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Everything posted by monoccular

  1. Not on scoreboard - but worked hard - further up field!
  2. His feet didn’t move - he leant forward.
  3. CFC MEDICAL REPORT. Severe delayed concussion NEXT WEEK. Daisy BOG
  4. Eddie IS a disgrace
  5. 15 to 8 inside 50s but only a nose in front. Definitely need to tidy up I50 usage. And care to avoid too many 50 s
  6. Interesting if he (Weed) was actually being ‘managed’ and not really injured. I still think he adds a lot to the ‘structure’. Is that in the whole comp? Hadn’t appreciated that. So does JKH have any trade value IYO?
  7. Makes me think that the AFL will ensure that Tigers won’t play in China any time soon.
  8. Yes looked a wrong interpretation However, as with last week’s May head contacting umpire, in neither case despite vociferous protestations no 50 was awarded (neither forward needed the 50 I realize) ...l yet I remember several times we had 50 against us for disputing. What is the right call here? An on the subject of umpires, why the hell do they have to yell out especially at a boundary throw in “no holding!”? They should shut up and ping players who do hold. After all they don’t go around yelling “no throwing”, “no high tackles”, or “no deliberate OOB”. Do they just want something to say, or just be part of the commentary?
  9. Was that during a game or after the final siren. Whatever, it is not a good look. Had the maggot just given him a free?
  10. Being the Bummers I will do a variance from my general philosophy of barracking for the lower team in all ‘neutral’ contests and agree - go Cats Do the Crows (like the Bummets) have a pharmacist on their coaching panel?
  11. Casey and training watchers : is Bull Smith big and strong enough to fill in ruck work? Haven’t seen much of him at all.
  12. Ah, 5 Loved watching the Ox, but an even better memory was a much earlier #5 ? kicking a very timely goal in a very big match in our history.
  13. They could follow EssUndone’s lead and take it to Geneva.
  14. Does that include the contents of brown Visy (or similar) bags???
  15. All covered by the new rule 2018:9:HFC to be announced later today which proscribes blocking any Hawthorn player in round 9, if the umpire feels like it.
  16. Simplify it .... only one per team up. (Clue for umpire - one means one; therefore two, or three or four or even more, not being one, is more than one and is not allowed.)
  17. Slowly getting through the replay The first half of second quarter where we seemed to have 90% of time inside 50 only to score behinds, but Suns scored a couple of goals is exactly what can and has cost us games. Scoreboard pressure is absolutely essential if a team gets a run of possession against a better team. We got away with it this time but will not against good teams. Needs finessing.
  18. ⬆️⬆️ Great writing by Ernest in his inimitable way
  19. And never forget, a fish rots from the head. And who is the head?? Clarko’s Coffee buddy.
  20. 31 for me. And for about the first time since RDB left I am getting excited by a player wearing the number playing with passion and enthusiasm. Can’t off the top of my head recall any in the intervening 53 years. Ray Groom may have been the closest.
  21. The realist in me agrees No doubt Gil spin and hype. Maybe he asked Clarko what to do over coffee? Who? Integrity Commissioners?? ?????????
  22. Didn’t hear the exact quote. But if Gary questions the selectors’ judgement, maybe we could question his selection of our ante penultimate coach.
  23. We can only beat those whom we are ‘drawn’ to play Hopefully the confidence, and more importantly belief, gained from the past weeks can carry into the remainder of the year. A most unfamiliar feeling of confidence is about: I hope the team feed off it but don’t let it engulf them.
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