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Everything posted by deeko

  1. Are the saints copping a raw deal from the umps tonight? Or is my hatred of the filth clouding my judgement
  2. The replay of the duck kicking a check side goal against the bombers 20 years ago was the highlight for me
  3. Hmm... Not sure about that, seen him take quite a few massive grabs in his time.
  4. His second efforts are amazing. I have a feeling that most who don't rate him or put him down are demons supporters who focus on his shortfalls.
  5. And I thought Bennell played some rough games for us. Really struggling tonight
  6. At least you can have a laugh at your own expense HH! Good job Cracking game by Thomas. I like when someone who is somewhat limited in skills makes himself into a really decent player through nothing more than determination and hard work. I'm a big fan
  7. Bit early isn't it? I'm a big fan however and think he is an incredible talent. Just read in the Hun that we are heavily into Aish as well. Could be another big off season
  8. I'm shocked he didn't get a look in early as I think I read somewhere him quoting it's the best pre season he's completed and he is the fittest he has been. What a cracking position to be in. Keeps the first 22 very honest
  9. Dawes and Vince are definite in's. Hogan and maybe Frost may go past Dawes this year or later but at present Dawes is still our main key forward and last year's leading goal kicker. He may however have to suck it up and become the second ruckman if Frost gets the tap on the shoulder which would be awfully unlucky. Can't see this happening but. In: Vince, Dawes Out: Toumpas and the most injured player Even if our forward line contains Frost, Hoges, Dawes and Watts I'm not concerned about being to tall/slow. Watts we know can move his backside and Dawes & Hoges provide good chase and pressure and we all got a crush on Frosty for some of his tackling. If our forward line had talks like Gawn and Fitzy roaming I'd be worried as they offer little once the pill hits the deck
  10. A mate of mine at the dees match said Clark was there and very vocal for the dees. Apparently jumped off his chair when Jonesy slotted through that goal. I doubted it but have no reason no to believe him
  11. Ah..... Not sure where you are going with this...
  12. Interesting the ratings on Jones. He's under rated according to the polls from the general public. Nice little compliment
  13. If he can't get his kicking or any explosiveness back than he won't get a look in let alone try and reinvent himself. I love Trenners as a player and have complete faith he will get back and become a best 22 player next year. Others before him have gotten through this and with the kid as professional as he is and diligent with his recovery I am sure he will get through fine. Note - I don't know Jack personally, I am simply assuming he is the professional and diligent type.
  14. Cup half empty is we never see what could of been as his foot will never heal. Cup half full is that two former number 2 draft picks explode out of the blocks next year showing everyone why the were rated so highly. #petjacka
  15. Just finished watching the replay as well and was very impressed with the Toump. To turn a negative around, I don't mind him getting pinned when taking people on. I hope he builds the confidence up to try this all the time as over time when his body develops it will become easier. On the 'next star' thread I queried the hype on Salem with my reasoning being he doesn't get enough of the pill. I'm chuffed he put me back in my place. Was also happy with the skills of Jones and Grimes today. Thought they both hit targets more times than not which is fantastic. I'm not sure of Lumumba in the guts yet. Looks good when he gets it and runs but he looks lost at times. I think the HBF is his best spot as he only needs to go one direction. Not sure about the love on Frost yet. Yes he is a quick and is a monster kid, but I'd be more satisfied seeing him clunk a few big contested grabs before he gets on my pedestal We stopped in the last quarter as the boys just figured it was in the bag and being a practice match I can understand that. The kids the dogs have obviously got a sniff and lifted which was good from a doggies supporters point of view and by then most of our boys couldn't give a stuff anyway. Geez I love that Bontempelli kid! Very exciting to watch!
  16. Salem needs to get involved a lot more than he did last year. I don't share the opinion as most here thinking he will be a really great player for us. Has he even cracked ten touches in a game yet? Id prefer to keep the expectations low and be pleasantly surprised. Cant go past hogan for a breakout star. Loved the way he smashed through the packs last game. He will be loved so much around here and I can't wait.
  17. I watched him live tonight and the catters supporters are loving him and understandably so. Unfortunately it won't last as they don't realise he is made of glass and won't last. We traded an a grader who's a 10 game a year player for a b grade 20 game a year player. Some will agree some won't but I loved Clarke's game tonight and am still happy with the trade
  18. I think Jesse will have an injury riddled career just based on his disregard for his own safety when he attacks the pill. Especially in big contests. We will have to get used to him being managed. His aggression at the ball is his greatest attribute and I think he will spend many a day on the sidelines from destroying himself and others along the journey. And my god we are going to love him for it.
  19. Like this Werridee, pretty simple and a good point. I think we have more chance against the Suns then against the Giants which sickens me a little bit.
  20. People say Howe may be a 'one trick pony' but I think contested marking is one of the most important tricks in football at present. He's a massive point of difference in any team and I'd love to see him up forward now with a fit Hogan, Dawes and a resting ruckman. No longer will teams simply be able to zone off to cut his leap off. Would also rather him playing down back over Grimes at present.
  21. Unfortunately I didn't get to watch the game so can't really comment to much but I think we all agree we will be a better team when some of our young players with 'potential' (hate that word) go past these guys. With Jamar however, not sure who comes in for him as from the readings here Gawn wasn't much better and I have seen enough of Spencer.
  22. We would some serious luck if we were to win 10+ games for the year. My biggest worry is come Rd 1 that Jones and Tyson go for the same ball and destroy each other for 10 weeks. Then we are left with an old timer in Cross (body could go any minute), Vince who's struggling to get back on the park and a couple kids who could choke if they are forced to be the main men.year If we were to win 10+ we would need Tyson, Jones, Vince, Cross, Hogan and Dawes all to play 22 games to there potential and the rest to all have better years than last year. Hoping for 8 wins but think we will still struggle for that. Its going to be very even on the ladder between 6th - 16th imo
  23. I hope that scouts are looking at all our players, makes me more confident that after a couple years we may have some talent on the list. The players wont want to leave if we start winning and become more competitive. They have been through the tough times together and if they are fair dinkum then they deserve some reward together.
  24. The only best 22 definites (if eligible) at present for me are as follows: FB: Jetta Dunn ***** HB: Salem Tommy HL C: Vince Jones Viney HF: Watts Dawes Howe FF: Jeffy Hoges ***** R: Jamar Tyson Cross Not sure where Watts and Howe will line up but they are definitely in for my liking. Frost, Garland, Grimes, Toump, Gawn, Pedo, Kent, Bail, Newton, JKH, Matt Jones, Viv and Brayshaw can all fight to the death for the last couple spots and for the pine.
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