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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. You are wrong with all of your spurious assumptions, as usual. Not to mention clearly obsessed with the term MFCSS. I don't even think you understand it's real meaning.
  2. Then you need to improve on your envelope licking, as you missed mine and numerous others
  3. There was no proxy form sent. The rest of your post is playing the man.
  4. Are you Deeluded 3.0? Just askin'
  5. Looking forward to getting a glimpse of these two in red and blue during preseason practice games. That will give an indication as to their readiness for R1
  6. Not sure we'd want to see BBO 'in the flesh', though his rates would be very cheap
  7. The depth of work in AVB's rehab is amazing. Even to the extent of individual toe workouts with the resistance bands. Fingers crossed he can play plenty of games this season
  8. ... or promise me an assistant coaching role or set me up with a good job outside of football, which won't come from the salary cap.
  9. Does anyone seriously think the AFL will hold the Swans to all of Buddy's contract if he retires early? Of course they say they will, but as we know, Gil is a fluid fella when it comes to rules.
  10. That was my point DS. The Pies poach a star on big coin back ended, but when it turns sour they aim to ditch the player so as to use the coin elsewhere. I would prefer the AFL not agree to this as it clearly favours larger clubs
  11. Talk that Collingwood are working out a settlement to rid them of Beams and clear up cap space for this year and next. Apparently this could free up $1.5m
  12. The straw that broke Pike's back was when he punched Balme's PA when she said he wasn't available to speak
  13. Bloody Nora! Hope you get well soon Toady. Keep us in the loop (or in BBO's case, loopy)
  14. Could be, though Mahoney said: "Unfortunately, Steven had some fluid build-up within the existing wound last week which was causing him some discomfort," But I'm no medico, so could also be jock itch if I was in charge!
  15. Infection of the wound? At least he did the pre Christmas sessions, which should give him a good base.
  16. What an optimistic ball of joy you are WYL!
  17. At least he usually puts one in his mouth...
  18. Geez Louise... there's a lot more to worry about than the title of a promo video
  19. AFL website said he left the track early with a "right foot complaint"
  20. Probably the most sensible post in this thread
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