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Everything posted by binman

  1. No that's not right. Each hammy is 27.
  2. For any DL posters who started reading DL after we traded in Melk and Hibberd the threads about them prior to being traded in are well worth a read in the context of getting in Tomlinson, who don't have to give up any draft picks for. Spoiler alert: some were dead against getting them and many people thought we gave up too high draft picks for them
  3. If I was a site admin things would look a bit different around here. As an example, in regard to Tomlinson I would make the following statement: I hereby decree that any poster who is critical of recruiting Tomlinson (and costing us only salary cap space and a spot on the list I might add - an important consideration given the gws priority picks) is banned from at any point thereafter complaining about how bad the depth is at the MFC. The punishment for breaching this rule will be having to change your avatar to a picture of Mark Neeld.
  4. But you use a photo of yourself for your avatar?
  5. Agree. He is a confidence player Whilst I agree the club can help with getting him in the right mindset, he needs to find needs an intrinsic capacity to get himself psychologically ready.
  6. I don't know dd. I don't know enough about the draftees to have an informed opinion. But ash does sound the right type. Above all anyone we draft needs to be an elite kick. Our kicking is, in my opinion, our biggest weakness. And it needs to be addressed.
  7. The solution is a Kelly, gaff or a hill. But we won't getting one of those players. Fast outside mids who have good skills are pretty hard to come by. Really the only option is via the draft. We have pick 3. We have to use that. We have zero currency to trade in a top liner outside mid. Unless we trade Brayshaw. We don't need a fast outside mid. We need a reall5 gid one. And none are free agents or available for our pick 20. And by the by, I agree that a fast outside mid is the type of player we need. Have been saying so for years.
  8. That's not a solution. That's a shopping list. I presume you want a fast runners who can kick. Off the top of your head who is avaible tbat meets that criteria?
  9. Sorry for not getting this posted yet. My best is Morphetville Race 4 no 6 nistaan. Is very short (1,75 atm) but in a small field should win. Such a frustrating night last night. Had the winner marked in all but one race but pulled the wrong rein
  10. I don't watch enough gws games to have an informed opinion about Tomlinson. I'll back in our recruiting team to make the right call. But some of the comparisons and ratings on this thread are laughable. He has played almost every game for the giants for the last four years. In that time they have played finals every year, made 3 prelims and now a GF. And he has played all of them. Wh aa t does that say about his ability? Or maybe people think he us a coaches favorite or has photos
  11. But it could be PED on game day. If you were a plAyer who suffered from debilitating nerves and were playing say a night game, a small joint in tbe morning might help calm those nerves (or maybe help sleep).
  12. Yes, sorry about that. My tendency toward facetiousness got the better of me. Again. There were any number of posts in the last few months trying to paint a picture of a dysfunctional club in total crisis. Any scrap of information was used to help paint this picture, for example trac (and even his parents) allegedly being very, very unhappy, giving the club an ultimatum and being a very good chance of asking for a trade. There were other such examples as AshleyH30 touches on in a post above. You didn't miss much. Welcome back. Oh and the club does not appear to be in crisis. Much to the chagrin of some.
  13. This quote caught my attention: “This year will be the first year I haven’t had surgery in a while, and I’ll be having a full pre-season so I’m very excited for that,” he said. There are a number of players in the same boat at the club. This is also an interesting quote: “It’s good to get a little break first, have a few weeks off to mentally refresh and get away from the club, but then from there just go bang with all eyes on next year.” The break between the end of the home and away season and preseason training will help more than a few players i reckon.
  14. I have it on very good authority he gave the club an ultimatum. Very, very unhappy. I can't reveal my source but i can say with 100% certainty it is a fact.
  15. Yep, not a bad argument. But i reckon over 50 metres Omac has Jetts covered.
  16. That is total rubbish.or at least part of it is. Omac is our most reliable kick in our backline
  17. Maybe he also suffers from Trollopothy
  18. Totally agree. I actually think Corey could end up cementing a best 22 spot as a small foreforward. Showed a bit this year. Competitive little bugger and is my surrounded by better players than this year could go up a level.
  19. They should turn Maxy into a defender. And Preuss. And Bradtke.
  20. Strange timelines in that article. Really unclear when each player actually signed. I shouldn't be surprised as it seem like our comms department is run by an x cold war spy intent on subterfuge, dissembling and misinformation. They also buried the lead - ANB has signed on for another two years!
  21. I don't know. They got rid our best kick and left the cupboard bare.
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