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Posts posted by Eth

  1. might need Wonna back as well. we were getting the ball into the forward line on Saturday but failing to convert.

    Don't see how he could help. He's supposed to be creating forward pressure as a small forward but he's not.

    Could chuck him in the backline and see how Carlton do it though :)

  2. Agreed, exceptional point, maybe he is physically closer than I thought. I am guessing that he would only get 50% game time or thereabouts if played. It just depends on if the club is willing to carry him through the game/s.

    I think if Gawn were to play he'd play much more than 50%. To have one player play 50% of the game means that you'll be stuck with two rotating men on the bench for an all up total of 60 minutes, and considering that clubs are now having 130+ rotations a game it's too much of a risk to do that, IMO.

    Gawn would probably play 75-85% and rotate forward.

  3. Anyway, why would Mark Jamar leave a football club with heaps of young talent and a shot at the flag in the future for another club at its lowest point, on the bottom of the ladder? By the time Port Adelaide were up and about in finals Jamar will be on the wrong side of 30, more susceptible to injuries and less valuable to the team - he'll have retired before Port Adelaide next make the top 4.

    He'd be better off staying at Melbourne or, if he did leave, receiving an offer from a team like Hawthorn who I'd say are missing a dominant ruckman of Jamar's calibre.

  4. Bartram's decision making was terrible today.

    He is a massive liability and the type of player that always makes you nervous when he's got the pill.

    Lucky for him there is know one to take his place.

    His defensive work was very good today, I thought. He was one of our better players.

  5. Dropping Davey, WHY? Would St Kilda drop Goddard.

    Flash is a good player. Just having a bad start to the season. He will find it (I hope).

    Not after today, Goddard may have racked up cheapies across half back but he still racked them up. Davey needs a good kick up the butt.

    Also, I mentioned Macdonald because he was...I won't say insipid, but he was one of our worst, if not the worst in the last quarter.

    Petterd deserves to stay. One off week? You don't get dropped for one bad week against one of the best defenses in the competition.

  6. Yep as long as Davey is out I will be happy. As Evans showed young blokes that come in can have an Impact. Also swap Newton for Cook.

    Yeah, that's a good point. Against Carlton's weak backline (excluding Jamison) I reckon Cook would have a good game, as would Watts.

    Also, Jurrah and Macdonald on notice, especially Macdonald. Thought the latter's turnovers in the last quarter really hurt us.

  7. * Aaron Davey HAS to be dropped. Simple as that. His attiude, body language, and his total play is pitiful, and has been all year. I don't want to hear this crap that he should be moved forward - even when he plays forward he has shown nothing. Make a stand Football Department, give him a number of weeks at Casey.

    * One player that is on notice is Petterd. He was insipid today. There is a sickening amount of love on this site for him, but wake up people, he is one of our biggest front-runners, yet sadly, most of you don't see it. He is a Robbo 2.0, his 2nd efforts aren;t there, and he screams for free kicks that aren't there. When he decides to puull his head out of his a$$, he plays good footy, but like Robbo, that's not often enough.

    * Michael Newton must not play a senior game for the Melbourne Football Club EVER again. His errors were too costly, and this is consistent with every game he has played for the club. He did bugger all today, and I cannot see how he should be played ahead of Gawn. I don't care what you think of our ÿouth policy"in regards to Gawn, he is fit, we are in injury strife, PLAY HIM.

    * Matthew Bate = see Michael Newton. Bate is clogging up a spot on our list, and the change that I can see happen immediately is Bate out, Howe in.

    * Liam Jurrah is on notice. While he is a frak of nature, he still needs to understand that the AFL requires a level of discipline. While it is not in his "nature"to be coached, there are still basics of footy that you need to show, and he doens't do those often enough.

    * For those doubters, we WILL be a top 4 side in a couple of years. If both teams were full strength, we win easily today, simple. Jamar is the biggest loss our team has (hence my call to put Gawn in no matter what), we can't afford to cruise along the next 12 months hoping Russian doesn't break down again.

    * I don't know if Bailey is the right coach, but that's not saying he isn't. I think the Club, which includes us supporters, should do whatever it takes to ensure Bailey's future ISN'T questioned until the end of the year. Having questions raised every second of the day about who should be coach, isn't the best thing for the Club, and a lot of you have yourself to blame. There is nothing the Club can do in the immediate future (this season I mean( that will turn our season around, so let's show support rather than the idiotic comments about "Bailey MUST be sacked immediately", blah, blah. I bet he wishes that he could have 1/2 those players back that are injured - I'm sure his end-of-season record would look a lot different if they were playing.

    * Blease and Strauss NEED to be given games this year. If both those boys can play at least 6-8 games before the end of the season, we will go in to next season a better team. We saw today what a debutante can do that has been playing well at Casey, well, according to those in the know, Blease and Strauss should be given the opportunity. Maybe now that Tappy has done a hammy, it will open the door.

    * I hope the Watts and Jones baggers can finally pull their heads out of their a$$es, because if we didn't have those 2 blokes for the plast few weeks, we'd be feeling a lot worse.

    Agree, disagree, agree, disagree, agree, we'll see in two years, agree, agree, agree.

  8. "Hunt Evans"....I dont get it ;)

    He was referring to surnames... :lol:

    Anyway, congrats to Mike Hunt Evans. Seems like we're good at picking up rookies.

    Edit: Why trade Harris for an unproven debutant? 1. Harris has more money left in him and 2. There are better options. Smith and Hibberd are the two I'd look at. Jacobs, Puopolo, Lynch as well.

    Anyway, I'm doing Toy to Hibberd, McKernan to Suckling this week. Yay for making Supercoach money :P

  9. Hey Eth38

    No problem, enjoyed having Chip on my Team for 5 minutes.

    I will do a reverse Trade once he lands in my Team to sort this out for you

    All - Bachar Houli for Sale. Any takers once I get him back?

    Cheers OMR

    Thanks heaps.

  10. Would anyone mind voting against the trade between Old Man Rivers and I? It was James Frawley for Bachar Houli.

    I don't know what happened, I was typing up my response suggesting that Frawley's ranking of 249 includes his not-match fit performances over the first few rounds and that he's playing like a top 100 player, but all of a sudden it loaded my team page, and when I went to click on the trade, it said I could vote against it, but that was it.

    I had no intention of trading Frawley (except for Ablett or Judd :) ), so whoever gets this, could they just go on and vote against it? Thanks.

    I'll send a message to OMR too, seeing if there's anything he can do - haven't traded yet, only signed and delisted.

  11. Look, i am liking what I am starting to see from Watts as well. But I sometimes find it amusing when we get excited by some of the things he does, when i am see that consistently from other young players already(eg. he takes one contested grab, and we all get really excited like he may be the next Carey). If anyone watched Fyfe play for Freo tonight, he took about 3 in the last qtr alone. That kid is an absolute jet, and I predict he will be a top 5 player in the league in future years. He reminds me of Hird in the way he can impact a game around the ground by making all sorts of plays at different moments.

    Watts and Fyfe will be in the top 5 players in the league in five or six years.

    Fyfe is definitely the next Hird, how he slipped to a second round pick is insane.

    Watts is like Riewoldt, but I reckon better. Quicker, more versatile, better kick.

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