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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. Nice!! Old enough to have a record made of vinyl yet tech savy enough to be able to use the Internets! Love it.

    Of course the album and track list need to be updated to be relevant for today. Here's my take:

    Steady on you young whippersnapper! I've been on this internetable world wide thingy since you were probably still in nappies :)

    Like your list by the way... maybe I will try to create something similar after they finish changing my bed linen and incontinence pad :lol:

    (However, you will notice above, I couldn't get the embedded youtube code to work so it displays in this thread... can manage it on Demonology but not here... anyone have some tips?)

  2. You can blame this post on the AFL and the Bye... For wont of anything better to do, I was looking through my old LP record collection (vinyl, not those new fangled CD things) and came across the following gem:

    Footy Favourites (VFL Approved) on the Studio One label - there's no year on it, but I vaguely recall it being gifted to me in 1977.

    Side 1:

    1. Tim Watson - Ruby (don't take your love to town)

    2. Trevor Barker - I Can See Clearly Now

    3. Ray Shaw - Danny Boy

    4. Wayne Schimmelbusch - 20 Miles

    5. Barry Round - Little Jeannie

    6. David Cloke - The Letter

    Side 2:

    1. Michael Turner - I Go to Rio

    2. Laurie Serafini - Hard Rock Cafe

    3. Mark Maclure - Imagine

    4. Michael Moncrieff - Don't Stand So Close to Me

    5. Robert Flower - Macho Man

    6. Kevin Templeton - Who's Sorry Now

    I really don't think it was an accident to finish this album with Templeton's rendition of "Who's Sorry Now" by the way.

    For just a fleeting moment I felt like Indiana Jones as he held the Holy Grail in his hands in Raiders 3.

  3. I see you are another "rookie" on this site and they are howling you down and asking you to "P" off already. (take the rest of the week off)

    Are you serious?? It's funny you know, but I have always been of the opinion that emoticons such as the classic "winky" ( ;) ) are intended to provide a visual clue as to the lack of seriousness in a response and/or comment. Is this your first time on an internet forum?

  4. I'm perfectly happy for us to go in as underdogs on Thursday... seeing them go into the game over confident and expecting it to be easy could be all that is needed to fire up our boys and catch them off guard.

  5. The feeling is quite mutual. Understand what I say and not "read" to use your words. the way you address me is what I would define as condescending, with all due respect. I am not a child and I had, at last testing, an I.Q. of 145 and don't need your "school teacher" approach (more waffle ?) Now you have explained in more detail what you actually meant by your defining moment,(been more concise) I see what you were trying to say. but I will stick with my "waffle". You may call it waffle,some others may and some may not. BY the way I was awarded a 91 % mark in English Level 3 at Matriculation College, which at that point in time was the second highest mark at Hobart Technical College. A long while ago admittedly, but nevertheless a high achievement..

    Sorry you took it that way... it was not intended to be condescending at all... just direct. I thought it was fairly apparent that what was intended by defining moment, was that it is a moment that will define the course for the rest of the season. Anyway, at least we are both clear on that now.

    As far as school results and IQ tests go, I don't really place much importance in those - after repeating year 12 (called Matriculation back then) and passing just English, I have since managed to go on to have a reasonably successful career as a Technical Writer (now with Oracle) with absolutely no formal qualifications. I always tell my children to be smart rather than intelligent... although they seem to be quite intelligent despite my "discouragement" - must be their mother's influence :-)

  6. I totally assure you that the response to "sack Malthouse" was in no way intended to be sarcastic.

    Ok, so it was a sarcastic remark directed at you following the rather odd commentary regarding Bailey based on his press conference appearances. And as you are one of the "sack Bailey" proponents, then it would be fair to extrapolate and say it is a dig at others of a like mind to yourself.

    So the WCE game is a defining moment for our finals chances this year ?? I certainly hope not. If our players really want badly enough, they will dig deep and play 4 quarters of intense footy because they have the team to do so.It's a matter of breaking the pain barrier sometimes.. If they lose and have played their insides out for 4 quarters then great !! Cannot ask anymore.. Can we ??

    To say it will be a defining moment in our finals chances is indeed a disappointing assessment.There are 17 matches to be played after that and I would like to think we can win at least nine of those wouldn't you ? That should put us about 6th.. with 50 points... I think maybe 46 points would make the eight ? (pure speculation of course)let's just go for the old cliche.. one game at a time...

    Now I would suggest you attempt to understand (as opposed to read) what I say. The defining moment comment refers to the fact that if we can get up for that game and achieve a victory, then it should set us on the course for many more victories. As you surely must realise, footy is a game of confidence and momentum... hence this could well be a pivotal game.

    And I suggest that if you want me to read what you are saying rather than think what you might be saying, perhaps you could be a little more concise and lose a lot of the waffle (a term bandied about by many an English teacher) from your posts; it would make them far easier to read and understand... seriously.

  7. Two points from your argument.

    (Terrible statement you made ,Sack Malthouse)

    You already have us losing against WCE.. That unfortunately is the culture of most people on this site ... Sad !!

    Not very good at reading sarcasm? It is patently obvious that the "sack Malthouse" comment was a not so subtle dig at all of the sack Bailey proponents on here.

    And I see nothing wrong with his WC win comment, as based on current form, they are well ahead of us and would beat us unless our players cn dig deep and play a full 4 quarters with some intensity. I hope we win, but this is a game I have already stated will be a defining moment for our finals chances this year.

  8. Hardtack I disagree, we were well off the mark in a lot of games last year, we had a purple patch during April to early May.

    The rest of the season was ordinary at best.

    With a month to go we had a chance and played what I think was poor football.

    We beat only Richmond over the last four games.

    I would argue that you don't in fact disagree at all. I stated that last year was an improvement over 2009, which it was; I stated that we were a chance at the eight but ran out of legs; which we were; I stated in effect that the performances would be inconsistent; which they were and will continue to be.

  9. in that case you'd be a Collingwood, Manchester United, Ferrari fan, eh?

    Hey, you can take the boy out of Melbourne (Croydon to be precise), but you can't take the Melbourne out of the boy! Been a true Dees supporter since the second half of the 50's, was a Leeds follower when I could be bothered with that game, and there are only three cars I would want to own if money was no object: an original gun metal blue gull-wing Mercedes, an original AC Cobra, and a british racing green E-Type Jag :-)

  10. It's Mckenzie who I really think we miss - he's out engine IMO. Last year when he played, 8 wins a draw and 10 losses. Without him 3 losses. One of those was the first game against North. Obviously he's just part of a team, but in a way I think he's a little more than that. I think we'll see an increase in performance when he comes back.

    I agree. I also look forward to seeing how well he and Bail can link up to transition the ball into the forward line; I think that combination could give us a great midfield advantage when they are firing.

  11. Every Melbourne supporter should ask themselves one honest question- Do i believe our current coach will lead us to a premiership?


    Here we have a coach in Bailey who has virtually dismantled what he had inherited and then re-built from the ground up a team that will start to move ahead in leaps and bounds over the next couple of seasons. I would think that the football department probably now considers the list to be where they wanted in terms of player acquisitions, so now they can settle into the process of team development as opposed to player development.

    The way I see it, this is essentially year one of Bailey's coaching tenure as he now has the team assembled to take us forward into the finals and eventually the grand final. We are already ahead of where we were at this point last year, which was well ahead of where we were the year before, so I am perfectly content to see how the rest of the season pans out before putting the boot in.

    These so called supporters who are sharpening the knives just four weeks into a season really p#ss me off... they either conveniently forget, or just plain overlook the fact that we came very close to making the eight last year, had we not run out of steam late in the season due to youth and lack of experience; they overlook the fact that we are still in a team development phase and although we will improve, we will also experience highs and lows on and off the field; they are always looking back over their shoulder instead of at what is ahead of them.

  12. There are significant rumblings emanating from our club. It will take a minor miracle for Dean Bailey to be reappointed for another term IMO.

    You get the distinct feeling that conversations about this matter are already taking place behind the scenes.

    Apart from that article and the radio discussion that it relates to, could you please provide those of us not in the know with a little information/illumination regarding those other "significant rumblings"?

  13. No, you're not. You're being the extreme pessimist.

    Perhaps he has that syndrome that must not be mentioned.

    West Coast next week will be a great indicator as to how we intend to approach the rest of the season, I would think. After having a break where, hopefully, the Dees have been working on their mental attitude as well as the physical aspects of their game, if we can come out firing and catch the Eagles by surprise on their home turf (no easy ask for any side this year), then that could set the tone for the rest of our season.

    It's a trite old saying, but footy really is a confidence game, and I'm hoping they took something out of that last quarter against the Suns - I get the feeling they were cruising in that 3rd quarter and after having a rocket put up them at three quarter time, came out firing; obviously not being privy to what was said in the huddle, I'm hoping at least, that was the scenario.

    Also, as Junior's name keep cropping up as someone who is being very sorely missed for his on-field leadership, can someone please remind me how many games he played last year and how we performed in those games where he was absent? (that's a serious question by the way). And I'm sure that some bemoaning Bruce's move were probably among those rubbishing his performances last year.

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