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Posts posted by hardtack

  1. 4 hours ago, McQueen said:

    Did the ladder predictor and whether the result between ourselves and Geelong and Power v Bulldogs goes either way I get we’ll play the Dogs in the first final. 

    I don’t think so… assuming we win tomorrow, if we beat the cats and dogs win, then we play Port in the first final as they finish 4th and we finish 1st.

    If we lose to cats and dogs win, we play the dogs in the first final.

    If we beat cats and port win and lions win, we play the lions in the first final.

    There are plenty of instances where we won’t play the dogs.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Rab D Nesbitt said:

    Hi hardtack, thanks for the heads up on this. I seem to remember getting an email last year about getting our first final free for 'donating' our membership fee to the club but for the life of me can't find the email anywhere. What you seem to be saying instead is that the cost of the GFG wasn't added as part of our membership fee this year and instead was 'carried over' from last year? 

    Well, during last year I had questioned them about what would happen and was told that it would be carried over to 2021 and I would hear more when membership payment was due. Next I was informed my membership fee had been taken and I noticed they had included the GFG in both mine and my son’s payments. I then contacted them, reminding them of what I’d been told via email and they then eventually made the adjustment, refunding the GFG costs.  

  3. 1 minute ago, daisycutter said:

    my response was ambiguous, ht, i could have meant in the biblical sense

    but if as you say it was only once i'm prepared to put it down to accidental rather than cultural appropriation

    ahhh... as in "go forth and multiply"; yes, in that sense I have definitely frocked up on more than one occasion.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, drdrake said:

    I can't remember a time when this guy was able to get a real go injury free run.  He is a bloke that can play mid size or tall forward or back.  Just hope he can get 18months injury free to show us if he can play.

    I'm hoping he can emulate Petty in redeeming himself.  Both were cruelled by injury early in their careers when both were starting to show some good form, but were unable to return with the same level of confidence; Petty has since shown himself to be the defender we all hoped he would be when first recruited. 

    Smith, in his return from the broken collarbone, kicked 4 goals in a 2019 pre-season match but unfortunately suffered a groin strain that put an end to his return; let's hope that like Petty, he can rise from the ashes.

    • Like 5
  5. 2 minutes ago, picket fence said:

    He would prove all wrong including the selectors if they put him wher he should be played


    Further to my post just above yours, that is precisely where I think he will be named... filling in for TMac.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, Macca said:

    You're getting warmer

    It has become quite apparent that you are referring to the Tex Walker thread, and yes, some of the commentary ha been waaaaay over the top, but when I see Betts talking about things from the perspective of an indigenous person, then the mental health argument can be applied equally, if not more so, to the victims as opposed to the instigators. 

    • Like 1
    • Thinking 1
  7. 4 hours ago, old dee said:

    This morning I find myself genuinely depressed with the world on Friday 13th August 2021 and I don't believe in superstition. However the news via electronic and printed media is nothing but despair and sad stories. Try as I might I could find nothing uplifting. I feel like I want to return to bed for a week and hope the news is a bit improved next Friday. I really had no idea our world would be like this for my later years. But no matter how sad for me  what must it be like for the young! Hope the dees can improve our world on Sunday with a big win.

    PS why after a thousand time of typing "Dees" does it change it to Fees. 


    I know precisely how you feel OD. I turn on the TV and there's Gladys telling us that today we have 390 new cases in Sydney, change the channel and it seems like half the world is at war, half the world is ablaze, record high temperatures and flooding all over the world etc... and then I check in on Facebook and it's still full of (or should that be 'fool of') climate change denialists, anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, etc etc.  The world is well on its way to hell in a hand basket.  And to top it off, we just had a murder committed just a few streets away from where I Iive.

    • Like 1
    • Shocked 2
    • Sad 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Doug Reemer said:

    Re: Adelaide, have you seen/heard the Tea Tottling Nancy state Leaders talk about anyone entering that state? Would be just as hard as getting into WA, whilst Melbourne is in its particular climate.


    I'm sure Alan Joyce will be happy to have the GF in Perth, so he can recoup Air Fairs he has lost.

    Apart from the fact that I'm unable to grasp the point you're making, you do realise that you're somehow managing to attribute a quote that I was responding to in my post, to me?

  9. 1 hour ago, Youngwilliam said:

    Not saying it's fixed but humans are all different. Reprogramming someone is inhumane.

    I've been trying to avoid any more commenting on this thread, but Jesus H Christ(!!!), that comment takes the [censored] cake!! 

    This whole discussion, at least up until your comment, has had absolutey nothing, zilch, nada, to do with "reprogramming"... it is about educating people. Do you seriously believe that educating racists that their behaviour is unacceptable, is more inhumane than the pain that they are inflicting directly upon their victims and as a result indirectly upon an entire race of people who have been struggling with this kind of treatment, for decade upon decade upon decade???

    Either stop being an apologist for racist behaviour, or take a long walk off a short pier... please!


    • Like 6
  10. On 8/11/2021 at 8:01 PM, Rab D Nesbitt said:

    I've got a grand final guarantee so would be mortified to have the game played in Perth if we made it that far. We'd have to quarantine for 2 weeks and face extortionate flight prices. Who the hell can afford to take 2 weeks off work in this economic climate? If it definitely can't be played here I'd prefer Adelaide where fans of each side can at least drive there in nine hours and not be captive to price gouging airlines. If the ground holds 10k less than Optus they can add 16% to the cost of the tickets to make up the shortfall in revenue. 

    I've just emailed the MFC with regards to the GF Guarantee.  They were nice enough to carry last year's GFG over to this year, but now I'm a bit concerned that they might no be so forthcoming this year, and with Sydney pretty much odds on to still be in lockdown and Sydney-siders rightly unwelcome anywhere outside of Sydney, and if Melbourne do make it to the big dance, there is zero chance we will be able to avail ourselves of the GFG again this year.


    • Sad 3
  11. 6 minutes ago, Mr Steve said:

    We win because we were in front at half time. So if Kossie had missed we would have lost and were 32 point in front.

    No, the ruling is that if the game has reached half time, the team in the lead when it is called off, gets the four points.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  12. 1 minute ago, red&blue1982 said:

    It's poignant. It's information. It reveals more about his character, it reveals more about the story.


    The fact that he made, and admitted to, racist comments tells us all we need to know about his character. It would add nothing to the story except to satisfy those who derive perverse pleasure from knowing all of the gory details… much like those who go rubbernecking at the scene of an accident.

    It’s very apparent that the AFL do not want the comments out there, most likely to protect the victim from going through the experience/trauma again.

    • Like 6
  13. 2 minutes ago, red&blue1982 said:

    It's a discussion isn't it? We're all communicating in text on a forum right?

    I'm noticing that through merely inquiring about what Tex Walker actually said it's raising suspicion and censor like responses like yours.

    Why discuss the story at all if you don't want to go into detail?


    Why do you feel the need to know exactly what was said?  How will that add to the discussion in any constructive way… particularly now that Walker has admitted to it?  

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