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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Me too Mr.Leg I may just spend the day in bed to recover.
  2. Thanks George I did receive the email.
  3. I don't believe I got that one Wal. I might make the trip. Now the search begins for the email. Any idea on the date?
  4. It was worth the wait IMO. sadly way less than the time the MFC is taking to find a home.
  5. Excellent comment Beelzebub
  6. I realise that DJ, I just got tired of missing games live and there area a number of other sports that I will watch e.g. F1, NBL, and NBA finals coming up. When Brian is on I will do like I normally do, turn off the sound. I will also get to day games so that reduces the chances of watching Brian.
  7. Well I have gone elsewhere, surely the game is enough. It is a great game it does not need this blokey calling nonsense.
  8. Your mistake deever is trying to attach common sense to the idea.
  9. Why do channel 7 think this the way to go? I don’t know of one person who enjoys it. Pure [censored].
  10. Compared to 7 commentators they are heaven.
  11. I finally made the move and got a Kayo subscription. Watched the game last night and 2 things were immediately apparent. One quality of the game commentators is a vast improvement on channel 7. And no ads while the game is underway. Oh the bliss of no Brian ! I have resisted for some time because I am firmly in the “ there is no substitute for going to the game “ however with an ever increase of games at night and those not on FTA I succumbed to Kayo. The upside is I can watch when and wherever I am ( last night on my IPad while away for Easter. ) the 21st century has caught up with me and not all of it is bad. P.S F1 is looking good from now.
  12. Can this weekend get better? Pies, Freo and Tigers all lose.
  13. Yes, wow I thought the mind was slipping faster than I thought.
  14. Randolf Hearst said news is something that someone does not want you hear the rest is unpaid advertising.
  15. This is not an excuse for poor behaviour by players. They are drilled about the rules as they apply to them. What a report/ executive does has no bearing on player misbehaviour.
  16. Do you actually believe the side they list every week? If you are in the 22 then you are playing that is all you can believe from what is printed. ⁵
  17. I know we have a different team now however I don't ever remember the MFC winning by a " very large margin" hardtack.
  18. As long as they are good players they will survive at pie land. Their hypocrisy is legendary. Do Better is words only.
  19. I agree I would much rather be at the game. However there is no chance I would spend all the money required to see the game in Adelaide to then have a restricted view.
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