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DEE fence

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Everything posted by DEE fence

  1. yes I really do, Dalhaus had look on his face, oh merde, he knew exactly where it was going. Greene is a sniper of the 1st order.
  2. Toby Greene's action was deliberate and outside of the rules. I reckon it was two weeks, he is a nasty dirty player. He is skilful enough he knew exactly what he was doing. Maybe people need to be coached on how to play this leg out tactic. A bit of lateral pressure to the knee from a fist would be fair, might make Greene think twice. As I am still scarred by the 2000 GF, if we play GWS in the finals we smash him off the 1st bounce legal or not legal. I know this is a terrible thing to say but I truly think Greene is a dog of the 1st order. He is as lethal as Mitchell, Lewis Hodge have ever been. Wines, a bit cheap, needed a week.
  3. So the thing that stood out for me on the replay, after Gus gets a bump, Gawn running past and givining him a tap on his noggin, absolute gold, had me chuckling, Gawn is one of our heart beats without doubt, love the bloke. Commentators were funny as well, "don't pat him on the head pat him on the bum".
  4. and your authorized to judge why? just be happy they turned up
  5. Hi Praha, time difference missed your query, thanks LT, if I remember correctly there was nerve damage that could not be repaired I don't think it was a case of poor rehab to be fair.
  6. Tingay, sliding doors though, this is if he didn't have that terrible accident, guy was a pure jet. Gerard Healy went ok too even if he did leave us. Oliver doesn't have a roof yet, that is pretty exciting.
  7. So I saw the Oils at the Olympia in Paris, they played everything I wanted to hear, pretty fit bunch of 60 somethings. (It was funny the age of the crowd - plenty of receding hairline or no hair and glasses ;-) ) and had a pretty stella time for the rest of the stay all though I must say it is a 4 qtr effort keeping up with the French.
  8. my thought too, although I reckon Jetta could handle Tony Atm. Personally would like to see Viney clean him up in the Prelim... But no report thanks
  9. another poster touched on this but I think you might have something. I really felt JT is a safe pair of hands to relieve pressure as well.
  10. Just asking but does anyone think we managed the trip to Darwin, while not tanking, but being a little bit conservative with an eye towards the bigger picture, i.e. September? I thought the difference in the week was amazing as was the efforts, and I don't think we are flukey any more, just good.
  11. So the new French Demons(paid up member) fan has promised not much sleep...
  12. So I arrive in Paris on Sunday, (going to watch the Midnight Oil show-super excited to see the last last tour) will watch the replay with a very new Melbourne member.
  13. is there a link, most of this year I haven't got worked up about the MRP but since Oliver I am totally over it as a even handed process because the precedents are so inconsistent and media driven.
  14. Very happy with this, I admit I'm a tragic, and spew every time someone calls footy a business, but 3 jacks in your hand, is a strong hand!
  15. Your nice, I just gave my brothers details
  16. you get the like for the 'full Chomsky' reference.
  17. ^^^^ and email and i couldn't submit without agreeing to receiving spam
  18. so to vote for goal of the year you get spam for ever from Woolworths and the AFL gets to manage your Google contacts... bugger off
  19. I can assure you, the bottom of the barrel gets cleaned here as well sometimes.
  20. Trac reminds me of the truck ramming the armoured car in the opening heist sequence of the movie HEAT, huge devastating impact. Every time he runs into a contest.
  21. I'm a nervous wreck working out how to get home for finals, I nearly broke my lap top 3 times watching the game on Sunday, I spend alot of time in Google and medical websites reading about recovery from injuries, I dearly miss having all the Essendon, Pies and Carlton supporters I know around to give it to them. On top of that I spend far too long in the funny reading this website when I should be working. And I will probably nuke my career if we win this weekend because I'm going to call Downer in London and give it to him.
  22. agreed MS, huge love for the Bird, but it's the 1 on 1/2 that he wins when he has no right to, that has my jaw dropping s little more.
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