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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. The interesting thing will be what pick we have to use to get him. Until I know that, he is not part of my immediate plans for premiership core.

    I hadn't realised you were in such a position of power ;)

  2. How about he just dose Community Service working with people who Alcohol has ruined there lives this week, he doesn't play on Sunday and if he dose these well, He can train again with the boys in the bye and then play west coast. Maybe spending time with people whose life has been ruined due to over drinking may change his behavior????

    Are you suggesting that maybe he should play the next couple of rounds with the Casey reserves?

    Just kidding (obviously)

  3. Legend, kills it on the footy field and obviosuly hammers the [censored] too! :P

    Yeah, terrific... not! I hope you were being sarcastic, but if not, and hammering the [censored] meets your definition of "legend" status, then I'm afraid that might say more about you than him.

    Beamer is a professional athlete and as such should be looking after himself a bit better - great on-field decision maker, very poor off-field decision maker. He should get a fine AND a week's suspension if proven guilty - the real worry though is, who else was with him, and if other players were there, why were they out on the turps (or not) at that hour after a game? After winning a GF, yes, maybe acceptable... but after a scrappy victory in a game against a cellar dweller, definitely not!

  4. A typical game from a C grader.

    Some of you are easily pleased, or just poor watchers of football.

    Rubbish comment... three goal assists in our last four goals of the game, 27 quality possessions (2nd highest for the Dees and 3rd highest on the ground) and 7 marks. Sure there was the odd handling error, but in the conditions that was perfectly understandable.

  5. ive given credit in the past then he does sthing silly, settle down

    he is inconsistent and needs to get better

    surely u see that, needs to be a leader every week not one in 3

    Fair enough... but my main problem is the fact that people jump on his mistakes yet give little credit for the good things he does (same goes for Bennell).

  6. One good part of this turnaround is that its coming off the back of players like Dunn and Bennell, who were quiet early... its nice of them to turn up.

    I would say that Jones is the main instigator... he is easily now in our best two or three players for the day.

  7. jones cant kick - woeful disposal

    What a rubbish comment!! He has had more effective disposals today than most of our players... I am sick of the way people here are always ready to jump on players like Jones and Bennell as soon as they manage a poor disposal... take the blinkers off!!

  8. The next 2 weeks will tell.

    The next two weeks should be treated by the club and players as opportunities to stamp their authority and build their confidence with big wins... it doesn't matter that they would be against the likely cellar dwellers; confidence and momentum are major driving forces in this game.

  9. Do you honestly think that because the FD say that the Hawks are a great side, that there is no behind the scenes criticisms and soul searching going on with the players? FWIW I dont what supporters expect to hear from a Press conference. Bailey does what he always does. He plays a dead bat. If he or anyone is going to critical, scathing or damning of any individual or group of players he rigthtly does it behind closed doors and to their faces.

    Stynes presser is to give the anxious types a naive comfort that the club is actually unhappy about the performances. Of course the FD and Club aren't happy with the performance but they are not going to hand out criticisms through the media and they realise that there is a gulf between our young stars and the best teams of mature hard bodies.

    Sums it up well IMHO.

  10. Bruce's grinning fist pump at the MCC wing was very noticeable yesterday after he snapped a goal during their third quarter run on. Kind of sad for a 200+ game veteran of our club.

    Yes, absolutely shocking to see a player celebrating an excellent goal in which he set-up AND then subsequently completed, the play!

  11. What's the problem with this thread?

    Perhaps it's the fact that it's just another of many looking for players to pillory?

    Plenty missed marks through basic skill errors, Jetta's on their forward line that led to a goal for example - and that was all this was, a basic skill error. It really sickens me that Bennell is carrying the can skill for a judgement error in game two of season 2010 and one which he has made up for ten-fold since. And by the way, if you watch that game against the Pies, you will notice that Grimes actually pulled out of a much softer contest in a move that led directly to a goal, yet it was Bennell's retreat that caused far more consternation... go figure.

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