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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. In all honesty if that is the mood you will be in then do not go. Go somewhere and enjoy the day with your father. It will be much better to have good fathers day memories of time spent with him. Not a crap afternoon at the dome of death. Please remember he will not be around forever enjoy him now.
  2. I agree but I think like a lot of MFC champions he will be gone by the time we have a list capable of producing it.
  3. I suggest a dose sympathy and humility would not go astray Mach5 Also stop taking the angry pills they are doing you harm
  4. There is one positive next weekend. The result is how he has spent most of his time at the MFC so it wont be new for him. Just another day at the MFC office
  5. It is not them that worries me iv'a It is the 43 on our list particular the the players 25+ (1) we have a low number and (2) most of them struggle to be AFL standard let along have the ability to lead the team. I would be more than happy to use all our high draft picks on trades for reasonable older players. We need an increase in skill and dependability from the 25+ year old group.
  6. We are going to agree on this one.This is the problem we have had for years we expect a bunch of kids to carry the side. We have very few senior players who are any good.
  7. you have my vote h.Sadly for Nathan he has been at the Dees during arguable our poorest period. Like Flower he will never get the admiration from the general football world he deserves.
  8. The MFC is litered with what might have been.The simple fact is we have won 6 no more no less so we need to win 14 to get close to eigth place in 2016. We simply do not have the players to win 14 games in 2016. Hopefully with some good recruiting this trade season we can improve the list. But 14 wins next year? Cannot see it. I am also in sales Hogan and it is fine to set objects but if you set ones that have no chance of success you actually de motivate people.
  9. My point is that even the CEO over estimates our list's ability.We are bog ordinary and are way more than one season away from finishing eighth or higher.
  10. This does get funny we are discussing degrees of poor performance.They are ordinary no matter what they think.
  11. we are never going to agree t_uI think the list is still ordinary and you think is a bit better than that well Let's see what 2016 brings because IMO this year has shown little.
  12. Caught them on off days don't fool yourself we are not much chop.Top four sides kill us look what the dogs did to us two weeks ago. And watch this weekend mindset will mean bugger all.
  13. Honestly you are falling for the MFC supporters trap you want them to be good so see things that are not there.The score board does not lie. We are fourth last for a reason we have a fourth last list.
  14. Sadly Mcqueen the weekends team is close to the best it gets at present.There will be a couple of changes forced by injury. No matter who plays the result will be the same
  15. sorry to be padantic Deeoldfart but I think that it was the first outing for that jumper.But whatever jumper they wore it was pi s poor.
  16. me too bbthere is weeding, cleaning the gutters, ironing and choping wood. All offer way more fulfilment than what will happen there.
  17. No let me think when have I heard that before?
  18. I know well how you feel however this game is not the one to do your suggestion.Next weekend we will suffer a another 100 point hiding. That leads into the game at the dome of death that MFC supporters hate and as you say add Fathers day and there will be no one there . How is it going to look making a big deal with 5000 supporters in attendance? I like your idea but that is not the date to start.
  19. I am very confident that you will not have to reserve any dates in September 2016 rjay. You can plan holidays with confidence
  20. I would be delighted with consecutive crappy wins.
  21. Back in February I went to the AGM. The CEO made a statement that it was not unreasonable to expect that the MFC would play finals football in 2016. I wonder will that go down as the silliest thing ever said by a CEO They may be comments that surpass that one but it must surly be in the top five
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