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Posts posted by Eth

  1. hi guys

    i am just wondering who can tell me, in victorian time, what time the game starts tonight??

    i have seen everything from 710 to 740 to 840 and i have no clue.

    as a side issue, why the hell is 10 delaying our game against the cats by an hour? bastards!

    thanks in advance for your help


    7:40 start in Victoria. Darwin's half an hour behind, so over there it's really 7:10.

  2. Just felt like starting this topic.

    I'm averaging 2050 a round in Supercoachwhich I'm happy with, last week was a nice looking 2150. Thing is, I still lost by 400 points, which has ruined my percentage and left me 3-2 with the most points against in the league at 2100+ a game. Ouch.

    So how's everybody going?

  3. A 4 pack of Red Bulls.


    Your point is?

    We won't make the 8. And that isn't negative - considering we have to win 8 games to do that and we still play teams such as Geelong, Carlton, Collingwood, St Kilda etc.

  4. Only conceded over 100 twice, am I right?

    Round 1 - Hawthorn - LOST 61-117

    Round 2 - Collingwood - LOST 85-86

    Round 3 - Adelaide - WON 57-41

    Round 4 - Richmond - WON 133-78

    Round 5 - Brisbane - WON 103-53

    Round 6 - North - LOST - 78-104

    Round 6 - Bulldogs - LOST 66-70

    Round 7 - Eagles - LOST 46-75

    Then scores against of 86, 78, 75, 70, 53 and 41. Woohoo

  5. What question did you not want to hear answered.

    Your question.

    I highly doubt we'll make the 8, and that's the same opinion of most people on the site. In fact there are very few people who reckon we can. This year we're starting to move up the ladder - we're getting games into Trengove, Scully, Watts, McKenzie etc., and next year I reckon we're a good chance for the 8. You have to remember the last two ears we've 'won' the wooden spoon. You can't exactly tell our players 'okay, we're done tanking, let's make finals.' Our young guys need more experience for that.

  6. I see Bate as a leadup Forward Flank/Mid - HBF...

    I see Watts being a mobile CHF/FF, not unlike Riewoldt. Not a musclebound monster.

    I see Jurrah as a freakish roaming FP/HFF

    I see Wonna as a Small forward/Mid who'll roam up to the middle, like he did that win last year against the Lions.

    I see Petterd as a hard working small medium Utility who'll play allover the ground.

    I see Morton as a CHB sometime leadup CHF.

    I Invisage a 2014 team something like this, >

    FB:Cheney, Frawley, McNamara

    HB:Strauss, Morton, Grimes

    CL:Trengove, McKenzie, Blease

    HF:Bate, Watts, Tapscott

    FF: Wonna, ??????, Jurrah,

    Rck: Spencer, Gysberts, Scully

    Int: Garland, Davey, Viney, Bennell, Jetta, Bail, Petterd, Gawn, Martin +++++++++++++++++++

    Where's Warnock and Jamar? Russian's only 27, and Warnock's...25?

    Petterd can play full-forward, he's shown that this year.



    B: Clint Bartram, Joel Macdonald, Jared Rivers

    HB: Jack Grimes, James Frawley, Colin Garland

    C: James McDonald, Jack Trengove, Aaron Davey

    HF: Jamie Bennell, Brad Miller, Cale Morton

    F: Nathan Jones, Brad Green, Jack Watts

    Foll: Mark Jamar, Brent Moloney, Colin Sylvia

    I/C: Tom Scully, Austin Wonaeamirri, Jordie McKenzie, Jake Spencer

    Emg: Neville Jetta, James Strauss, Lynden Dunn

    In: Miller, Macdonald, Wonaeamirri, Morton, Spencer

    Out: Cameron Bruce (hamstring), Paul Johnson, Matthew Bate (ankle), Daniel Hughes, Matthew Warnock (soreness)

    Far too many changes....Warnock out.....will be missed

    Best late change ever

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