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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I like to think “gulpable” might be a better word... the OP being culpable with regards to the veracity of his post and the posters accepting the post at face value being gullible.
  2. Reading’s not your strong suite? I can’t think of any one other sports writer (or non sports journo, for that matter) who comes close to capturing the spirit of the game in the way that Flanagan does.
  3. Can we somehow work the Illuminati into this... or does that only apply if we were to recruit Mason Cox without having to pay anything for him.
  4. Have a great time in Melbourne... I head down with my youngest son in early to mid January to catch training in the new year. Those YouTube clips probably all have different personnel in the band. Last Saturday we had a couple of members of The Hitmen sit in for a number, while one of our regular full time guitarists (who's currently holidaying in NZ) is a guy named Ged Corben who was a founding member of The Cruel Sea and was a member of the Lime Spiders. Would love to do any pre-game events you have going.
  5. It just occurred to me that it might be insurance related? As he's not yet a member of the club, and only has permission to train, could it be that he's only insured against club training accidents? (I know, clutching at straws ?) The smoke where I am (inner west near Marrickville) is the worst we have had to date. I went out for a coffee and my daily constitutional, and arrived home with a sore throat and heavy lungs. I hear that liquid refreshments are a good antedote, so if you're suffering too much, head in to Dulwich Hill this Saturday arvo where my band is playing. https://www.facebook.com/events/2581052898797186/
  6. My bad, I didn’t notice that. Apologies. Then I guess the answer is that the AFL has rules regarding those invited to train, only being allowed to train... and I imagine the club would see more benefit in having him training than hitting golf balls and playing table tennis?
  7. Definitely... he already showed us glimpses of what a fit AVB will be like, in the run up to the finals last year.
  8. I think you’ll probably find that the idea of the camp is to introduce these kids not only to the club, but also to an AFL system that they have never been a part of. I’m pretty certain that Tomlinson, Brown, etc weren’t invited either. (edit: corrected by It’s Time... Tomlinson etc were on the camp)
  9. And he was a great proponent for indigenous players.
  10. Who cares? I’m sure there’s plenty of other deserving players not included as well.
  11. You missed “approaching towards...” in the paragraph before that one?
  12. To quote from the marketing article posted above: “Sherrin Precision is designed for players and coaches at all levels, as well as teachers and parents that are instructing the game.” ALL levels... and despite what you said above, there’s no reason that shouldn’t include elite players, as some players have certain skills that could be considered elite and others that could be improved. Players that are elite in all facets of the game are few and far between.
  13. Exactly what do they stand to lose by using this ball? If the answer is, NOTHING, then you are getting worked up over, NOTHING.
  14. Some quotes from my favourite author, Haruki Murakami, that could probably be applied more to Demonland than the MFC: “I'd be smiling and chatting away, and my mind would be floating around somewhere else, like a balloon with a broken string.” ― The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle “I wonder what ants do on rainy days?” ― Norwegian Wood “I probably still haven't completely adapted to the world," I said after giving it some thought. "I don't know, I feel like this isn't the real world. The people, the scene: they just don't seem real to me." Midori rested an elbow on the bar and looked at me. "There was something like that in a Jim Morrison song, I'm pretty sure." People are strange when you're a stranger.” ― Norwegian Wood “Everything is there but there are no parts. Since there are no parts there's no need to replace one thing with another. No need to remove anything or add anything. You don't have to think about difficult things just let yourself soak it all in. For Nakata nothing could be better.” ― Kafka on the Shore
  15. I'm loving the fact that at the draft night when interviewed, he said he won't be getting getting it cut; must have sent a few on here into a conniptious (new word) state.
  16. Just days after we lost Martin Armiger (of The Bleeding Hearts and The Sports) we lose yet another 70's\80's music icon, in Greedy Smith from a heart attack at just 63 years of age. Too sad!
  17. In that case, Amatriciana... I had that with penne for lunch today; a nice kick of chilli.
  18. Is this an indication that he is now with the MFC in some capacity?
  19. My memories of Adelaide comprise weird crime (Snowtown and petting zoo) and Rundle Mall providing a sense of what it must have been like working on the set of Deliverance. My only fond memory was watching the Bachelors From Prague at Le Club Foote.
  20. It seems that a party at Werridee's place could be considered cruel and unusual punishment!
  21. Weren’t the club meeting with Murray during the week? Where are our usual (as opposed to “usually”) reliable sources with the inside scoop?
  22. Why on earth would you do that? Weird.
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