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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. That may be the most accurate think you say this year jazza
  2. That's not hard to achieve. Sorry bb I could not help myself
  3. And You have a nice day Rob. Surely your world is not this bad. Take a breath, have a coffee go for a walk around the block.
  4. I think death would come first jazza
  5. I will be the first to say jazza I pass !
  6. Bloody glad I am not part of your lot Biffen.
  7. Now Redleg you are really pushing my button. I am a very long time opponent of this miserable excuse for not winning. There are wins and there are losses. Losses are just that and there is nothing honourable in them. The MFC has to regard every loss as a loss nothing more nothing less. We have to leave all thought of loss in the CS era. It is a thought process of that era and should left with all the other crap from that period.
  8. Being in Adelaide I can more or less ignore it. Planning to go to Ammos on Saturday dc for my footy fix. At least I will go with the feeling a win is a good chance.
  9. If only I could forget the last seven football seasons!
  10. Jazza you did not call in at the repat. Thanks for asking my hip is coming good in leaps and bounds
  11. A couple of thoughts from the weekend. Wines was again disappointing and Bennel put a blinder for the Eagles.
  12. No it is not justified but that won't alter the fact we will play in the White jumper that I am forming an affection to as I see it more often than the real one. The reason there are so many negative threads R and B is there is not much of positive nature to talk about.
  13. Channel manager would be a walk in the park for bb
  14. I sincerely hope it is not over that quick tonight it is a long trek in the cold to the MCG if it is over as I expect by 8PM.
  15. I think next two will be a waste of disc space Redleg
  16. You are missing the real reason bbChannel 7 did not want it.
  17. I understand you dc What I am trying to tell you is we would be fighting city hall. GWS are the AFL team We are paupers who depend on the AFL for our existence. Until we are profitable and a power in the league we are powerless, The MFC board / management will not fight on this subject. We will just have to suck it up for the next five years minimum. End of story I am afraid
  18. Here are the options as I see it Redleg.- We except the Current - We fight the people who we need $millions from to survive and a priorty Pick at year end. My decision is go with the white jumper.
  19. I am green with envy Redleg.Every time I have a banana I will think of you sunning yourself in some lovely spot well away from the Melbourne winter and the MFC. [censored]! PS Pri.k is censored!
  20. I can thing of a lot of worse locations. Do they have yum char at lunch time?
  21. Sharp today WJ Razor blades for lunch?
  22. A fate worse than death Redleg.
  23. Now jazza I have a bone to pick with you. In a time when I am having trouble mustering any enthusiasm for the MFC or AFL at the top level I take exception to that line. There is nothing wrong with my hips. If you had said a brain transplant then you would have been in order. After all I have supported the MFC through the last fifty years of crap that must show something is not right in the head. Even someone with half a brain would have noticed and under taken treatment some time back. If I know who I am on Friday I will look forward to your visit and If I don't tell me I barrack For Hawthorn when you call in.
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