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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. BT just did his load. Commentary is terrible
  2. I sort of like the canned crowd noise. Better than silence after a goal
  3. Wrong again. Everyone can have an opinion, but the facts remain. Becoming contagious happens before symptoms appear. This guy showed symptoms 24 hrs after the march. I support the cause more than you know, but I don't have to virtue signal by attending a rally or by claiming others who do not are not supporting blm. That's tokenism and it's hollow, but it's also my opinion. I've had enough, so I'll leave you to get the last word, as you like to.
  4. Go away and disappear please. You spread lies as well.
  5. You seem very selective in quoting the wisdom of the VCMO. He said the man was likely contagious at the rally. That's as concrete as it gets without a test at the time of the rally. Whether he got it from the rally is not the point - he was likely contagious at the rally. And it's a fact that a mask does not fully protects others. Is the risk worth taking? You should iso for 2 weeks. No one here is hoping people get sick. That is more lies you have made, straight from the Donald Trump playbook of untruths. Meanwhile, 16 USA states have just recorded new spikes in COVID cases only a week or so since the BLM rallies. I support the cause, but it's the wrong time to rally here. Must be difficult for you to admit to being wrong.
  6. The VCMO said the 30 year old was contagious at the the time of the rally. The correct mask can help minimise COVID by about 40% only. There is no info on what type of mask he wore. He could have spread COVID to zero people, he could also have spread it to dozens of people who would now be exponentially spreading to many more people. Which scenario carries more risk? And so far he's the first attendee from the rally to have tested pos. There could well be more. Its a no brainer: everyone who attended the rally should self isolate for 2 weeks. Only a blind fool would argue otherwise.
  7. Yes thanks, worked all day on my new fence. Great to breath fresh air
  8. SWYL will definitely notice and we'll hear about it every 2nd post
  9. So what is your logic WYL, except for outrage? Umpires are all trained the same, there's still only 3 on the ground, there are no changes to the rules (as far as I know), and it keeps them all 'match fit'. What's the problem?
  10. So by that logic we should have only one umpire doing all games?????
  11. How is adding an umpire going to change the rules? #perennialoutraged
  12. Bit harsh, Ron. I've heard everyone on our list likes him ?
  13. BBO and I travelled to Canberra a few years ago to watch us play them. In front of us was a group of medicos and academics decked out in new GWS colours. They chatted all game about anything but the footy, despite winning comfortably. Half way though the last I made the comment out loud that I was looking forward to hearing them sing every word of the GWS song after the siren! Of course, they had no idea.
  14. The science behind the set shot https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-09/afl-goalkicking-could-be-a-case-of-mind-over-matter-study-finds/12332552
  15. Agree. However, it was effectively a dead rubber. Played after the season was postponed indefinitely. Players from both sides running at half rat pace, opponents chatting and laughing during the game, players not sure how or if the borders would be open to get home. Lots of people thought the season was over. Whilst the result was disappointing, only the brave or MFCSS sufferers would draw too many conclusions from this game. Our inside 50 entry and connection with the forwards is what kills us most weeks. Fix that and we are much more likely to win. Get wins, gain momentum.
  16. And yet if not for our R1 defence, WCE would've won by 10+ goals. Darling and Kennedy well held. Should our connection going inside 50 improve by 25% I think we'd win an additional 5-6 games per season. To me, that's our glaring weakness.
  17. Which begs the question: what might the other 16 be?
  18. Didn't he kick 0.5 or 0.6 last time he played against us? Sleepy Joe can stay at Essendon and eat up a big chunk of their cap, for all I care
  19. A certain track watcher will be spewing he cannot run out with him
  20. Set shot: Tmac. No one else comes close atm
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