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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. It seems the hospital system is the worst in Australia. Even after 2 years warning they have done little to improve it in preparations for the coming covid increase. That is evidently the main reason for the continued lockdown.
  2. How lucky are they that it is not DL. Much more control, you could blanket almost anything however I don't think that would be a good idea.
  3. Not sure how you would manage this at club level. They will have deluged with questions about the new “scandal “ and would be threatening to overwhelm all the other good things that happened in 2021. To remove questions would be a scandal on its own, to allow them will mean nothing else gets any light. An upside? The new home news might get rushed through and announced. I do not envy the organisers they are in a no win situation.
  4. There is no need for one. We now have sides in QLD, WA and SA. The people and clubs voted with there feet. Good players suddenly got injuries and could not play. I have less interest than the girls game.
  5. Obviously you have no sense of humour drysdale demon.
  6. Depending on the size of the wager you could be spot on.
  7. On reflection it might be why he is yet to re sign Mr. Leg.
  8. I would like to hear what the election numbers were.
  9. I have been to the majority of these over the last 30 years. I miss actually going to the meeting. Zoom meetings are not the same but perhaps that is just me trapped in the 20th century.
  10. Never, I hate to say it but she is a cats supporter. Also not interested in playing football. I am now working on the four year old.
  11. I would love to know how it rates. Even with "my" team playing I was struggling to maintain interest. I guess you cannot please everyone.
  12. Last night I decided to give the girls game another go. Hmm doesn't seem to have changed much since my last visit. Admittedly it is based on one game But the standard has not changed much. Last night it was barely country league seconds standard. There were two Suns players who were 20 kg overweight. There is IMO only one reason it is on TV and that is AFL political correctness.
  13. Doesn’t seem so long ago that was a serious question.
  14. You sound like me wedded to a system that will never return dl4e.
  15. The main reason it took 57 years to win a flag was not the training facilities IMO. It was that we had poor administrations and more importantly not enough players capable of playing at a level that wins flags. We won our first flag in 57 years from training at Casey the majority of the year. The training venue is important but what is more important is the players and administrators, we have the goods in those areas at present and are probably Favourites again in 2022. If it takes another ten years to resolve a central training facilities so be it.
  16. Even though I have had 3 shots you can count me amongst that group. At my age not even an unfurling of a flag after 57 years will see me take the risk. I plan to attend games that have low attendances this year. Who knows what the world we look like come June/ July but that is my current plan.
  17. As i have thought for some time I will be ashes by the time the new facility is built.
  18. In February I am still in the isolating Group JNM. Now that may change as the year progresses. Over the last two years I have learnt to live without attending sporting events live. I will wait and see.
  19. You can put me partly in that group LDC. E.G. now when you go out for a meal it seems it has now become common practise that you have to order via your phone. There is no waitress/ waiter to take you order Net result my wife and I enquire before we sit down if there is waiter service. If it is ordering by phone we move on. Of course it isn't helped by the fact that we are reluctant to eat inside in crowded environments. I suspect my attendance at games of sport will be affected as you suggest. We are both triple vaccinated but of an age that we don't want to contract covid if possible. I will no longer attend any function inside that has large numbers of people. I doubt I will go to the first mfc game of the year. Too many people. Things could change as 2022 wears on but at this stage I am very care full about reducing the chances of contracting Covid.
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