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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Wise decision. I don't think JVR will get selected this week. Having watched the Casey game last weekend I think he might be better suited in 2023. Having said that means he is near a certainty to be in.
  2. Oh well that has not improved my humour. God now's how we will kick a winning score.
  3. If Brown is ok he comes in this week and the Weid stays as there simply are no other tall forwards available this week. Like last weekend God knows how we will kick a winning score.
  4. Binman I am not sure why people all of a sudden expect the Weid to be different. Since his first game years ago he has seldom if every contributed for four quarters and seldom applied much pressure. Last weekend he started very well then almost disappears. Watching on tv you could be forgiven for thinking he was not on the ground. The best we can hope for is the odd good quarter.
  5. Surely that depends on the time frame layzie.
  6. Is there a limit to MFCSS?
  7. I hope so DD, to be honest if we have a good training ground I am happy. The rest does not worry me, if it does to you then I honestly hope you get it.
  8. I think part of the problem TU is we see how easy it would be to slip back to the not so distant bad times. Fear is our biggest enemy.
  9. Yep for years Demonland was somewhere you could console yourself that there were others feeling the same pain.
  10. Your correct TU. Exactly what I said. I admit most of my mistakes which is fairly uncommon around here. Also if you voice your opinions you will get criticised by some. The majority of those that criticise seldom give an opinion. So be it I am not about to change this side of death.
  11. Your first para says it all. I want to keep him.
  12. Covers my view rpfc. I expect us to perform closer in our form of last year.I am a bit over footy at senior AFL level. I am not keen on the way it is played. Enjoy reserver and lower levels more. No loud music, flashing signs, no night games. The games are played at a lower level than seniors , you are closer to the action. If it wasn't for the MFC I would have no interest in AFL at senior level.
  13. With construction delays these days even if announced today it would be 2023/4 before it was finished and I have doubts about that time frame more likely 2026. Can you hang on that long?
  14. I have got to the point ET where I don’t care. IMO we keep if the cost is not too high. If too high get the best deal we can and move on. Of a choice between him and Angus then I would keep Angus.
  15. The important words there layzie are “ a few years ago” it will be quite a few years yet. There is no money!
  16. Yes but will we get that? I honestly don’t think he is but that is a personal judgement. Honestly just between you and me DJ ( ha ha) I think he is over rated. But don't tell anyone that as it might reduce our trading value.
  17. And last year, they will probably win that coming game. They are playing like we were last year with lots of confidence which is something we have shown little of this year.
  18. Dollars and return home in LJ’s case, pure and simple
  19. I would swap him for that, I know he is young but he ain’t a forward and not a top ruckman at this point perhaps lots of potential. But “potential” is a strange future thing IMO.
  20. You are not alone dc. In fact I think we are both in the vast majority.
  21. Luckily perhaps LH as we have run out of them.
  22. Joeboy is far from a fair weather supporter BK. He has been saying it as he sees it through one of our worst periods in history and beyond. Our performance last Saturday was poor not too many players deserved praise.
  23. Fairly accurate joeboy. No one put in 4 quarters IMO.
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