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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Good Evening demonlanders. I joined twitter a few days back. Why because the number of people talking about it and using it intrigued me. So far I am totally under whelmed. Truly struggling to see the value. What piece of magic am I missing? My do you people out there use it?
  2. You may have some points there Chook but I think we are separated by a cultural and age gulf mate. I doubt we will every agree on this subject. I just hate the world I am leaving to my Grand Children. Unfortunately there is little I can do about it. I just hope I live long enough to help them to adult hood. I figure that is probably the best I can do.
  3. Or perhaps a poll Chook Should Nic Nat play for the All stars? Yes No Or don't care
  4. Sorry chook but I take serious exception to that comment. I have personal close up experience with people who have got involved with " relatively harmless "recreational drugs" There is no such thing. They all lead to the one spot where no one wants to be. They destroy lives and damage brain capacity. Forget this recreational drugs crap. They are all harmful, some more than others but all harmful.
  5. You both have way more confidence that me. Both have serious foot injuries to rush them back would be criminal. Have them both play round 8 at Casey is fine with me. We need these guys firing in 2014 - 2018 lets not risk anything for a few early matches in 2013.
  6. I try not to think about playing the hawks anywhere
  7. Ok I may have been a little obscure, I was refering to the following line "The issue is not so clear cut where specialist skills and impact of capacity are conmsidered" I thought you meant when they were hard to replace then we cannot apply the same conditions. I have an old attitude to illegal drug taking If you break the law you pay the price. I find it difficult to believe that tough sanctions would not clear up 90% of the problem. I do have some experience with drug takers ( i.e. Children of friends ) it is a difficult problem to solve and I will not pretend it is easy far from it. But it seems to me that our methods of dealing with the problem over the last ten years has not worked. In fact it is getting worse. So I have returned to the tough approach
  8. I am truely amused by a number on here who seem to think that selling sponsorship of the MFC would be easy. I have spent all of my working life in Sales. From my view it would be the hardest job in the AFL. Consider the product Membership in the bottom half dozen clubs, one of the lowest number of supporters outside of members. Poor on field performance for the last 7 years on end. Terrible off field publicity over the last two years. Reputation now of being tankers. Very seldom play gamers in peak viewing times with large numbers of games buried on foxtel. Gee what a great product you have to convince companies to come on board. If you were selling this product on commission you would be broke in 3 months. Now I have little knowledge of the skill level of CS / marketing team but they have one tough job. However there is a way out It is called winning Games. Start stringing together seasons in which we win more than we lose and the game changes. Until then this is one tough gig and any initative that generates leads is well and truely worth it. 2013 is in my opinion going to be a year were we have a number of unfilled sponsorship spots. Not a good result but you would need to be JC to do any better IMO
  9. So the tail gets to wag the dog?
  10. You have my vote RB I have little idea if Neeld is good or not time will tell but he inherited a mess. But anyone who know thinks that the Bailey era was anything less than a disaster should take off their blind fold. After four years he had taken us to 186, the team in disaray, a list of mainly the wrong types to win games in the second decade of the 21st Century and fitness level to a situation where we could not play out the last quarter against any reasonable team. Get over Bailey he was a poor choice that at best maintained our position as at the end of 2007.
  11. I agree DemonWA But it appears we are out of touch with the modern world mate
  12. IMHO it was not as bad as the pink one. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  13. Carefully one of those is currently sueing all and sundry
  14. Matt Thompson/ AFL reporter! Says it all
  15. We have not "squandered" anything yet. That judgement will be made around the end of 2014 or 5. gee the recruits don't get long in your book Can you at least give him and the recruiters a couple of games.
  16. I wonder how much of this shortage is due to the inquistion over the last six months. Probably impossible to seperate from our miserable on field performance during 2013. I don't envy the people who are trying to sell these spots Winners are grinners and the MFC is struggling. Can we just win a few more games in 2013 PLEASE
  17. I will let you know around 1st May
  18. You got it rpfc and my major reason is the talent pool is spread to far. IMO there are approx. 80 players on club lists now that are not AFL standard. We saw that last year when I reckon the Dees had 15 of them. As you suggest I am firmly in the minority. But I will go on dreaming
  19. Could not agree more. Go Dees
  20. All ok dc I understand was just trying for a little humour
  21. Ok I now get it. Simple really once you step outside the square
  22. Not sure I have enough years left to get there dc. Can you explain I would hate to peg out before I got to be as clever as Jose
  23. Not sure why you are bothering Bbo!
  24. hardtack what does " :-) " mean? My wife asked me earlier today We try to hang onto the current era with a modest amount of success
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