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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Now that is more like it. Slowed to a crawl over Christmas but back on the wagon yesterday.
  2. Hi Reverend I thought you had moved a parallel universe mate. I detect a note of pessimism there ! Having said that I tend to agree with you
  3. Running hot this morning WJ obviously you had a quiet night on New Years Eve!Jokes aside you are correct.
  4. I have my fingers and toes crossed. It had better work this time because I fear there will not be another chance for the MFC. Swim time guys
  5. Hi guys ending 2012 on a high note. Since I was 5 years old I have wanted my own milk shake machine. The ones with the metal canister etc. Well I got one for Christmas. Sipping on one right now, no prizes for guessing the flavour! One hell of a wait but they say good things come to those who wait. So on that basis I am expecting a much improved performance from the Dees in 2013.
  6. You just wished away 7 weeks of your life there JR Take it easy they go by too quickly. Enjoy the next 7 weeks you and your son will never get them back
  7. I also heard CW has a story that she is releasing on the Wednesday that pies tanked on the understanding that the Dees encourage Sylvia to move to them in 2014.
  8. I don't need rocket scientists Forest Demon just young men who can play the game at a high level and get us into the top six of the competition over the next 3 -4 years. Beyond that I don't care what they do at the cricket on boxing day.
  9. Still out injured gsmith. Had a relapse in February when he tried to step up his training level. After assessment by the medicos it was decided to rest him for the 2013 season. However it made little difference with the Dees winning 6 of their first eleven games at the half way mark.
  10. Excellent taste Nathan. 28th December is a great date. Good luck Nathan
  11. I don't expect to finish top eight dc. I will be more than happy with 10 -12 at the end of 2013. Now that JB is gone ( thank god if she exists ) I have a couple of others in mind who I think are impostors but I will keep my ammo dry until about mid may. That will give them 7 - 8 games to prove me wrong.
  12. Actually at the end of 2012 wyl we are a close last!
  13. My view Biff is why waste valuable hormones growing Hair
  14. Bing I am so tired of this attitude that a football team has to be a team of guys who are beyond reproach. Quite a few of the teams that have won flags over the last ten years have had some ordinary human members. I do not care what they do on Boxing day. Just win bloody games.
  15. Take a deep breath BD 2012 is almost finished next year must be better, I am confident that by the 28th December 2013 we will all be in a better mood.
  16. I could not give a toss what they did on boxing day. Just win games in 2013 guys. The choir boys have been shuffled off a few weeks back. Sounds like good news to me.
  17. Biff you can call me all the names you like but you have not answered my question so here goes again. Statement: "Perhaps I am being a little pessimistic but the last 6 years have taught me not to get excited in December." Question: Am I wrong? Well am I?
  18. JT has been raised to the level of sacred cow on Demonland by a lot of posters. What is wrong with saying he had an ordinary 2012 ( not alone of course )? We are all looking forward to a much improved year in 2013. But with a stress fracture in his foot he will miss a large part of the pre season. That is not a good way to start a year. I do not expect much from him in 2013 and it has nothing to do with talent or the lack of it. It has to do with the fact he has a serious injury.
  19. A few people need to follow the trail here. If you go back I was having a conversation with WJ about the MFC having great Decembers and falling in a hole around mid February. Now can someone tell me the error in that statement. It has nothing to do with JT. On the subject of JT I said he had an ordinary 2012 and on that basis I doubt he would be missed.
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