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Everything posted by binman

  1. 100%. I have zero doubt he is injured or worse has chronic issues. Most likely with his feet (note: this is based on my observation, not any intel). He is too heavy and has lost all mobility. This has to be down to a limit on how much running he is able to do. IIRC his last surgery was post the 2018 season. He has always been close to our best time trialled. He wasnt this year and my recollection is tbe club didnt say where players finished, orher than tbe first two. But I think I recall a poster saying he was back in rbe pack. It is not a form thing in my mind. It is an injury thing. Which is worse.
  2. Just heard Longmuire interviewed on on the couch. Couldn't believe it. He said, paraphrasing, they wanted to be more aggressive, switch wide and to tbe corridor. Back themselves to take risky kicks on. All straightforward stuff. What I couldn't believe is that he said he thought the dees 'would give them' that opportunity. That to me sounds like a first year coach going to school on Goodwin tactically.
  3. This is so spot on. Something is wrong. The freo boys wanted that win more than us. That was so clear from the start. So many half hearted attempts at tackles. So many half hearted chases. As you say so little intensity. For mine only langdon, trac may, hibbo, viney, fritter, Oliver, max, rivers and maybe lever played with the required intensity. And of that lot only langdon fritter and maybe viney played well. I could pick out any number of players but one stood out for me. Weideman. His effort, other than in marking contests, was simply appalling and not acceptable. Trotted around, didn't tackle, didn't play wirh any intensity. 17 changes in 3 games. Something is wrong.
  4. They should just rip the ban aid off Marty and let me get on with enjoying the Spring Carnival.
  5. With one small change, I have zero doubt that is exactly what will happen. The change is that the bombers will have no chance of playing finals and will have left almost all of their decent players out of the team for post season surgery or just to avoid one getting injured. And like when we were beaten by their VFL team when they were danked their current VFL team will roll us. Just coz.
  6. One positive is the conditions. Showers and wind up to 35kms are expected. With our skills and strong kicking techniques we have an advantage in those conditions. And with our strong focus on learnings the team that played in similar, albeit better conditions just four days ago, will adapt. Good that they didn't make many changes.
  7. The dogs will win their last two games as unlike us they can be trusted to to so. That means that that if we lose tonight we are out of finals contention. So tonight is an elimination final. And if we win this game the GWS game will also bean elimination final. And if we happen to win the next two the Bombers game will bean elimination final . And if we win that game we will be playing in an elimination final. Possibly against West Coast. In Perth.
  8. Us dees fans are a hardy lot. Who have developed all sort of coping strategies to deal with the sort of routine gut punch we got in the last game. Some get angry. Some fatalistic. Some vow never to care again. Some get depressed. Well all really. And some pretend it's just a game. Me I give it some time, try to process my frustration, then pretend it never happened and by game day and full of optimism, can't see how we can possibly lose and am trying to convince my mate we should back the dees over 39. I developed this coping mechanism during the long dark days of the 70s. And have been honing it ever since. A key design element is a seven day break between games. Six day break stress tests the model. But it cannot cope with a four day break. Freo will be desperate to beat our Casey ones and we have decided to help their cause by changing a third of our side. And having refused to use two rucks suddenly decided to do so. And despite making seven changes [censored] Melksham is not one of them. And despite lack of foot skills being our biggest glaring issue we don't bring in our best kick. And after picking the slowest dees side since Spud Dullard and Ray Biffen graced the team, and 90& of supports wondering why against young swans team who our skipper said in the lead up like to play fast footy, we have suddenly picked the fastest, against a team that moves the ball at turtle speed.. And the coach knows the problem. And is working on fixing it. Make no mistake the players want to win. And know that effort was not acceptable. This is not the Melbourne way (yes goody, it [censored] well is). We have an identifiable brand (that at least is true, but it ain't what you think). We will look to play our best team each week, cos we are super burgess fit. Until we don't. We will pick a side that want to win. [censored]. [censored] [censored]. Another [censored] wasted [censored] season. [censored]. [censored].
  9. Teams announced on a Sunday night. We are living in strange times.
  10. 100% agree. And the role coach in getting his players ready, be that for a whole season or specific clutch games or even quarters is the great intangible. A related element us the ability of a ciach to firstly sell his/her system and get the required buy in and perhaps even more importantly explan and teach it so tve players know how to implement it. It is a reasonable question to ask how well goody does this last element.
  11. We play a combination. The bigs play a set position rather than a specific player, though at centre bounces start on one. Medium and small defenders more likely to gi with a player. Smith was on papley, and played him close, didnt zone off much at all
  12. Funny you should say that Angry, i blame myself too. Can't believe what i was thinking posting on here pre game that i thought Smith would play on Papely. I mean i know i was right, he did play on Papley. But for me to have suggested he had the speed, athleticism and mongrel to go with Papely is just nuts. Which is where the blame came in. i know Goody made that selection and match up based on my posts here on Demonland, he said as much when we chatted this morning. When i aplogised i asked him why he kept Smith on him all game, Goody was clearly perplexed, replying: "'no binman, you've got it wrong, i was calling to thank you. It was the only selection that actually worked. As you so presciently said Smith had the speed, athleticism and mongrel to go with Papely. Why did i keep him on him? Maybe you stopped watching, wouldn't blame you if you did - i wanted to. But Papely didn't kick a goal for the game. Created one, but really was pretty quiet. As you flagged 2 or less goals is a win and he kicked a bagel. Imagine how much we would have lost by if Papely got of the chain."
  13. The mustang is great anaology. Did Ford inexplicably sack the designer of the Mustang in the 1960s?
  14. The most important disposal is the kick for goal. Last week we won because in perfect conditions we kicked straight from set shots and the Saints shanked multiple easy set shots This week in the wind Sydney barely missed a set shot. We couldn't kick a set shot. That is the difference in the game right there. Wind plays havoc with poor kicking technique. And poor kicking technique is one thing we have in spades.
  15. The dees aint no ferrari The dees are one of the 1970s Mazda cars with a rotary engine, perhaps the 1972 RX-3. Great fun to drive, fast and great speed to weight ratio. Can perform remarkably well. When on are super exciting. But break down way too often, are temperamental and unpredictable and parts are all but impossible to find. As are mechanics who know their way around a rotary engine.
  16. This. I thought the report looked fine. But one i started watching pre game and they were talking about the strength of the wind i had a sinking feeling. And that's because we simply have two fey decent kicks and too may sub AFL standard kicks. Wirh no exaggeration rhey had a kid who kicked his first goal in afl footy wo has a better technique and is a better kick that close on to 35 blokes on our list.
  17. Omac was way beyond poor. Nothing to do with smith.
  18. Been meaning to say Deanox have been using the player tracker on the AFL site when watching games. Terrific for seeing the set up and positioning . Striking to see how many players are in one relatively small area - or when the ball is one end of the ground there almost never a single player past halfway at the opposite end
  19. No sorry, skuit. It is not available live or in replay. Apologies for the confusion I mentioned replay because i'd love to watch a replay of our games just with the behind the goals angle, which apparently they record and provide to the AFL teams so they use for their analysis and reviews. So if they have the vision why not provide it to customers (with or without commentary) . Live would also be a great option actually as if it was option i could imagine i'd toggle between shots so i could see what is ahead of the ball or to check out match ups or structures.
  20. Sorry sue. Just saw this. Its not an option. I wish it was. I hope it will be I've asked demonland to use his social media clout to start a viral, online campaign to convince kayo to include it as a replay option.
  21. Its not an option. I wish it was. I hope it will be I've asked demonland to use his social media clout to start a viral, online campaign to convince kayo to include it as a replay option. Crickets so far, so i thought i'd try out a hash tag. Too long?
  22. The demonland podcast live audience numbers might give it a nudge. I for one will be watching it live. Cant wait. My weekend will be a lot more peaceful not sweating on a match. And we only have to wait till Monday night for the next game! #have a down the ground camera viewing option on kayo
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