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Everything posted by deeko

  1. Rivers obviously rebelled against the previous coach which put him on the outer as Neeld had the 'my way or highway' approach. I don't think any players would be on the 'Roos outer' as he is a great manager of people. He doesn't created the 'us and them' culture which Neeld did and his is clearly one of the big reasons Roos has the ability to get the best out of players. I understand your thoughts here dee-luded but I think under a great leader like Roos we would still have Rivers on our list. Sylvia as well. Roos met with Sylvia and continually said he is a required player. If he wasn't I doubt he would bullcrap on like he did.
  2. I'm confused...... I think James is well behind about 5 players wanting a small defender role. Yet to see him to produce anything of excitement or for me to think he belongs on an AFL list. At the end of 2014 I strongly doubt he will be.
  3. All good points Robbie but I just shutter when the pill ends up in big Spencer's hands I think at least Jamar is more comfortable knowing his limitations when Spence might get a bit excited sometimes. I just think a lot of people have written Jamar off here already for the upcoming season. He definitely won't be the man in 5 years (my $$$ is on Maximus) but I still believe he can become a force again if he wants to. People were critical of his one dimensional tap work but for a while with Beamer it was working. I don't necessarily blame him here but wonder what the hell the midfield coach was doing only having a Plan A (Jamar to Moloney) and no Plan B. Spence reminds me of a country footballer reserves full back. Not blessed with skill, footy smarts or any swag but is loved by his team mates for running in straight lines, cleaning opposition players up and being just a brute of a man. On fitness I agree at the moment that Spence will be the man for a while and I wish him the best.
  4. Hahahah throwing in some heliocentrism while discussing Rivers, god I love some of the comments by posters on this site! Thats gold **shakes head in disbelief*** Dunn??? Stop it! The one quality he has is that he can kick the pill 60m long and 35m in the air to nobody. He plays on nobody's. He can't take a mark when the pill is anywhere other than on his chest, he isn't mobile, can't defend a tall and is not agile enough for a small. I don't actually know what he is meant to be. But back on to Sylvia, I was always supporting him here and sticking up for him (probably another one of those 'this will be his year' posters). I honestly thought he had more of a crack last year but lacks the ball winning ability of a quality mid. He is a true HFF and should never have been played anywhere else. I think it was the best option for both parties to part ways here and now I really couldn't care less about him. Don't wish him success or failure, completely apathetic about him going as he's know longer a Dee
  5. Did anybody have a good look at the BP/HBF's? Just curious on peoples thoughts on who looked best out of Nev, Dunny, Strauss,Clis and Terls. Cheers
  6. Agreed. I simply can't have him at all. I would have Jamar over Spencer everyday of the week as at least he can make a contest for a grab around the ground. Not saying he will take it but he does present and makes defenders/other ruckman worry. As for Spencer, he doesn't have the skills to take an uncontested grab let alone a big pack mark. Jamar also has the potential to be a really good player again (as he has proved before he can be) and I have faith, under Roos, he will get back to at least a decent level of work where Spencer simply has no potential and no ability. People get excited by the occasional chase he does, some token pressure or a bit of push and shove with some opposition dust buster.
  7. I don't think we do have more injuries at all. It's a case of the grass always being greener. Unfortunately for us last year it seemed we had more as we were so desperate to get Clark, Dawes & Viney on the park as we sucked so much. Yze was a great player but if Grimes played as outside as Yze did he would have hardly missed a game as well.
  8. If I knew how to Machsy I'd bookmark it. A couple sharpies on him playing 11+ games if un-injured. Nothing wrong with how you are presenting your opinion of JR but I just don't agree (also don't agree with our little chat last week about where people at the club rated his leadership but thats cool). He is better than a lot here realise, but once again, thats only my opinion against others and I can't be bothered arguing my reasoning. The only thing I will argue is when someone rates Dunn or Pedo as being better footballers. I can't have that
  9. Ha! True but also Bucks should be worried as from seeing Dusty out and about a few times he's just as dodgey
  10. On the first point, I have confidence he will get there and maybe start adding some treats to his highlights realm once he gets all his confidence back. As for now, if he is doing what he did against the Tiges each week for this season then I will be stoked!! As for your second point about adding value, spot on. Great recruiting of players.
  11. There wasn't any "wow" moments that players like Danger, Ablett, Hodge do etc but I don't think thats his game. It was just a good, solid game. I find it odd that you seem to be saying it was just an average game. If he continues to produce 29 touches, a few clearances and a goal each game this year we will be a hell of lot more competitive then previous years. I was very happy with his game and I think he will get cleaner with his skills as the year goes on.
  12. Good points ManDee. I think the salary cap should just be the same for all clubs but continue the COLA if it's that pricey there. Just make it the $x amount of funds available from COLA is simply divided by the amount of players on the list and then paid in even amounts. That way they all an extra say $20k p.a. to cover the so called higher costs. The club shouldn't even get the option to use it on players contracts or to entice other players.
  13. I'm thinking for most improved of someone who was useless last year and has the wider scope for improvement. Players like Bail, Jamar, Tappy, Blease, Strauss, Nicho, Pedo. In this case my money is on Tappy. God knows why, I continually rant on about players being ordinary such as Blease, Dunn, Strauss & Nicho but for some reason I just have a soft spot for Tappy and backing him in for a really good year. edit: I also say Tappy as he couldn't be any worse than he was last season, so it should be a pretty safe guess for 'most improved'
  14. I hope you're spot on Al, would love nothing more
  15. These sort of comments scare me as it wasn't to long ago when our 'fab four' were Scully, Morton, Gysberts and Trengove.
  16. I do agree with all of this but in fairness, it just shows how much we miss watching it, miss debating it and miss over-analysing the crap out of it.
  17. Really liked his running and love his ability to hit targets. Very happy with the acquisition. But I have to ask..... who is going to be the one to start the Vince vs Crouch argument?
  18. I think we are all in the same boat. Hope for the best and plan for the worst.
  19. I can understand that as he definitely puts more pressure on then Jamar but I just back the Rush as I think the quality of his hit outs are of a higher quality. I think we all just hope that Gawn comes on quickly and passes them both. I'm excited to see how he (Rush) goes under Roos. He was clearly in the offside group with Neeld (best mates with Moloney and dropped from the leadership group) and I wonder if that impacted the way he played/wanted to play. I have faith he will return to some good form this year.
  20. Not sure where people are pulling there stats from but the match centre stats on the AFL's web page has Spencer with 17. Hampson & Steff had 14 each and Griffiths 12. Melb had King and Pedro with a handful each. Agree but Spencer doesn't give anything other than the occasional chase and tackle. For someone as big and strong as he is I would love him to crash a few more packs and take the occasional contested grab which I am yet to see.
  21. Barry will get time, but it should and will be at Casey. Strauss over Jordie??? They get the same amount of the pill yet Jordie shuts someone else down at the same time. Also, from what I have seen there skills under pressure are similar.
  22. I'm not so certain he will be one of the first picked each week but he will definitely be in the squad until someone demands a call up for his place. I love him and the way he goes about it but with a lot more around him he may find it harder for a spot this season. A wonderful position for us to be in. He doesn't need to, he will be a full time midfield stopper, nothing more, nothing less. Although Jordie doesn't bring much he brings more than Barry who from what I saw added little to no value. Not saying one day he won't be a solid senior player, but at the moment he clearly isn't worthy of a spot and there is no way going forward players will be picked on 'potential.'
  23. I struggle why people continually want to back Spencer in, wow he was bad. He may show some great efforts chasing and tackling but his ruck work and general skills are disgusting. Get Gawn or Jamar back asap! I struggle with Strauss as well, thought he could do at least a Maric in the nab cup showing a bit to get us excited only to go missing in the season but he was awful as well. He is reliant on one thing in his game (this so called majestic leg of his) but that is average at best as well. He is now behind not only Terlich, Grimes & Garland for the small defender role but behind Georgiou as well. Evans and Barry I don't think will be anything more than depth this year. Both were underwhelming. Bail on the other hand looked back to his nippy best which is good. Out: Spencer for Gawn/Jamar, Strauss, Evans and Barry for the others Blease had some great leads early and I watched him pushing to space a few times for an option. Haven't seen that before from him but I really liked his efforts.
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