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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. He has a contract mono! I assume that both sides are trying to work out the best deal for them and so a dead lock at present. You would think it is fairly simple in that he has been fit to resume playing for months but refuses to do so. That would appear to make the contract void but in the world of AFL that is seldom the case. I think he will be on the list for some time yet and give the MFC nothing. We will just have to be patient till a resolution is worked out.
  2. You can say that again dc. Professional help is definately required.
  3. Amen to that rpfc. Winning is the thing and I don't care what we are wearing.
  4. Until some idiot in the media gives him a voice. And I have no doubt somebody desperate to fill some air time will.
  5. You picked it DC last Monday. Beyond that Words fail me for this individual
  6. It is hardly used though the Essendrug 34 have been taking it out of Gil for years without penalty
  7. Impossible is the word that comes to mind. Not sure why I try every year. Moth to flame perhaps.
  8. Thanks for the report Deko. I have no idea how you put up with 40+ degrees for weeks on end.
  9. Good afternoon Mr. leg. I think my opinion and many others is that the AFL are all song and little dance. GWS is the love child and they will beat their chest about penalities but the reality is they will be modest. It also suits their purpose to have GWS defy them just before the draft. Am I a cynic about the AFL. YES.
  10. I have been to ever AGM for the last decade DC and the subject is never raised. This a problem for a few diehards for the rest it is a minor irritation.
  11. For no notes you have done a good job DJ thank you.
  12. You are taking all the comments far too seriously nutbean. 99% are said in humour.
  13. What 1% and of them who will drop their membership because of it. For 99% they may think it is less than ideal but it is not important in the scheme of things. Winning games is the chief priority for 99% of members the clash jumper is way down the bottom of their perceived problems.
  14. Unless it is screwing a supplier then as you say they don't really want to do it.
  15. This is typical AFL they do no forward planning. This event has been know for over a year but as usual they wait till the decision is handed down and then say. Ok what do we do now. Oh we need a plan, can't do much till the next commission meeting as we need their guidance. Oh is that six weeks away. Ok what's next what is the price of pies going to be in 2017?
  16. Correct but we all know the AFL. Bad publicity is always delayed and delayed until their media mates get on board to soften the public up for a soft result. And don't forget we are talking about GWS here if it was The Dogs or us the penalty would have been served up a year ago. They sat on this whole problem for a year. It was only a media leak that got it into the public domain and then something had to be done.
  17. You have most of it covered MM. For the vast majority of MFC supporters the whole subject is a non event. The club knows the majority of people who don't like the clash jumper are die-hards who wont stop their support for the club and in the end they sell more jumpers in total. End of the story.
  18. That is far from certain Mr. Leg. The pie man has yet to show he can be ruthless at anything concerning the love child. Add to that he will have to formulate a plan to take to the commission and we will still discussing this in Nov. 2017.
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