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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I have this uncomfortable feeling that the Essendon fiasco makes it harder for the AFL to let us off the hook. They now have multiple cases building up pressure to sort out the league problems. Hope I am wrong but will not look good to say no case to answer IMO
  2. I was there for an hour today and agree with majority of BB 's report. I went to watch four players but only two were there while I was in attendance. If Ability was all that was necessary then Watts and Sylvia would win Brownlow's Both have superb skills and physical development. They both look in very good condition and trained very well today IMO. Watts must be close to the best kick in the team. Like BB I thought Dawes was good today I did not see him miss a mark and of the ones I saw they were one grabs. Guess what "the boys trained the house down" Only joking. They looked good but everyone looks good until you play in a real game. The NAB game will be interesting.
  3. I agree with you WJ there will be the normal positive stuff and as no one is up for election it will be a fairly tame affair ( as normal ) However it will depend on the questions asked by members. Leaving aside the tanking subject there is the potental for sum hard questions on - Impact on Financial postion in 2013 from the disasters on and off the field in 2012 - Previous recruiting - Casey alignment strategy - China Project ( what happened to it?) - Darwin strategy - Sponsor gaps If ever there was a time for members to ask hard questions it is now but I suspect the normal will apply. I am looking forward to tonight.
  4. Not sure about those words Ron
  5. Interesting. In the Hun this morning it says Mr Danks applied for a position at the MFC late last year. A spokesperson for the MFC says he was unsuccessful
  6. She did say this was not fact just what she thought would happen.It is reasonable summary based on the little we all know.
  7. I heard the same thing and she was speculating. under no circumstance did she saw this was fact. Just they way she thought it would go.
  8. I spent 2 hours listening to 3AW tonight DemonWA From what they said the press has been chasing the bombers about this story for a few weeks. As late as the weekend they were threatening journalists with legal action. Seems Evans came home for OS on sunday and it has taken off from when he went into the EFC on Monday.
  9. Correct mate She is out tonight Mrs OD is baby sitting But she has been very nice re the tanking so I will reciprocate.
  10. AGM is tomorrow Anyone going? Thought I would trot along for a little entertainment.
  11. He was on 3AW earlier And I bet you cannot predict his tack? Yep carping defence of Hird etc. Oh well some things in life are predictable.
  12. Yes stuie I quite often feel like a standing in a soup rain storm holding a fork
  13. Wishful thinking stuie But if it gets you through the night mate go for it.
  14. What if he has a good season in 2013?
  15. With ASADA involved the AFL cannot over ride them.If they were to decide that players etc should be suspended then the AFL cannot over ride that decision. If the Bombers end up guilty they are in deep pooh pooh. The AFL cannot say to ASADA sorry fellas the players can continue with a fine.
  16. Redleg I have been listening to 3AW they have a sports lawyer on He is saying that it is out of the AFL's hands. The AFL are a signature to Asada ( probably spelt wrong ) and as such if they find against the Bombers players they will be suspended for 2+ years and the AFL will have no say. That raises the game
  17. Having read the info available this afternoon it appears to me that LJ is missing. It does not look good I fear the worse case headline has not been written. I hope I am wrong but I have a very bad feeling about this tonight
  18. I agree RobbieF it beggars belief that no one put up their hand. There is a long way to go on this story. My worry is that it will delay our problem being finalised.
  19. Yes but the HUN story did not so I see that as a very small victory
  20. When he bolted from the MFC I had this gut feeling this would happen. As soon as he returned to the FAMILY it all went down hill at a rapid rate. As soon as he lost the support of the MFC it all came apart Sad but not unexpected IMO
  21. Interesting Bv he is now Former AFL footballer Never thought I would see the day, MFC not mentioned. Goes from sad to very sad
  22. Do you think it will be? I have my doubts we will ever see the 800 page inquisition or the reply
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