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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. 14 minutes ago, titan_uranus said:

    This isn't as good a result for us as people think.

    If we go 2-1 from here and the Dogs go 2-0, the Dogs will finish above us - even with this loss, we still have to win all three games, and/or the Dogs have to lose to Hawthorn or Port (in Melbourne), for us to finish above them.

    It's certainly possible (Port's in form, for example), but it's still not that likely.

    But Essendon's win puts them in pole position to finish in the top 8, particularly if we beat West Coast tomorrow (Essendon has the percentage buffer over all their competitors).

    I have no issue with us finishing second below the Dogs, as that takes away the weight of expectations placed on minor premiers. Besides, in recent times, minor premiers have, in most cases, not gone on to win the GF.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, deanox said:

    even sending them a spare 1 or 2 million jabs a month is ineffective help. I guess it all adds up.

    Help is never ineffective. Even that 1-2 mil jabs a month would translate to possibly hundreds, if not thousands, of lives saved. Yes, it certainly does add up.

    • Like 6
  3. 1 hour ago, Kent said:


    But the COVID-19 death toll publicised daily on Australian state and territory government websites and reported to the press does not differentiate between the two. It includes all people who’ve died with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) in their body. It’s unclear if the federal government currently makes this distinction or not.

    Source of this quote please.

    Edit: never mind, I found it. It’s from The Conversation.

    • Like 1
  4. 55 minutes ago, old dee said:

    Well I don't care about football this morning. There has been a case at my GD's school. She has to get tested today and that is consuming my thoughts right now. It is no longer something that happens to other people it is at my door. 

    Sending positive thoughts OD. 

    • Like 5
  5. 18 minutes ago, Grimes Times said:

    Sam Collins did not require any treatment at the time or ongoing as a result of the incident. He won't miss any training or matches as a result.

    What does that say about the force???

    So much for intent, hey. Would you prefer someone suffers a serious injury before anything is acted upon. Laughable!

    • Like 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, CYB said:

    ...and did it occur to anybody that Collins could bench press twice Viney's weight... so if he wanted him gone all he had to do was push him off?

    You’re seriously trying to excuse Viney’s act???  I think it’s safe to say that if the roles were reversed, you’d be baying for Collins’ blood!

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Grimes Times said:



    The way people can judge force off video footage amazes me. A real skill.

    I think the fact that the victim was pinned down and unable to get up, is pretty indicative of the amount of force applied. There are absolutely no excuses that can be invented for Viney’s reprehensible act. Minimum of 2 weeks if he’s lucky.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, 1964_2 said:

    Funny you all have this view knowing they will play.

    Be interesting to see the reactions on news of “out Lever and McDonald” for 2 x losses against GC and WCE. 

    There are some things that are bigger than a game of football, particularly in the middle of a pandemic when families are under a lot of stress. I would completely understand and respect their choices and would certainly not hold a loss or two against them; in fact, I’d be very surprised if their absence would necessarily lead to a loss in those games.

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, 1964_2 said:

    Is this a joke?

    1 week away from family for 2 must win games, to get a spot in the top 4!  Yes, I am aware of the strain from new-borns, but it’s 1 week, not 6 months.

    the world has become soft! 

    Aye, when I were a lad, we lived in shoebox in middle of road, with nowt but a handful of gravel for dinner. ???

    • Like 3
    • Haha 4
    • Vomit 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, Rab D Nesbitt said:

    Yeah, I haven't seen it in ages but bringing it up now makes me want to see who might be streaming it online. I love the desert landscape and spent a bit of time around the Mojave a few years ago. One of my favourite films is called Bagdad Cafe which was filmed in the area and has the same sort of vibe to it. 

    And that song Calling You from Baghdad Cafe is so good! Another film from that era was the Coen Brothers effort, Raising Arizona.

    • Like 2
  11. 17 minutes ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    That's an interesting view, but don't you think there is also an argument that finishing second after having been on top of the ladder for most of the season will add mental pressure because of the disappointing finish to the home and away season? 

    I suppose that’s a possibility, but if you look at the list of minor premiers in recent years, they more often than not, do not become premiers. Even Richmond failed to win the premiership in the year they were minor premiers (recently).

    • Like 1
  12. 22 hours ago, A F said:

    Agreed. I reckon finishing 1st is vital, because first will likely play a home qualifying final against an injury hit Brisbane or flakey Port for a place in the prelim. 

    If you’re implying that 3rd and 4th will be occupied by Brisbane and Port in whatever order, then I’d prefer we finish 2nd in order to avoid the added (mental) pressure of the expectations that go with being minor premiers.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Jaded said:

    I don’t understand this thinking. So if we played them in two weeks we could beat them but playing them next week means we lose? We aren’t carrying significant injuries. Nothing will be different next week to the week after, except for perhaps a small-ish crowd. 

    Not to mention that by playing the Dogs next weekend, we are saved a trip to Darwin in the energy sapping humidity.  If anything, we should be much fresher for the game.

    Also, if the Suns game is shifted to round 20 and is still in Darwin (lockdowns and border closures permitting), hopefully we would head directly to Perth and spend the week there preparing for the Eagles game in round 21.

    • Like 5
  14. 36 minutes ago, Dr.D said:

    I wasn't surprised that we beat Brisbane or dogs. Nor was I surprised that we lost to Collingwood or didn't beat hawks. Ultimately, I said 5th. And if I'm wrong, I'd be surprised. 5th I said. It's been there for the whole forum to keep me accountable. I have no problems with that. I'm just keeping all the fans accountable for saying top 2 and top 4 when it was far from warranted.

    When your team has gone 9-0, those kinds of predictions were just as, if not more, warranted as yours, particularly as we had beaten a number of teams expected to finish well above us. Also, after each loss to a lowly team, we have come back to defeat a top 8 team, so why wouldn’t people believe we can finish top 4.

  15. 1 hour ago, Dr.D said:

    You called me a troll when I said we'd finish 5th because you guys couldn't fathom the idea that we could finish 5th. I had done my research and I looked at all the teams and who they were playing and looked at our form and came up with 5th. So I've now proven that my prediction is the most accurate because you guys couldn't even stomach the idea that coming 5th was within the realms of possibility. 

    Who did you predict to win last week against Port?

    Who did you predict to win against the Dogs and the Lions?

    I may be wrong, but as I recall, it wasn’t us.

    Yep, you’re a genius.

  16. Just now, monoccular said:


    Unfortunately given the multiple knee jerk lockdowns  who knows where or even if games will be played. 

    Knee jerk lockdowns? What we now have in NSW is a direct result of NOT having a knee jerk reaction… I know what I’d prefer. I’d say that rather than being a knee jerk reaction, Vic and WA responses are a result of hard lessons learnt.

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 2
  17. 7 hours ago, SaberFang said:

    Look sure, it was a dumb comment. He's a great player, but I'm still entitled to dislike the guy. Joel Selwood's a gun too, but I can't stand him either!

    His off-field persona just puts me off. I still remember his comments last year decrying how outrageous it was that players were asked to take a modest paycut to keep the AFL afloat, while coaches and support staff were losing their jobs entirely (not to mention how tone-deaf it was at a time when so many ordinary people were losing jobs and businesses were going broke). Really sullied my opinion of the guy, that's all.

    Fair enough; I didn’t have any issue with your opinion of him as an individual, but thought your targeting of his abilities as a player were way off the mark.

  18. 29 minutes ago, SaberFang said:

    Guy hasn't won the hardball when a match was on the line in his career. At least 2/3 of his career goals must have been in junk-time.

    You don’t watch a lot of games other than Dees games, do you.

  19. 34 minutes ago, SaberFang said:

    I cannot stand Jack Riewoldt. What an egotistical show-pony -- everything's always gotta be about him.

    Yeah, that’s right… he only kicked those six goals and played a brilliant 300th game, because he wanted all of the attention ??

    What a ridiculous comment! The guy is an absolute star!

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