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Everything posted by PaulRB

  1. I find it hard to argue with people who purposefully distort their use of data to their predetermined positions. If you're going to quote Goodwin's record as backing your position, at least have the honesty to use all of his record at Melbourne, which is (33–36–0) (W-L-D) from 2017-2019. And the only coach of our past 4 or more, to take us into finals... Lots went wrong last year, much has been done to address it, only some of it was Goodwins responsibility. So this year, we are 4 games into weird season having played 3 of the top 5 teams from last year, we sit 1-3... IN MY OPINION - it is not the time to pull down the house.
  2. lol based on what? we've lost to three of the top 5 from last year... burn the place down and rebuild (version 17 since 1964)
  3. Just Data, without the overlay of 50 years of misery, and a small "healthy" dose of optimism.
  4. This year we have played 4 games with 3 of them against last years top 5 (Geelong #1, Richmond #3 and Premier, Westcoast #5) we've lost all 3. 1 game against one of the other 12 teams (i.e. not in the top 5) in Carlton which we won. So too soon to panic, as I'd not have rated us top 5 coming into 2020, but would like to think we can squeeze into the top 8 once the season's complete. Beat Suns and Hawks, and we are 3:3 with only 2 of top 5 to play in the 11 remaining games, so its doable.
  5. We're the story this week... those stats that bundle this and last year are deceptive as we know last year we were damaged and under prepared, this year we are not, but it's still not working well for us. Our issue is continuity of playing together, especially across the midfield to forward connection (actually across the whole ground). As a result of this disconnect, our skills look poor because we're not yet able to anticipate and kick where the other player will lead/move to... It will come if we persist and work on it. To claim we suddenly have a team that can't kick, etc is bogus and shallow analysis a symptom of our actual issue (the disconnects). If one of the gurus in the media did their analysis and produced a comparison of games played together across the teams for us vs Tigers, Cats and Eagles I suspect they'd find we are significantly lower in games played together than those teams. But hey! its easier to say we cant kick (eyeroll emoji)... Expect us to come out on the weekend and pump the Suns
  6. It’s rare in my 50 yrs following the Demons that I’d come into a game vs the reigning premier and think we’re a chance to win... especially after finishing 17the the year before. So something must be brewing and hopefully the boys bring it today and repay the faith. Go Demons!
  7. Our exposed form is both limited and erratic this season. Play like we started vs Blues and the Cats are cactus... play like we did in the second half and we’re in big trouble. ive a good feeling about today and indeed this season. It’s time this team delivers on their promise and potential, and I believe they will. Go Demons!!
  8. If so, that would cruel Collingwood’s chances this year.
  9. Jeremy Howe looks like a dislocated knee cap... whats with the blonde look at Collingwood..?
  10. I’d be giving that role to Salem.
  11. I think Rivers being so effective and damaging on the rebound put the focus on Nev’s challenges in providing movement out of our defence (an issue for a while now). love him and hope he regains his touch and place in the side.
  12. I suspect Tomlinson will back up Max, with VDB moving onto the wing as required...
  13. Like the team, and that Goodwin and the Selectors are picking the team based on what they’re seeing at training, while improving and developing the whole squad in this weird year. Jackson, Jones, Jetta, ANB and Bennell as outs makes sense, as each player has some clear and current issues or limitations. With bringing in VDB, Hannan, Pickett, Lockhart and Hibbard, I thing we both covering and improving on the outs. So it’s a good set of changes.. Bring on the cats...
  14. It amazes me the strident certainty with which people post about the coach, team and player performance and role, after ONE GAME in 3 months... which we won. if “Old Dee” and “Picket fence” recon Harley out is a mistake, and have us getting beat by 5, I have to go VDB and Hannan to kick 5 between them and we’ll beat the [censored] in a canter in Sunday.
  15. I’d suggest with VDB and Hannan in plus Melky, Fritz and Pickett in our forward half the pressure went up on Harleys spot and his omission makes sense... it’s early days, Harley was tentative (justifiably) vs Carlton and we need more physical and defensive pressure, An aspect all of those mentioned above do currently bring to our forward half. with our ruck and ideally midfield dominance, that forward line should make it hard for the Cats to get it out in Sunday...
  16. Also, 4.2 million deaths annually from air pollution... which ironically dropped during lockdown for CoVID. weird world, and even weirder footy forum thread. ?
  17. Agree. Would prefer that we didn’t play Dons this week, than play them next week (even undermanned) if there’s a chance they could infect our team. Imagine the response if the AFL green light the Dons vs Blues or Pies clashes and those clubs get infections as a result... Would be a slow motion car crash of epic proportions. This season is more in the hands of the footy gods than any previous season, and Maxy’s approach of not complaining, staying flexible and moving on to the next challenge is all we can do... and pray the footy gods are smiling on us.
  18. That’s fair, an update from the club would be good, even to say they don’t yet know...
  19. It’s premature because the AFL don’t know what’s happening with the spread of CoVID at Essendon, and the consequences for the whole competition that will result from that. If the Dons can’t play for a fortnight (or longer) then their season is effectively over and all their games are forfeited, as to think the AFL will postpone finals so the Dons can play us, Carlton, Collingwood prior is a fantasy. In addition, if any Doubt of any Dons being contagious then their next two games will also go the way ours did, because to allow the Don to infect another team would kill the AFL in 2020. so in the big picture context of what the AFL are trying to deal with, the MFC are wisely acting maturely aware of the challenges and recognising that in two weeks we’re likely to have both the Blues and Pies in a similar situation to us, at which point we won’t even have to say anything... as they say in the hood “bbc”...
  20. It equates to grandstanding because it’s premature, I’ll-considered and about attention seeking over reasoned thought and discussion. Reality is the Dons are on verge of having their season killed, one way or another. And while I have a wry smile about this outcome, I’ve no desire for the MFC to be seen to be publicly dancing on their graves, as in the context of life/death CoVID... it’s an ugly look.
  21. I don’t agree that not grandstanding equates with taking the scraps. AFL is trying to act responsibly re-CoVID in the public’s health interests and run a big business footy competition during a pandemic... should one club (Dons) be penalised for having to assist the AFL do its public health duty..? Is debatable. should the MFC be publicly seeking free wins from the Dons ill fortune? It me such a stance smacks of weakness and doubts that we can be successful without such handouts... How about we accept we all have to be flexible during CoVID and focus on beating Geelong this week and the Dons whenever the game is rescheduled to be played? There’s a flag to be won this year, and winning it with some handout due to the Dons misfortune would diminish it. Winning it despite the challenges we’ve been dealt, would make it truely glorious...
  22. Assuming the worst, that he has it, and has infected his team mates, Dons are in quarantine for at least 14 days... so our game and their next two are in doubt, with no realistic way to make them up before finals. only way I can see of making it work is to declare all these games cancelled and a “draw” in terms of points to the various clubs now involved. Frustrating for us, in terms of us trying to build momentum and form in this weird season. Twice now in three games have we been torpedoed by CoVID.
  23. Love it. Bound to fire Lever up... Bring on the Dons!
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