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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. 1 hour ago, Demonland said:

    i'm surprised there has not been one Bunnings or Dan Murphy's listed as an exposure site as yet.

    I’m pretty sure we had one Bunnings store here in Sydney, listed as an exposure site a couple of weeks or so ago.

  2. 7 hours ago, demonstone said:

    B:  Hayden Young   Ben Hart   Daniel Rich

    H/B:  Matthew Collins   Trevor Barker   Darcy Tucker

    C:  Scott Thompson   Nathan Jones   Oskar Baker

    H/F:  Dale Thomas   Jack Watts   Stephen Powell

    F:   Charlie Cameron   Michael Roach   Shaun Smith

    R:  Mark Lee   Nathan Burke   Sam Mitchell

    I/C:  Daniel Ward   Nick Blakey   Lewis Taylor   Brodie Holland

    They are all drummers:

    B:  Earl Young   Mickey Hart   Buddy Rich

    H/B:  Phil Collins   Travis Barker   Moe Tucker

    C:  Chester Thompson   Elvin Jones   Ginger Baker

    H/F:  Pete Thomas   Charlie Watts   Cosy Powell

    F:   Matt Cameron   Max Roach   Chad Smith

    R:  Thomas Lee   Clem Burke   Mitch Mitchell

    I/C:  Bill Ward   Art Blakey   Roger Taylor   W.S. ‘Fluke’ Holland

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  3. 59 minutes ago, deanox said:

    I think there would be uproar in this case.

    In 2019 competing clubs got an allocation of 17k for members.

    I can't imagine that more than 5-7k of those would be sold as GF Guarantee, it's too risky otherwise.

    So unless we are have capacity of 25k or less, I think we'll be fine.

    As someone residing in Sydney who paid for the GF Guarantee for my son and myself, I’m wondering what will happen if borders are closed and we cannot use them. It’s a bit of a worry.

    • Sad 1
  4. 2 hours ago, ProperDee said:

    In fact, it’s cold as hell apparently?

    I remember at one point in the telecast, they showed a guy with a kind of flame thrower, melting the ice forming on the concrete standing area as it was considered hazardous.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, RalphiusMaximus said:

    Hard to see those two getting another contract sadly.  I think they've been well and truly left behind. 

    Didn’t I hear one of the commentators last week say that Bedford is probably the number one small forward in the VFL? If that’s true, then I would expect them to persevere with him for a bit longer.

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  6. 40 minutes ago, Gunna’s said:

    FMD umpires ruining a good game. Oliver held massively

    gawn held in ruck contest. 

    when will I see what the umpires see

    Do you ever comment on anything other than the umpires? They have been incompetent, yes, but not solely to the benefit of Port.

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  7. 6 minutes ago, demonstone said:

    Who do you think England will bring into the team to replace Sterling?

    Surely he's now on the plane to Tokyo to compete in the diving for England.

    By default, it's Forza Azzurri! for me.

    Ever since the dive that deprived the Socceroos of a spot in the semi-finals (or was it quarters?) at the World Cup, I cannot bring myself to support Italy.

    • Like 4
  8. 1 hour ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    I think it's too late. The people of Sydney (and NSW) have been fed a consistent diet of anti-authoritarianism for so long via 2GB and the Murdoch press that I don't trust the Sydney population to stick to the lockdown and mask rules the way people in other Australian States and territories have done. That may mean AFL games won't be held in Sydney for quite some time yet as the other State and Territories may not allow teams that play there to return home without quarantine.  

    Actually, as far as anti-authoritarianism goes, Melbourne was probably the worst as was evident in the demonstrations and actions of certain individuals early on in the piece, so I can't really agree with that part of your comment.  We have had another 42 cases recorded today (40 community transmissions), but hopefully the message is getting through, as when I've had to go out for food supplies, I have noticed that probably 99% of the people are masked up, which restores my faith in people a little. 

    My biggest issue with the powers that be is that Glad took so long to respond with a lockdown, particularly as she had the Victorian experience to draw upon; and never mind all of those private school kids getting Pfizer'd in what was *cough* a mistake... money talks.

    I got my first AZ jab at the beginning of June and will get my second at the end of August... apart from a little local soreness in my arm, I experienced no side affects at all.  I noticed that they (the powers that be) are only just starting to talk about it now, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out why they haven't encouraged companies to do as they do with the flu jab, and have employees vaccinated on their premises; it's in their own interest to have all employees vaccinated, from a productivity perspective.

    From a personal position, I'm getting tired of watching my band's gigs getting cancelled... it's like a slow motion game of dominoes, where each lockdown extension announcement sees one or two more events cancelled.  July was a pretty full month, and now, barring a miracle, it's pretty much a write-off!

    • Like 3
  9. 27 minutes ago, JimmyGadson said:

    Hopper came out and said that they had lined this game up as a 'final' for them and they played like it was a final all game. And we finally decided to give full effort in the last. But unforced errors still cost us even when we could have snatched it on the line. 

    A repeat of our effort in the loss to Adelaide.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Earl Hood said:

    Last week on TV I thought Weid looked good but he is playing a role similar to TMacc who is excelling in that fed roaming role up to the wing. We need a deep target for him to kick too. 

    I’d like to see Bedford come in for Kozzy this week… he’s earned his chance and Kozzy needs a break in the VFL; hopefully he’ll also take a break from believing the hype.

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