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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. It has the "tanking saga" smell to it. We said bugger all because we knew we were as guilty as sin. Do I detect a similar position
  2. You say that like we have a choice PSD
  3. If there is no one to take DM's place then we are truely sunk. We should hand back the keys now and save 3- 4 years agony.
  4. Very good analogy DFW You should email that off to DM.
  5. It appears Dr that they are doing a splendid job too.They have driven us to the bottom Made us a laughing stock Alienated us from the AFL Not sure how much more they could achieve. Glad I have my trust in them.
  6. Not so sure it will make any difference to that problem when Neeld goes!
  7. AS WJ stated in his opening.The Buck stops at the top. Who has been at the top through all this crap? DM Move on Don
  8. MN must think there is a football God after all. No one is talking about him, the team or the very real possibility of a loss on Sunday.
  9. Spot on PSD I am now more into west Perth and Norwood than the Dees. I know what the the MFC score line will be the others offer interest. My membership of the MFc will remain but my interest is very low. What I don't give unconditional support to is a large number of people who currently run the MFC Uni Blacks for me this weekend
  10. No matter what you do skills32 you cannot turn a sows ear into a silk purse
  11. You are trying to defend the indefensible.
  12. Excellent summation WJ. This President and most of the board has been in power since 2009. The Chairman was either DC or the Chairman for that time. Since then they have: sacked CS Were in control at 186 Reappointed CS the next day sacked the coach after 186 negotiated a $500 000 fine for not tanking Reappointed CS for 3 years and then sacked him 9 months later Produced a team that is probably the worst side in 50 years bar none Produced the greatest ever losing margin at the MCG. Now we are now mired in the drugs fiasco Right now this club is a shambles, irrelevant to the competition and the laughing stock of the league. Not a pretty picture. Time to Go Don and and all board members should put themselves up for re election at the next AGM.
  13. A better idea might to ban other teams winning there. The ban starts at midday 13th April 2013
  14. As far as I am concerned Yes.Wonder when Don is calling the Press conference?
  15. I forgot to mention before While I was there I was thinking wonder what it would be like if it was traing in September and we were playing finals. Just my dream I guess. But today will keep me up for a couple of weeks. Oh to win a game or two during April.
  16. I am not a big fan Thbt but after your team has been beaten by 19 and then 25+ goals you are allowed to be a little off your game.I doubt I would have gone to the Press conference in the first place. Lets hope he wins on Saturday and see how he is then.
  17. To the organisers a good idea that worked I believe. Surprised to see CS there with the MFC tie. Looked very relaxed, probably feels all the pressure has been lifted. IMO the players seem to appreciate it. It was easily the most enjoyable thing I have done in 2013 with the MFC. Perhaps we should just train and leave the weekend games to other teams. Sorry just a small joke. Hope it shows on Saturday with an improved result. Go Dees
  18. Have you considered that being dropped from the senior team may not be the worst thing that happens to a MFC player at present?
  19. I agree Satriconhome Gawn really needs more time at Casey before we throw him to the wolves as you suggest. Never thought I would see the day I was happy to see Bail in the team. In the past at least he has the ability to get the ball something sorely missing the last two weeks
  20. Not a bad idea Jnr but he has a board and shareholders to report too. Fairly confident that would be regarded by a very conservative industry as a bad investment. Bankers are traditionally not risk takers and right now the MFC is a monster risk
  21. I don't believe you can compare the two issues if you are deciding a penalty. I guess we will see Oucher.
  22. dc I have maintained from day one that this is based on politics not actual deeds. They seem to grind slower than democracy I am not surprised that Essendon has not been interviewed if that is the case. Unless there is a trail to Essendon how can they prove the players did anything wrong. But hell mate I know no more than anyone else and probably less than some. I just get a gut feel that this going nowhere fast. As I said earlier I don't think the players will be found guilty of anything. That being the case I don't thing Essendon will be guilty of anything but being stupid. But I again it is only my gut feel.
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