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Fork 'em

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Everything posted by Fork 'em

  1. I will. Sick of flushing good money down the dunny. If I see what I want to see. It'll come. If I don't .... It won't.
  2. If I was fickle I woulda been long gone an not hanging out here with you bunch of losers.
  3. There is selling hope and then there is stooging the buyers. Can easily backfire. I was pumped after seeing this promo last pre-season. And then furious when they produced what they did. I'm withholding my membership till I see a few games.
  4. Haven't really got a team but I do love the series "Americas Game". They follow the Superbowl winning team thoughout their winning season and interview players and coaches etc. Anyway, I've watched them all and this one is easily my favourite. 1981 San Fransico 49rs. Apparently they were truely terrible a couple years previous and turned it around with a new coach and some astute drafting .... Including Joe Montana and Ronnie Lott. A great watch for anyone interested and would love to see us replicate the feat. And if you want another entertaining one .......
  5. Media will link it to Climate Change soon enough. Either that or their latest catastrophic headline grabber .... Coronavirus.
  6. We're the best in the league at needing to atone, earn back respect , redeem ourselves, etc , etc. Sick of listening to it. As Dennis Pagan would say ..... "Just show me the baby."
  7. I read fine thanks but I also know when a turd's getting polished. And it's "strong suit". Not "strong suite". Maybe reading isn't your strong suit.
  8. Writing fluff pieces about a sheet side.
  9. Legendary status is a fickle thing. If the ball had've bounced for Milne he would have been after his heroics during the 2010 GF. To the Aint fans at least.
  10. I think his loss to the club is hugely underestimated. Daniher was always looking for a CHB after this tragedy and could never find one.
  11. I have visions of him being a wicked fast bowler. Joel Garner style.
  12. I don't hate Rance. Kevin Sheedy and the EFC however ........
  13. Serena Williams the swearing shining light of good sportsmanship is also a JW. She should hang up the raquet to concentrate on her bible study too.
  14. If we did what the bulldogs did and slumped after a flag I'd be furious. Typical MFC. I want multiple flags.
  15. I'm all for winning regularly. But I'm also for sticking our fork in the ground and declaring that this is ours. Building blocks man. Surely we can do both.
  16. Like where? Hawthorn. Geelong. Essendon. Collingwood. Richmond. West Coast. Adelaide. Port. Fremantle. Sydney. Brisbane. North. Bulldogs. Carlton. All have their own joint. Hell, even that souless mob GWS have their own castle. You lack vision for the future. Clearly what we're doing now aint forken working. If you do what you've always done you'll get what you've always got.
  17. Wandering nomads don't build empires. To build an empire 1st you need a castle.
  18. I couple years ago halftime in the MGC dunnies a fellow supporter looks at me and says "Don't worry. We can come back." "No we can't, we're forked, they don't even look like it." "Yeah, you're right." He was pretty easily swayed. We shrugged our shoulders and parted company. Good times. Having said that, I think we do need a home, our own dung heap so to speak. A place players and supporters can call our own, to strut around like we own the forken joint, enforce a sense of club identity. I'm sure players would rather turn up to one central place to train as close to the city as possible. Even if you were trying to convince a player to come across from another club and you told them we train at Goshes Paddock but then we also gotta travel across to bumfork Casey fields too. Thats when the clubs like Hawthorn, Collingwood, Richmond, Geelong etc start looking alot more attractive. Then you throw in the extra money those clubs can splash around toward medical depts etc and we fall further down the list of desired destinations.
  19. I remember the optimism rising in 2010 for the coming decade of domination. That turned out well. Tune in at 17:20 for Bruces immortal words.
  20. Full Elimination Final. MCG stacked to the brim with delirious Demon fans. Don't see that every day. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GDRDtbQeo8Xgc1tpxOLWHhFYP8inGKbE/view?fbclid=IwAR2cniE4EJshQYSTatwqgBopGko5Y-uyYAIyUEULLmxxoNjdYlACeu3cwUg
  21. As opposed to the boxing camp where Maloney would belt the bejeezus out of the new recruits to toughen 'em up abit.
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