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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. 29 minutes ago, monoccular said:

    What takes place in the stands, and on line is totally different to even verbal abuse by players on the field, let alone aggressive contact, which is what occurred.  

    FCS if the AFL are serious about 'defending umpires' and 'the integrity of the game' then they must stop any contact with umpires (other than the truly accidental in play) AND also start penalising on field abuse and even questioning - start with an automatic free kick, and add an immediate 50 meters each time it continues.  It would stop almost instantly.

    I somewhat disagree with your first paragraph. The people on these forums who abuse umpires and the constant accusations of cheating etc. are no doubt, in a number of cases, passing this attitude on to their kids or grand kids, who may be playing in school comps or Auskick etc. Kids do tend to emulate their parents and develop attitudes accordingly. When I read game day threads, I sometimes do find myself wondering if any of those posting comments about the umpiring standards, are ever guilty of abusing the umpire’s from the sidelines at their kids’ games. The example has to be set early on and begins at home.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Supreme_Demon said:

    Grant Birchall did it as well when he kneed Clayton Oliver in the back or kidneys. That was incredibly dirty and dangerous.

    That was not deliberate at all... he was contending for the ball in a way that happens numerous times in any match.  It was purely bad luck; just a footballing incident where no one is to blame.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Wells 11 said:

    4 verrrry dubious free kicks fr 4 goals to weightman. that’s game changing umpiring. 

    Yes, the Dogs do get the rub of the green, but that is just plain wrong… the last on the boundary line was dubious, but the first three were free kicks every day of the week.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, TheWiz said:

    I think Matt Stevic was the same umpire involved with Hawkins?

    A lot of the recent cases of umpire contact below were quite careless and unintentional. The only one I can think of that that is similar in intent to Greene’s would be Greg Williams back in 1997 for 9 games.

    Has to be suspended, particularly when you watch some of the videos of the ones below. My guess would be 4 weeks.

    Tom Hawkins (2018) - 1 week, made contact with an umpires arm

    Ed Curnow (2018) - 1 week, minor push on an umpire. I think this was after a match review and the umpire said it was so fleeting he didn’t recall it?

    Heath Shaw (2009) - 1 week, grabbed an umpires shoulder

    Justin Koschitzke (2008) - 1 week, ran into the back of an umpire in the VFL whilst rucking

    And let’s not forget Phil Carman in 1980, headbutting boundary umpire Carbury(sp?), and getting 20 weeks for his troubles.

    • Like 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, Redleg said:

    That’s fine but you are ignoring one fact, did he actually bump him or touch his hand. The video does not show a bump and Stevic does not react like a player has just bumped him. He would have reported him on the spot. Guilt is still important these days. 

    I had been of the view that he would get a fine, but the ‘new’ side view footage posted above on this page, does actually show shoulder to shoulder contact being made… not particularly forceful, but I’d say enough to get him 2-3 weeks.  

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, TeamPlayedFine39 said:

    What?!  That’s it?!

    All last night I kept reading about this ‘Zapruda film’ like side-angle that would completely exonerate Green of any wrong doing… that clip just confirms what most already knew.



    The footage being shown now is NOT the same footage being analised on Foxtel last night that was discussed here last night. This ‘new’ footage is conclusive beyond doubt.

  7. 21 minutes ago, rpfc said:

    Keep conceding...

    6+ please and a fine and an extra massive suspended fine.

    And he can then apologise. 

    He tried to intimidate an umpire while discussing another stupid decision that he himself made.

    The face palm is for the “keep conceding” comment. The penalty is just my guess, based on the fact that the umpire did not choose to report him on the spot.

  8. 8 minutes ago, titan_uranus said:

    The ridiculous argument some have offered that Stevic steps out of the way and there's minimal to no contact looks to be blown up by this angle.

    Yes, seeing that footage he does appear to be in a lot of trouble. I’m happy to concede my position on this. It should, and will be, 2-3 weeks.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Grand New Flag said:

    I have booked a hotel in Perth to quarantine. Not sure of logistics beyond this, but as a MFC/MCC Premium Member I get a guaranteed GF Ticket. I  intend to use it.....  even if I am stuck in a hotel for one week or even two.  Who is joining me?

    I’m in Sydney so I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere this side of Christmas. That aside, there’s absolutely no way I could afford a hotel for however long the quarantine period is, plus airfares for two to Perth. 

    • Like 1
  10. 35 minutes ago, Jaded said:

    Big big difference in that incident. Firstly that was in play and Neale was wanting to show the umpire that he was bleeding hence deserved a free. He didn’t walk up to the umpire at a break, point a finger at him, have a chat to him and then on purpose touch him. It’s not hard for Greene to avoid contact but he chose to make it and then continues to carry on like a pork chop. 

    It’s a bad look for the game. It’s super disrespectful and there is no need for it. If players don’t respect the umpires at this level, you won’t get respect for umpires at any level. Gotta stamp that out!

    I accept that.

  11. 2 minutes ago, deanox said:

    Sorry for my typo, should be "should not be considered a mitigating factor".

    If the umpire is standing still, and Greene barges towards him, then Greene is intended only to make contact in an intimidating and aggressive way.

    Short of assaulting him, this is probably the most aggressive physical thing he could have done.


    Yes, but since when has the MRP or tribunal ever been interested in intent? Sad but true.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, deanox said:

    If he didn't touch him, that's only because the umpire stepped out of the way to avoid Greene's contact, and that should be considered a mitigating factor.


    Now that is a fair point; but I seriously believe that if the kind of contact that people are claiming here occurred, the umpire’s book would have been out in a flash.

    • Thanks 1
  13. Just now, titan_uranus said:

    You're comparing what Greene did to this?


    Yes I am… you and others are making it seem like Green shoulder charged the umpire almost knocking him senseless.

    Watch the footage with analysis that they showed on Foxtel and then let me know what you think (and no, I don’t have a link). I’m no fan of Green, but I think some of you are letting your hatred of him cloud your judgement.

    • Facepalm 1
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  14. 2 minutes ago, titan_uranus said:

    Are you saying he didn't touch him at all?

    If the contact was less than it first looked, all that means is a 6+ week suspension can be reduced to 2-4.

    Acting in that manner towards an umpire is disgraceful.

    If you read my comments, you’d know that your first sentence is wrong. He touched him very lightly on the hand. It was no worse than Lachie Neale’s touch of an umpire (whenever that was), which resulted in a fine.

  15. 2 minutes ago, titan_uranus said:

    Show me said footage.

    It shouldn't matter. He walks directly into Stevic's path, Stevic is stationary. He's acting in a completely inappropriate way towards an umpire.

    If what Viney did was a "bad look for the game" and was worthy of two weeks, so is this.

    Show you the footage?? It was there for all to see during analysis on Foxtel at half time. Reiwoldt, Brown and Dunstall all discussed it at length, replaying the footage over and over from a couple of angles. If he had hit the umpire as hard as people are trying to make out here, don’t you think the umpire would have reported him on the spot?

    Sorry, I don’t have access to the Foxtel library of footage, but I’m sure if you can somehow get to view the half time discussion at our game, you’ll see it.

  16. 1 minute ago, Stiff Arm said:


    The umpire was standing still and front on to Green, who walked straight at him. Made enough contact to cause the ump to take two steps back and to the side. The umpire turning was a result of the momentum from being pushed on the side by Green.

    At the end of the day, the umpire was standing still and it's 100% Green's responsibility to move around him and not make contact.

    Should be 4 weeks minimum.

    He'll get off.

    You obviously haven’t seen the footage that Reiwoldt and co were talking to… there is clear daylight between Green’s shoulder and the umpire… however, you do see his hand make contact with the umpire’s hand.

  17. Watching the replay and listening to the discussion on Foxtel, there’s absolutely no way he should be suspended. He barely touched the umpire’s hand and the suspected shoulder bump was just a trick of the camera caused by a combination of foreshortening of the image with the umpire turning to continue the conversation as Green walked past him. Fine at worst for touching the umpire’s hand.

    • Like 1
  18. On 8/19/2021 at 2:54 PM, Dante said:

    Maybe they should have a bbq out the front of the vaccine centres or perhaps convert Bunnings in to a centre.

    I've had both AZ jabs and felt nothing and had no after effects, same with the other staff in my office.

    Funny you should say that... on the radio today, I heard a rep from Bunnings being interviewed and they have offered to make their stores vaccination centres (in Sydney at least where they are now closed), for their staff, staff in affiliated businesses and trades people; not sure where they stood on general public.

  19. 4 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    Almost put him out the window apparently!!

    Tonight will be “Black and Blue” night

    A very underrated piece of work that i have loved since 1976

    It is a great album... Ronnie Wood's first?  Mick and Keith had gotten into reggae.

    • Like 1
  20. Saddest day in a long time. There are very few rockers who could claim the “gentleman” tag, but he certainly was one of them. I particularly love the story where Jagger phoned Watts's hotel room late at night, asking, "Where's my drummer?" Watts apparently got up, shaved, put on his suit, a tie and newly shined shoes, went down stairs, and punched Jagger in the face, saying: "Don't ever call me your drummer again. You're my [censored] singer!"

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