cheer at the game'. The crowd along with Melb's insipid game plan made if feel like a non-final.
  17. JUST KICK THE F#!@ BALL , its too slippery to handball it around.
  18. Dees playing one spare back so swans have tge extra at stoppage. So i dont know why we don't stop with the handball (its bit slippery) and bang it fwd. To that poinr for some reason we are holding it back for more numbers to get back into our fwd 50 rather than go quick to one on one. Sound idiotic? Does to me.
  19. Amen to this! It needs to be said - thank you! Really irks me when other supporters at the game dont support, sit quietly, wtf. Supporters got to do their bit too.
  20. Very high intensity game in the 2nd qrt.
  21. Anyone seen any footage of why ANB was keeled over barfing ?
  22. Lions played us into form šŸ˜‰
  23. Zorko is such a [censored]. Wouldn't be suprised if he had 4 citations at the tribunal this wk.
  24. With the amount of pressure they brought, id say it motivated them quote alot. Utterly stupid thing to say.
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