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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. It is a relevant thing I T After the Bombers Game I felt very old after the Collingwood win I felt 18.
  2. All done for the present dc. However I have three spots that could handle implants but even with the cheaper costs in Bangkok that means two visits as well. So barring unforeseen problems that will do
  3. You have my vote. However that will mean one tenth of bugger all in the scheme of things
  4. Different subject dc However if you mean that the colours make no difference to how a player plays. Then yep makes no difference. Colours are only important to us fans.
  5. I always find the "numbers" thing humerous. As if it has any contribution good or bad to how a player turns out. If he wore 50 it would make no difference to 5 IMO
  6. Could be famous last words CBF? .Could be your contribution to the "Confessions" thread in 12 months time
  7. I have recorded this one billy. I am only too happy for you to be correct next September.
  8. Doubt we are spring anything bing.However I will accept autumn .............
  9. I confess to following the MFC for 55 years and expecting them to win a flag in the last 50.
  10. Those may well be the truest words you ever utter R and B
  11. That should produce a five word report. "I went to training today"
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