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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. ...

    I resent you suggesting I am stetching the truth. I have followed ( and been a member )of the

    Dees since 1960.

    The fact I might have a different opinion to you does not make me a liar


    Old Dee, I suggest you go back and read my post again. I merely stated that if you have followed them for as long as you say, then you, like I, have seen a flag come our way. That is in no way suggesting you were lying (or even stretching the truth) but was indicating that we have both had the pleasure of witnessing a flag. Perhaps I should resent you for resenting me for something that was never intended?

  2. What I want is the same tough attitude that James Hird and Essendon supporters show

    Not the "great effort " we accept

    Do you also want the same tough feral eat-your-own attitude that those same fans develop as soon as things start to go a bit awry? Let's just wait and see what happens if Hird's Bombers aren't doing quite so well by the second half of the season shall we? Believe me, they don't get much more bi-polar than they do in Bomberland.

    By all rights, we should have lost that game on Sunday in the third quarter... yet we somehow managed to claw our way back and hang tough to eke out a well earned draw - that would not have happened in seasons past at this early stage.

    Oh, and I have followed the Dees for 54 years (since I was 4 years old) so does that mean I am entitled to call you impatient? Being a Dees supporter for 50+ years does not entitle us to feel any more or less aggrieved than any fan of the club whether they be 5 years old or 85 years old. In fact, if you have followed them for as long as you say, then you, like myself, have at least had the pleasure of witnessing them taking the flag.

  3. Thought bringing Petterd on as a fresh player was how the coaches will use the sub in future...ie bring on a gun player fresh in the last..almost a soccer tactic really....if it was intended it worked. Perhaps not Pet as we need him all game at the mo....but i think we will see more of this.

    Yes, I think someone like Jetta would be well suited to being a "super-sub", as he tends to drift in and out of the game - if he was to come in and go full tilt for one quarter (or even a half), then he could be very damaging. I doubt it will be used as a place for a back-up ruckman, particularly now that other coaches will note that it probably cost the Swans the game.

  4. Absolutely Spot On....When he creates play in the first Quarter, he will click into gear. He is still a little rushed by the intensity of AFL, how good was Jamie Bennell's goal...!

    Agreed on Watts... but yes, that Bennell goal was magic! Goal of the match (even better than Green's effort) - but what about his riding of the bump to set up a great piece of play? He's due for a big one this year, I can feel it in my bones.

  5. Hardtack all the above means nothing. we did not win!

    end of the story. stop justfying our inability to win.

    By the way I will never be pleased with "not loosing"

    I am NOT justifying our inability to win... rather, I'm justifying our ability to fight back from what twelve months ago would have blown out to be a total drubbing! Finally, we are showing some fortitude and I am confident we will now go from strength to strength.

  6. Don't be happy we did not win when we should have.

    Do not except second best.

    Only winning Counts the rest is a below required performance.

    We have been excepting honourable losses for far too long.

    Nonsense... we went in with a well below strength side, with a lot of inexperienced youth, and we came out with a draw after trailing by 25 points at the final change over. Be happy that we didn't lose when we should have! No pleasing some people.

  7. There must be a reasonable chance that Frawley might be fast tracked in - I think they would like to have him available considering our backs will have to deal with two big power forwards. Also, Jones seemed to suffer some sort of shoulder injury, so even if it's not too serious, they may be tempted to give him a week off.

  8. One thing to come out of today that no-one seems to have picked up on and that probably makes the resulting draw a fair result... neither team had won a first round match since 2005 (I think it was) - and one thing that has me a bit unsettled... the lack of doom and gloom posts we usually get after the first round.

  9. For those who say we didn't deserve 4 points for 1.5 quarters of football. Rubbish, football is about taking your opportunities and winning (not getting "fair" results). We need to tighten up and learn to win in a flourish

    Yep, 3.6 to 1.4 for the quarter is what killed us... too many missed opportunities from set shots - those 4 Swans points were mostly rushed in the final minutes.

  10. Yep, no doubt the kid can play and he has certainly proven he is no one-trick pony. Booming kick, accurate delivery, reads the play exceptionally well, strong mark, fearless and hard as nails! At least Roost It should now have the opportunity to reassess now that he has actually seen the kid play.

  11. Maybe a few ahead of him


    This is a case of stats not telling the whole story. What Bennell did with the ball when he had it, set us up for many good possessions. Moloney has high stats, but really he only provided a lot of value in the last quarter... he and Davey went missing for much of the first half of the game. Anyway, that was just my observation and of course I don't expect everyone to see it the way I did.

  12. Luke Tapscott would have to get the rising star nomination for this week

    Can't argue with that.. and I would think Bennell came close to best on ground; he had a great game.

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