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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck chances are ..............
  2. That line reads in normal speak as " we have to say this so we don't get sued for not taking care of him" . And when was the last time we believed any FD when they are trying to find a way out. When Clark was going through his process all we heard was he will be back when over his injuries. Then a pay out is announced. Am I a cynic? Yes
  3. Not sure there are many saying he does not have a problem steve. This is the AFL world where winning is everything. If he has a real problem then sadly he should be off the list and looked after as an x player who needs medical help into the future. Simply leaving him on the list serves no one well.
  4. You learn something new everyday nutbean. However we must be flying close to the "derailing a thread " line!
  5. Strange rule if true R and B. Even if correct then lets pay him out and use the draft spot or are we that close to the cap that we cannot afford it?
  6. Good thought DF. They deserve each other
  7. So why not negotiate a 50% deal now and use the draft spot?
  8. His best role for us now is to liberate a spot on the list.
  9. He clearly is over AFL football dc. Work out a deal for him to go now before the trade period. That is the best option IMO. He leaves we then have another draft spot, anyone at this point is going to be more useful than I guy who clearly does not want to play.
  10. Well Chris after reading that I think you should apply to the CIA for a job. That one would put you at the top of the class.
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