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Everything posted by Moonshadow

  1. We need to put on loads of pressure 1 on 1 to be any chance. And lower the eyes going i50. Let them get the ball outside easily and we are done for the the year. Blind Freddie can see this
  2. I love a good secret, innuendo and/or conspiracy theory! This is better than reading the batchit crazy claims from the US RNC nominations!
  3. There was a good Saints 'inside' clip around this time with Richo and his team mulling over pick 1 and deciding Paddy was the best selection
  4. Please, please, please don't play Jones on the outside!
  5. We bemoan Goody for not making changes, then are gobsmacked when he brings in 6. We are a fickle bunch!
  6. I have it on good authority that Tmac and Harmes have been put on JobKeeper
  7. Don't know about the greatest need, but we certainly don't need any more references to 1964, RDB, Norm Smith, blah, blah, blah. Nor that we "wrote the rules". These are about 0.5 on the percentage scale of relevance for future success.
  8. And he could live on a Big Love styled compound!
  9. When up field, Jesse's ability to pick the right option and deliver neatly was very impressive. And as much as his set shot action was disjointed, he was pretty reliable in front of goals, which is something that cannot be said for many of our forwards now. If I see Weid or Fritter miss another straight forward set shot from 35m I will blast a hole on my tv screen! Having said that, the only way I would want Jesse back is if he has a baby with a long term partner and becomes a Mormon.
  10. Showing the value of the pick 6 deal we did for him. Reads the play as good as WCE McGovern. Don't think he'll get the nod over Andrews, though.
  11. Ah, to be young enough to have only ever known that!
  12. Be that as it may, neither Harmes nor the MFC are benefiting ATM I'm ok with giving him time, one poor season does not make him a liability by any stretch. But I definitely do not think we are making the most of his strengths, and imo he can't be happy with his form or where he is playing.
  13. Wouldn't be surprised if he asked for a trade. We are not making the most out of his ability.
  14. Inaccurate in front of goal, and accept it. Let Dogs get outside run and spread too easily Hibbo was a poor choice for Wallis Bont should've been tagged from Q1. Harmes was otherwise useless, he was the obvious one to do it Too many passengers: Kozzie, spargo, Hannan, Lockard and tmac If not for May and Lever the margin would've been 10 goals Weid tried hard but drifted in and out too easily
  15. We are our own worst enemies. Can we please have a goal kicking coach that actually does something? MIA: spargo, Kozzie, Hannan, Lockard, harmes
  16. That's true. But correct me if I'm wrong, didn't the state govt offer MFC the Olympic Park facility and the Gutnik board knocked it back? Or was it another board? I'm not sure of the detail, and of course there was probably much more to it than that. However Olympic Park would've been a pretty handy training base over the last 10 years and into the future.
  17. We also got pick 23(?) In the deal, which I believe is Sparrow. Thank you Jesse.
  18. I fear his best years are behind him. Will remain an unfulfilled talent. Happy for the trade where we got pick 6 and 23. Good luck to him in the future, but not in the red and blue.
  19. Goes to show that Pert and co have actually been working hard behind the scenes to improve our finances, assets and home base. The quiet achievers. Love it.
  20. I think Nev has complimented the good work Matty Whelan has also done at the club since he rerired
  21. Crikey, we gave up 2 picks better than 18 & 19 for Lever! And pick 6 which we gave for May is worth nearly the points equivalent of 18 & 19. There were other picks involved of course. I take your point, but I think Papley has shown this year that he's a very, very handy small forward, despite the staging. Can win games off his own boot IMO his going price will be about 1800-2000 points, which is about pick 5 or picks 18 & 19. But who the hell knows It's all moot, we won't get him as we don't have those pick/s. Plus Kozzie will be a beauty, and Spargo is starting to prove many wrong Williams as a FA is what I want to see us play hard for. Who is on your wish list, dc?
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