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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. I'm not saying it warrants 2 or 3 weeks, but that was a dangerous tackle in anyone's language... and to say that Dangerfield had an arm free to save himself with is an absolute joke; get someone to tackle you at that speed and with the same ferocity and see how you go protecting yourself. Most of the people making all of the noise here would probably be making even more noise if instead of Dangerfield it had been one of our players who was tackled and the tackler got off scott free.

    I would be very surprised if the club appeals as I'm sure they will realise it is better to lose him for 2 rather than 3 weeks - no point in making a "statement" when it is essentially a lost cause.

  2. How can you agree on the basis that there is 'too much "black and white" vision" [...] with regards this issue' when the poster you're agreeing with has set down an absolute minimum number of wins in order for DB to even have a chance at being recontracted?

    No, the poster was stating what is generally considered to be a minimum expectation based around performance improvement; that is not necessarily his opinion. However, he was stating that that did not necessarily translate to not making the finals equating to a fail.

    As for Roos and malthouse being uncontracted next year... Roos has quite publicly stated he is not interested in coaching and Malthouse, to the best of my knowledge, has said nothing.

  3. I'll maintain that there's a point where he keeps his job. That point will not be the 8. This side could very well make the finals this year, and I would love to see them do so, but we cannot expect it. However, there is certainly a minimum expectation of ten wins, based off last season and general improvement. Disagree with it however much you want, that is almost certainly what the board expects. Any less and Bailey will not stand a chance.

    Personally I think he will need to make finals to guarantee himself the job for 2012 when you see the two other coaches who could be taken.

    I agree. There is far too much "black and white" vision in this place with regards to this issue.

    Bailey, like most of the playing group, is relatively new to this level, so he is still proving his ability and like the players, will experience ups and downs. Now that the players have had a taste of the kind of commitment and effort it takes to inflict a sound thrashing on a team that many were touting as finalists earlier this year, we WILL win a minimum of 10 games (I think 12) and the odds are that we will play finals footy this year.

    Judging by the comments coming from both players and admin, Bailey has great support (although I know the same people calling for his head here will claim that is just a public facade), so I see things starting to move ahead. There is no way I would want Roos or Malthouse as coach as I can only see that unsettling our development rather than hastening it. But hey, that's just my opinion and I have about as much of a clue as those who want Bailey gone.

    One last thing though... where has it categorically been stated that Roos or Malthouse will be available or that they are even the slightest bit interested? Heresay, rumour and wishful thinking are one thing, but facts are something completely different - so, what are the facts?.

  4. On that score I think dropping Bennell and Morton was significant. Both of them should spend another three weeks at Casey at least.

    Morton perhaps, but Bennell definitely not... he is versatile enough that he can be very damaging on the forward line and is able to provide run from the back line. With Grimes out and Bate a possibility to be relegated to Casey yet again, Bennell and Martin should both come in against North.

  5. See the photo in that article ? That's Tapscott, not Garland as pointed out below the image.

    Didn't even look at the photo to tell the truth... regardless of who is in the pic and regardless of the caption being incorrect, the article cites Garland.

    And yes, it is great to see the club being pro-active. Footy is in large part a confidence game, and I would think the players will be coming of the back of that game against a team that were being touted as finals contenders earlier in the year, feeling that can now compete against the best as long as they go in with the same intensity. Wonderful what a little bit of self belief will do :-)

  6. Perhaps the OP knows better than the players? A quote from an interview with Garland regarding a motivational talk the team got from former Melbourne Storm player Robbie Kearns:

    "Dean can't play the game for us and I guess as a playing group we were really stung that Dean was copping a bit of criticism. You don't go out and play for one particular person, I guess we're all in it together but you definitely want to play well for Dean because he has been so supportive," he said.

    "We know the game-plan was under criticism but we knew that if we came with the right mental attitude we could win the game."

  7. Keep the commentary coming guys relying on your updates as I'm in Borneo by the pool!

    What are you doing beside a pool in Borneo?? You should be up the Skrang river in a long house... now, that's an experience.
  8. Fanfooty suggesting it is in fact broken, my apologies

    Well Bailey told Richo that he had hurt it and the doctors thought it would take too long to settle it enough to get him back on, so it was decided to sub him.

  9. I really cannot believe what I am seeing here. Jones is a young guy who like most of us (yes us oldies as well), likes to get involved in the social media. Yes he's a footballer... so what??!! He is a person who, again like the rest of us, has opinions and likes to on occasion express them. It does NOT affect his footballing ability, it does not affect any of you, and it does not affect me. He has celebrity to Dees supporters, yes... but the 99.999% of the twittersphere, he is just another person with an opinion. Big deal!! Mr Morton, I suggest you hurry and find yourself a life.

  10. To me this shows that even in his 'lean' building years he was far further down the track.

    The question is rather interesting though

    In all fairness to Bailey though, I may be wrong but if I recall correctly, Clarkson had more to work with in terms of a player base that he built upon and in terms of facilities. I think this is a much fairer comparison than comparing Bailey to a Hird for example (and I'm not implying you are guilty of such a comparison), who is essentially building his success on the back of the "brains" of the operation in Thompson.

  11. the trend itself.. shows a slowing of improvement from an initial jump . The first two years were accomplishing one job where after there was a dramatic ( by comparison ) improvement . This is trailing off. Some will see the graph and think we're still improving. Appearances are deceiving. The underlying TREND is downward.

    Anyone who understands forex will see this immediately.

    Glad youre happy there Nasher

    It would be interesting to see whether Hawthorn would have won the flag if they hadn't persevered with Clarkson in his "building" phase.

  12. ...unlike Jones, the bloke Tappy hit didn't stay down like he got shot.

    Hope you're not inferring Jones took a dive. If Jones stays down, you can be certain he has been hurt... don't forget, he's the guy that wanted to get back on the field after breaking a bone in his back last year. Pity we don't have a few more as hard as he is.

  13. Bailey seems to be failing to keep up, we are playing football that would have worked 3 years ago.

    Bailey can't go out there and kick the ball for them... so far this is absolutely pathetic delivery of the ball. Most of their goals are from our turnovers which have mostly been the result of poorly directed kicks... how many out on the full have we managed so far?

  14. He then resisted the temptation to go home and join the Gold Coast suns (where he would have been well rewarded financially) to stay loyal to the club that gave him his start and hopefully be apart of something special in the coming years.

    Well, it looks like he got his wish then.

  15. I live around the corner from Subi, this is the most rain we've had since probably August... And I washed my car yesterday too, but these conditions if they continue should suit us...

    If you want to check them out, Jones just tweeted that they're on their way to Subi now for a session.

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