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Everything posted by deeko

  1. G'day Mr Tilbrook There is a massive Tigs following up here following a lot of work they did in the 80's and 90's. They still have the strongest supporter base here but it would be great if our boys spent some time here. I think the NT is pretty cool but and hopefully it's positive. Red Cliffs are strong and have a great community following behind them. Very proud club however I'm not sure on there last coupla years recruiting which saw them have Andrew Lovett and then Nick Stevens playing there.? Still, they have a lot of amazing people around the club and it's always a great game playing there
  2. Millewa football is a very low standard. There is only one male and one female team per club (so no reserve or juniors). The comp is full of has beens and never will be's. The main league here in Mildura (SFNL) is decent standard and it's reserves would easily beat all Millewa teams. The Millewa comp is a waste of space and solely alive due to its good work getting womens teams up and running. Col's sister is with Toby (coach there) which is the reason he will play there. Meringur is a small club as well so I doubt Col would be getting much to play but apparently he is very close with his family which is great to hear. I saw Col recently, looks strong but not fit. I think his shoulder still gives him grief so can't imagine he will play much. Col's old club Merbein (who he played some games last year) is in the main league and will massively struggle again this year across all grades. It's a shame he doesn't go back there and support his old club imo as it would really lift them. I heard on the grapevine that the Russian will be lining up for Ouyen in the SFNL this year as well. Ouyens team is supported by the whole community and very wealthy. They were flying a few boys in weekly from Katherine last year! A few ruckmen are already nervous about going up against him!!
  3. I always wonder the point of these camps as I struggle to see the positives in starving the players, depriving them of sleep then completing rigorous training that has a high likelihood of injury doing ridiculous training regimes that [censored] the players. How can any of this be positive? It’s not improving skills, aerobic capacity, setting up game plans etc. If you’re going to give them a flogging, make it an hour longer skills session, do some extra sprints or a longer run etc. Something that will be beneficial. I recently did Kokoda mentoring a group of kids who have there challenges. From the exhaustion and minimal food I dropped some serious kgs and struggled for a couple months after. It did nothing for bonding either as we were stuffed and cranky every night. Not sure it helps that much. I think only the first year hawks do it now
  4. I agree thinking they will really struggle. Although Mitchell and Priddis looked slow, they still won plenty of the pill. If Gaff goes with those two pulling the pin, there midfield looks very ordinary: Masten, Shuey, Sheed and Redden with Yeo going through there occasionally. I can't imagine them letting Gaff go for cheap and surely they would be doing what they can to retain him
  5. Shut the front door! How much is a flight to Manila?
  6. That's the tale of a classic outside player. When the team stinks then they always look the worst. He can kick the pill and has good skills and we need this more than anything imo. We have enough bulls to win it but need some polish. Gaff, Lewis Taylor, Shaun Grigg, the Hill brothers, they're all the type of players I personally struggle to like running so wide to win the pill but they're all important. Right now Stretch and ANB are our two and Stretch seems to have gone backwards and ANB has improved but still isn't s great kick. Getting him in is a definite yes from me
  7. Jordan was fantastic against Hawthorn. Played a big last quarter, had 30 odd touches and kicked a couple including a tight last quarter goal keeping us in it. Didn't think he could do much more. Pretty sure both games vs the Roos he was in our best also. He cost us big time missing the Freo game with suspension. I have no doubt he would have been worth at least a goal. I don't think his role this year was to be the number one midfielder preferring to leave this to the Olivers/Jones/Viney/Tyson. He rarely went in there that I can recall. I think he's been a fantastic recruit and would still have him in the team ahead of half a dozen. I'm looking forward to the day our "depth" rises above him and pushes him out the door but until then I'm comfortable with him being in
  8. This kids a freak from the few games I saw of him as a kid. He's one of the best junior talents I've seen and have no doubt he will cause some damage against us this week. Whoever plays on him but will do some damage the other way as I don't recall him liking defensive running that much. Im backing him to kick 2 or 3 but his man (say Hunt) should be able to setup a couple the other way.
  9. I think you are dreaming a little bit as Lever is definitely a lot better player than Frost. Still, Frost did show a bit early this year. Would be wonderful if we could keep our first rounder somehow and maybe Frost out could assist here
  10. In fairness, other than Viney there isn't much else in there that's best 22 anymore. We sneak through this weekend we should be absolutely primed for the finals. Pretty good time to get the band back together
  11. Jones was wonderful again coming into some great form towards the exciting time of the year. Pedo great with a happy looking Jesse made me all warm and fuzzy. Brisbane are definitely the best wooden spooners in a long time. They have won a few of late and pushed the dogs and tigs. They'll be alright if they can keep there talls another couple years while not losing much from the midfield. Not sure what the coaches see in Wagner but I don't. I'd like Salem back for him. I know Hannan kicked a clutch goal last game also but I still think Watts might pinch his spot now that Jesse and Pedo will take the top 2 defenders. Whats happened to stretch? Looks like a lost child out there at the moment. I'd say he'll be the one in strife when Viney is back
  12. 6. Pedo. Just give him the captaincy of the All Australian team already. Throw in an afl life membership and get the mould ready for the bronze statue prepped. Love him at the moment. 5. Jesse. 4. Hibberd 3. Jones 2. Gus- very happy with him on the flank. 1. Milkshake - just ticking away nicely
  13. Huge lover of the Pedobear and what he brings (when he's switched on). Sticky dukes, big tackles and bumps and is a lovely field kick. I remember reading a post or two about the above and always wondered if there was any truth in it. I could never imagine him hanging out on Hollywood Blvd with the 'in' crew at all and he strikes me as the quiet type. Not sure why people would dislike him, he's a bit of a battler, coming through the ranks the tough way and had to work at Bunnings part time to support his young family is pretty impressive. I have a massive soft spot for him and I would have throught all that isn't something that people could surely dislike?
  14. I'm ok with the swans in the top 4 delaying us a Sept meeting for at least another week shall we make it. After tonight's game I honestly think only one of these two or the Giants can win this year. Id love to see the cats fall from grace and miss the top 4. Would be gorgeous however it means supporting the filth tomorrow which hurts.
  15. Can't imagine it being so after we were the ones who gave him his chance when no one else wanted to. Also, every time he's been fit he's really played. Surely you can't be for real??
  16. Wow, even Missons report yesterday said 2-3 I think for Jesse. Very interesting selection. If he's playing with a bit of pain but minimal chance of re-injury I don't mind it as he will need run in his legs for finals but I'm still not sure the point of risking him. Put a line through Ben Ken, he won't be part of our finals team or on the list next year. The football department seems to have moved on. Might just be Hogan in for Viney. We played very small last week and might change back. Its amazing to think not too long ago people were calling for Pedos head and now he's possibly a key player for us leading into finals!! How the times can change
  17. I find myself always wanting him to go well. He has always been a whipping boy (maybe deservedly so) and a bit of an underachiever. Copped it massively over the years from bombers supporters and ours and we were laughed at giving up a second rounder. After all that it's nice to see a bit of an underdog get there time in the sun. Keep it up Jake
  18. I think the Tigs will win the next two and stay top 4. This would see Sydney fifth. If we sneak in and don't play the swans we could easily knock over say a port at the G and then potentially have the tigs the week after. We would all be confident of winning that getting a very you group to the prelim. I'm definitely worried about GWS, Sydney and the Crows. When these boys are on I think we will come up short but if the cards fall the right way we still could still do some serious damage and really build a solid platform. Still.... I'm not gonna expect anything less than the flag as I'm a greedy bastard
  19. 6. Harmes. Kicked the goals when needed to and got us that large lead with some great work. Also set one up in the last when it was looking tight. Wonderful game from him. 5. Pedo. Crashed through some packs and kept getting good possessions. Is a very nice field kick and slotted a couple clutch goals. Also love his tacking. Nearly 30 touches is an amazing effort. 4. Jones. He was back today in a big way. Aggressive around the ball and his field kicking was very nice. I'm still shocked when people here at times right him off. Sept action will suit him big time 3. Lewis. Took a couple really solid marks and was a big presence out there today I felt. His kicking was neat and he was hard over the ball. Is worth every cent imo. 2. Brayshaw. I was happy he was back but nearly got emotional when he got the head contact early thinking this is it. Then wow!! Forgot how good the kid is as a footballer and I love him on the hbf. I have a lot more faith in his kicking in space than when Bernie has the ball. He was fantastic today and could be a huge addition say we jag some September action. 1. ANB. Sorry Clarry, sick of giving you votes and I have set the bar very high now. ANB has superb gut running and he created so many options and assistance from this. He missed a couple cheeky 20m into the forward 50 that could have seen him pole higher and in time I think he'll nail these. Is becoming a very important player imo
  20. I'm a big rap for him on the HBF. Was a really good user today and plays quite tall in taking a couple strong grabs. Happy to keep him there and maybe get Bernie back up the ground a bit to win a bit more pill.
  21. I've spoke to soon, second quarter has been pretty ordinary
  22. I can't get over the kicking field skills tonight. First class compared to what we dish up Both teams seem miles ahead of where our boys are at kicking the pill on the run.
  23. Not sure why Adelaide would be interest in either Watts or the Weid noting they already have Walker, JJ, Lynch and McGovern (maybe short term) loitering around in there forward line and Otten who swings around there. There backline would need more support which increases the value on Oscar/Frost but I still think there priorities would be for high quality mids. I still think a local like an ANB might be used along with a first round pick in exchange for Lever and some pick in change. You have to spend big to get the talent and personally I think the kids going to be a star. Would be massive for us to get this done
  24. Injured again? Poor kid Even though he's not with us, I'm still very interested to see how Freeman goes. Would love him to get a clean go at it and show a bit as he's had a shocking run so far and I wouldn't wish injuries on anyone All the best in the recovery. Also well done to Salem. Fast becoming a favourite of mine being a smooth mover but what impressed me most is his ability to win the hard pill and his crunching tackles. He reminds me of Burgoyne not just in his skill but the fact he just quietly goes about his business whil everyone focused on the Hodge, Mitchell, Rough etc (like how people more notive our Viney, Trac, Clarrie)
  25. Tip a few jars in and post away my friend! I think it's when lots of us do our best work
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