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Posts posted by Eth

  1. yeah but apparently these days it is more important to cater to your everybody loves raymond re-runs or whatever reason was given (or not given) for our game agianst GC to be delayed half an hour

    Their excuse is that it leads straight into the news, as a 3:10 start (delayed) would have the telecast finishing pretty much at 6.

    It's a [censored] attempt at making their news ratings higher.

  2. ROUND 5


    Trengove (1039) def by Deestroy All (1247)

    The Master (1300) def E25 (1210)

    Range Rover (1240) def by Roger Mellie (1304)

    High Tower (1277) def Deez Nutz (1240)

    Ox_5 (1073) def Eth38 (1018)


    By wins:

    The Master 4-1 6675 6044 110.44%

    Roger Mellie 4-1 6548 5934 110.35%

    High Tower 4-1 7064 6408 110.24%

    Deestroy All 4-1 6195 5809 106.64%

    Ox_5 3-2 5522 5780 95.54%

    E25 2-3 6662 6569 101.42%

    Deez Nutz 2-3 6246 6396 97.65%

    Range Rover 1-4 5664 5766 98.23%

    Eth38 1-4 5601 6295 88.98%

    Trengove 0-5 5358 6534 82.00%

    By average points:

    High Tower 1413

    The Master 1335

    E25 1332

    Roger Mellie 1310

    Deez Nutz 1249

    Deestroy All 1239

    Range Rover 1133

    Eth38 1120

    Ox_5 1104

    Trengove 1072

    The week ahead

    E25 vs Trengove

    Roger Mellie vs Deestroy All

    Deez Nutz vs The Master

    Eth38 vs Range Rover

    Ox_5 vs High Tower

  3. ROUND 4


    The Master (1378) def Trengove (1032)

    Deestroy All (1078) def Range Rover (913)

    E25 (1310) def by High Tower (1380)

    Roger Mellie (1237) def Ox_5 (861)

    Deez Nutz (1135) def by Eth38 (1141)


    By wins:

    High Tower 3-1 5787 5168 111.98%

    Roger Mellie 3-1 5244 4694 111.72%

    The Master 3-1 5375 4834 111.19%

    Deestroy All 3-1 4948 4770 103.73%

    E25 2-2 5452 5269 103.47%

    Ox_5 2-2 4449 4762 93.43%

    Deez Nutz 2-2 5006 5119 97.79%

    Range Rover 1-3 4424 4462 99.15%

    Eth38 1-3 4583 5222 87.76%

    Trengove 0-4 4319 5287 81.69%

    By average points:

    High Tower 1447

    E25 1363

    The Master 1344

    Roger Mellie 1311

    Deez Nutz 1252

    Deestroy All 1237

    Eth38 1146

    Ox_5 1112

    Range Rover 1106

    Trengove 1080

    The week ahead

    Trengove vs Deestroy All

    The Master vs E25

    Range Rover vs Roger Mellie

    High Tower vs Deez Nutz

    Ox_5 vs Eth38

    I won. I don't believe it.

  4. typical dees supporter to say we would be happy with a 7 goal win

    absolute rubbish we would, 10+ goals is acceptable

    harden up and away with mediocrity

    Exactly. I wanted 20 goals today - it's still a chance, but we're slacking off.

    Watts needs to come on right now, Magin's fresh legs made an immediate impact.

  5. Because it's a Sunday game and for Sunday games you are allowed to name an extended bench of 7, for Saturday and Friday games you are only allowed to name 4. You may notice that all the teams playing on Sunday have named 7 players on the bench (I haven't looked, but I bet it's true).\

    The sole reason MFC do it all the time is because we have so many Sunday games.

    Beat me to it.

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