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Fork 'em

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Everything posted by Fork 'em

  1. Hilarious coming from you. Nearly fell off my chair.
  2. In your own words. "Getting personel like this is weak as p.ss."
  3. Agree HFF. Shows the bloke makes poor decisions. Taking the head coach position at Melbourne another.
  4. Got sucked in by the hype for Neeld in the media and Malthouse recommending Neeld, undermining Buckley by unloading assistant coaches before their coaching handover. There we're also a couple other clubs in the market for a coach at the time which made us a little too forken jumpy.
  5. With our deplorable skills too much can and does go wrong. Especially when the opposition turn on the heat. And the oppostion know it. i can hear their coaches .... "Put them under pressure and they'll fork up and turn it over ...... I know it , and you know it."
  6. Richmond sung their song through 35yrs of garbage. But over the last few years its finally seeped into their subconscience. Having said that I don't think all that much of our song either. But could you imagine what the nongs in charge would come up wth as a replacement. Quite possible it would be far worse.
  7. I think you'll find it was Roos who utilised Ross Lyons game plan at the Swans.
  8. Clarkeson has coached for the last what .... 13-14yrs with an unlimited football dept budget. No way would he come here on our shoe stringer. And as I stated back when we appoonted Goodwin. He was obviously a poor decison maker. Got sprung gambling on games, then got tangled up in the Essndon drug saga, and then accepted the position of head coach of Melbourne. Whoever takes this job on would have to be up for abit of career suicide. The issues with this club are far deeper than the coach.
  9. And they save their worst for prime time TV. Just love humiliating their supporters.
  10. Lets not forget the bloke who should've retired 3 yrs ago.
  11. Ok ... I've finally had enough. Later losers.
  12. The problem is Prime time free to air games. Put us on and we're Forken embarrassing.
  13. Playing junior footy maybe.
  14. Cause thats how we roll.
  15. Put Petracca on the ball.
  16. And Jones centres it to 2 port players .....
  17. To be honest I would have voted yes at the time too. There was often talk in the media how Victoria couldn't sustain so many sides. My thinking was that we get on the front foot and go for it to capitalise on any AFL concessions. Join memberships and players making a quite formidable outfit. It was looking as Melbourne would also be the dominant party in the merge which was a reason Don Scott went on his now famous jumper striping rant.
  18. Typical home ground decision. In the Fritta one the crowd were screaming for the 50. For the Petracca one they weren't.
  19. Essendon didn't get looked at when Nixon outed them for paying both Hird and Lloyd outside the cap in 2000. https://www.zerohanger.com/ricky-nixon-explains-rorted-salary-cap-9852/
  20. No. And you wouldn't want to.
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