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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Been a great player and a terrific kick for goal ...... but not for us..... too old.
  2. Bont was bloody lucky for mine ! Have a look at the replay and watch Bont - no eyes on the ball - he is lining Oliver up.
  3. Lucky Dad !!! I purchased myself the same hoodie and T-shirt.
  4. I just had a look at the Norf's big footy page to see what they had to say about BBB. While there was some to and fro about him, what infuriated and disgusted me were some vile and disgusting posts about Daisy Pearce by a couple of absolute pigswill and moronic posters. It stems (they claim) from a comment Daisy made about BBB leaving Norf for Melbourne. I have now moved Norf to the top of my most hated oppo supporters list and fervently hope that their ****ty club remains cellar dwellers until they are disbanded.
  5. I was given some Coopers in a GF hamper Bombay, so I'll cleanse the gob with a couple of those and then I'll start murdering the Shiraz
  6. I've shown reasonable restraint ....... but .......I've just cracked my first tinny.
  7. If you want to watch something unfunny and mind numbing, check out the longest kick on fox. It will take your mind off the gf FMD !!
  8. Hope you've got some of that fancy Liqueur on hand picket . No doubt you'll be quaffing at a furious rate!
  9. Sage advice chook! I'd also suggest that od opens one his famous single malts and partakes of an early libation - for medicinal purposes of course.
  10. There's a lot of talk about targeting Max and ....... no doubt Beveridge will have a plan to curb his influence. However, there's been little said about Jackson. I reckon he could be today's wildcard. The doggies ruck stocks aren't good enough to handle them both and concentrating on Max could backfire badly. The young bloke is playing "at home" . He'll be fired up for a big one.
  11. Well good morning Deelanders !!!!! It's finally here !!! DEEDAY! Certainly lots of early risers ! From reading above it seems there were quite a few pre game festivities ! Well done \. A rather earlier night at The Manor. I'm relaxed ! I'm confident !! I realize you shouldn't say such things but Big Max will be holding the cup tonight ! I can just feel it in my water. The Doggies have proven themselves a good side - no doubt about that. But we've got them covered and more in every department of the game. Furthermore, I can see it ending in a blowout. DEESTINY ! The maid will be wearing her Demons scarf all day.
  12. Will you be giving a master class in the arcane art of scat throwing this year Ethan?
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