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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. 3 go up for mark, no one down to mind their small forward. The more things change...
  2. It's ok, we'll be kicking with the wind next quarter...
  3. Beginning to think this season might've been better cancelled completely. Hard to get excited over this rubbish
  4. Apologies if this has been covered, but can the players hear the canned crowd noise on the ground? TIA
  5. Beautiful footballer and man. Taken way too soon.
  6. Has to isolate for 2 weeks with a certain track watcher.
  7. FMD! Resorting to bribery now, Ed!
  8. Agreed. There's more to the ABC than news. Besides, I would consider it far worse for the fed govt, particulary a conservative govt, to interfere by withdrawing funding or censor what is aired.
  9. Thank god for the ignore function!
  10. So no, you don't support the cause. Sad really.
  11. Anyone going to the refugee rally planned for this weekend? Or don't you support the cause?
  12. 100% correct WYL. From The Age today: "The Australian Medical Association has reiterated its advice for people who attended Black Lives Matter protests last weekend to self-isolate for two weeks. In the wake of a protester in his 30s testing positive for COVID-19 after attending a Melbourne rally last Saturday, federal president Dr Tony Bartone said "in the spirit of the abundance of caution" all protesters should be self-isolating."
  13. It annoys me that airlines are emailing me claiming "we're all in this together", but when my suitcase was 2kg over last year I was all on my own
  14. I'd give it a go if we covered our faces with our avatars. Well, in BBO's case there's no need, I suppose...
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