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Everything posted by binman

  1. Have you been vaccinated? I think they are only offering tickets to people who have had at least their first shot. At least i hope that's the case
  2. Thanks dee - you need some stamina to get to the end of it but it is important to use the mid season bye to get some solid training loads in to prepare for the rest of the season. Go redlegs
  3. As in, you are unsure how some rate daw? I reckon he is a good vfl player, who would likely be selected if jacko or gawn had to miss a game.
  4. What makes you say that? I couldn't get a tell at all. I just watched the presser that article was based on and goody gave no indication which way he'll go. Did say the training session tbey were about to have (today) would be decisive.
  5. If i can't get a ticket i'd love it if the MCC sell 25k tickets, leaving none for EFC members and therefore no revenue!
  6. Seeing we are all proud sponsors of rossie, paxxie and hunty, surely they can sort tickets for the demonland life members?
  7. How many MCC tickets are they selling? Bloody toffs are going to leave nothing for us plebs!
  8. Fair points. Agree a good block of time in the VFL is the go. But stripping away the emotive stuff and the supposition (mine for example re his head space), whilst, yes, he had a pretty serious injury to overcome, by all accounts he is as fit and strong as he has ever been at the moment. And he was in our best 22 in 2018 and 2020 and has played nearly 50 games, so it's not as if he is on an upward curve. Also, he is actually not that young given he is 24 in a few days and is in his 6th season History suggests that he he has his work cut out to make it. And there is no doubt people jumping on him and bagging him aint going to help in any way. So I for one will stop now commenting on him after this post. My last comment is I have faith he can make it and be an important part of our side and I would be happy for them to offer him a two year deal and back him in to do so.
  9. Fair call. For the sake of argument, if we accept that he struggles psychologically - and there is enough evidence to suggest he does - then in a funny way that's a positive. Or perhaps not so much a positive but it creates an opportunity. By that I mean it is something he can work on, as opposed not being up to it talent wise (though of course players can improve in that regard too I guess). As Grapeviney notes earlier in this thread there are any number of elite athletes who struggle psychologically and have found a way to overcome it. I know it goes against current orthodoxy, and his lateral movement worries me as it is, but I reckon might be better bulking up through the legs and getting much stronger. And playing out of the square like Hawkins. I saw him in vfl match at the pies ground in I think his first season (i was standing next to his dad). He played out of the square as a true full forward. Looked a natural full forward, with good leading patterns and clean hands on the lead. His talent was evident. Up the ground he looks less natural and seems to struggle getting to the right spots. And struggles more one on one. Looks much more comfortable coming at the ball front on - both on the lead and in contested marking situations. I still have confidence he can make it. The best option might be to be told you are wanted at the club, you are part of the future. Build yourself up, play a good block of games at vfl , work on your psychological preparation (which if he gets it right will help with his intensity i reckon) and we'll go from there.
  10. Thanks wwsw. Another topic we will be discussing - al thoughts welcome: Players Top 5 in the bluey (based on similar criteria as the bluey ie not just the best on 3,2,1 voting) Most improved - other than Tmac!
  11. Snap. I was thinking something similar. Though I was more thinking that they were looking at something like 50% but want to wait a day to see what the numbers are tomorrow. If they announced 50% today and then tomorrow there was say 5 new unlinked cases they might have to walk it back. Which given how quick people are to jump on them, whatever decision they make, makes a lot sense. Another day of zero, or 1 or 2 linked cases, as they will announce 50% tomorrow hopefully. And I can go to the G!
  12. AFL contested mark ladder 2021: Max Gawn (Melbourne) 38 Aaron Naughton (Western Bulldogs) 35 Harry McKay (Carlton) 35 Charlie Dixon (Port Adelaide) 34 Oscar Allen (West Coast) 28 Taylor Walker (Adelaide) 27 Aliir Aliir (Port Adelaide) 27 Harris Andrews (Brisbane Lions) 27 Jake Lever (Melbourne) 26 Jack Darling (West Coast) 26 https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/melbourne-man-mountain-gawn-rising-to-new-heights-in-demons-boom-season-20210621-p582z0.html
  13. Yep, I'd love to see a wire to wire top shelf performance. One where we are on, bombers play well and stay in striking distance to say 3/4 time. And we keep going and win by 6 plus goals.
  14. Will Captain Jack be replaced by Vice Captain Jack?
  15. OD, depending on your spell check, being vaccinated might reduce your chances of not: losing weight changing the color of your hair making hippie inspired t shirts croaking
  16. True. The key thing though is if vaccinated, if you do get it you don't get very sick.
  17. There might be a number of plausible explanations. Some guesses at what they might be: The evidence suggests that the risk of transmission in a true outdoor setting, like sitting outdoors at the footy, is extremely low Opening up bigger areas might require more staff (eg cleaners, security, hospitality workers etc) - and they in fact might be more likely to be a cause of transmission (eg congregating in staff rooms) Contact tracing might be more difficult if big areas are open and people take the opportunity to sit in their allocated seats (which is much harder to do when there are people sitting close together - something i have discovered a couple times this year when trying to get a better spot and sitting in a free seat and having to move becuase the actual ticket holder turns up) The venue and the AFL have to submit a very detailed plan to the dept of health that ticks of all the mandated safety requirement All that said i agree it seems ridiculous. And it is annoying being crammed in at the footy at the best of times. My advice to the AFL and MCG.? Open up the top deck of the Ponsford stand and only allow people who have had a vaccination sit there - or work there. You wouldn't even get much mixing of people as gate one is miles from the other gates. Would suit me to a tee given that's where I sit anyway! Whilst that idea is bit facetious, ultimately surely that is where we are heading. I read Bruce Springsteen, and others, are having gigs vaccinated only gigs in the States. Makes total sense from a risk mitigation perspective. Easy to do too, with the mygov statement of full vaccination as it has a unique code that could be entered when purchasing tickets.
  18. One of the topics for the show is: Highlights for the year so far Favourite win One in game highlight Other random highlights We'd love to hear some responses to any or all of those questions in the chat room during the show or on this thread. We'll read them out or theme them up. Thanks in advance
  19. I doubt there is another organisation in the country more attuned to the risk than the AFL given the impact of on the competition of any lockdowm or restrictions in Victoria. The impact is not just financial- though that is massive obviously - its also the risk to the season itself.
  20. Because money doesn't influence any other organisations in the country, particularly those bleeding money....
  21. Exactly. The problem, as i see it, is the classic example of macro versus micro - or individual good versus the commnity good. We live in a democracy. It goes without saying people have the right to not get vaccinated or wait until they are able to get the one they want. But bottom line it is the interest of the community for as many people as possible to get vaccinated as quickly as possible. And as individuals who live in Australia we have have responsibility to play our part in achieving that goal.
  22. Based on current Aust data, your chance of death here from the AZ vax is 1 in 1.9M. For context, Australian Geographic puts your odds of being struck by lightning at 1 in 1.6M. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to die of the AZ vax. Don’t fear vaccination.
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