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Posts posted by Eth

  1. Posting a link like that is ridulous. Our great game would be very ordinary if it wasn't for umpires. I propose that any work mates of jarnott10 start a facebook campaign the next time he has a bad day a work. It's only fair right??

    Our game's ordinary when the umpires don't umpire. Today was a pretty good example.

  2. I don't really know where to start. I feel worse than two weeks ago.

    Green showed again why he shouldn't be captain.

    [censored] the umpires.

    Watts is a legend.

    Martin is a legend.

    Goldstein and Harvey are free kick hunting [censored].

    I don't know what else to say.

    Edit: [censored] Dangerfield. Knew I forgot something.

  3. From a realistic point of view, Hawkins was contesting the mark, Toovey ran against the flight of the ball. [censored] happens in those situations.

    From a Melbourne/AFL supporter, the Tomahawk is gonna get his butt kicked at the tribunal.

  4. A pies player (did not catch who) grabs ling by the arm and drags him to the ground without the ball and slams Ling into the ground, shoulder out.

    Must be cited and suspended.

    Ling seems to be okay at the moment. Had no trouble putting on the red vest at the moment.

    Would say if Ling was still in trouble it should definitely have gotten weeks.

  5. * B: James Frawley, Matthew Warnock, Clint Bartram

    * HB: Nathan Jones, Colin Garland, Luke Tapscott

    * C: Ricky Petterd, Lynden Dunn, Brad Green

    * HF: Colin Sylvia, Liam Jurrah, Addam Maric

    * F: Jordan Gysberts, Jack Watts, Aaron Davey

    * Foll: Stefan Martin, Brent Moloney, Jack Trengove

    * I/C: Michael Newton, Austin Wonaeamirri, Jamie Bennell, Rohan Bail

    * Emg: Matthew Bate, Neville Jetta, Joel Macdonald

    * In: Michael Newton, Stefan Martin, Jamie Bennell

    * Out: Matthew Bate, Mark Jamar, Jack Grimes

  6. Tinney now summing up. He says: in the past this tackle would have been seen as acceptable. But football as changed. It must be decided in the context of the rules as they now apply, not as they used to apply.

    Tinney reading through the rules on when a tackle may be considered unreasonably dangerous. Relevant here is that the arm of the player was being held, which made it 'a tackle of an inherently dangerous kind'. Dangerfield was unable to control his movements or protect his head. Also to be considered, 'a player may not be slung or driven into the ground with an excessive level of force'. Tinney suggesting the same outcome could have been achieved with considerably less force than was used.

    Doesn't look great.

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