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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Could have been worse, the ump could have paid that free, or a free could/should have been paid to us for Selwood’s kick out of bounds in the play before that, in which case we probably would have ended up falling short. The footy gods were looking after us, it seems.
  2. Also, while harking back to 2018, I couldn’t help but notice Fritsch emulating Hannan’s goal in the final against Geelong… almost a carbon copy!
  3. Haha, yep, awkward silence and then: “Did someone say KFC?”
  4. If we expect to be premiers, we have to be able to win games against the best. It seems you’ve already decided we’ve lost tomorrow against Geelong. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  5. “Winners of their round 23 game have won the flag in 8 of 10 years”… and therein lies the conundrum. If we win our round 23 game, we will be minor premiers, and in the past 10 years (2010 to 2020), minor premiers have won just two flags (Pies in 2010 and Hawks in 2013). Oops! Just noticed Dr Gonzo’s post above, stating the same.
  6. This may have been discussed already (I’m too lazy to read through the entire thread), but is it possible that if the Dogs win on Friday, securing us at least 2nd place, Nathan Jones could get a run against the Cats with a view to him either getting to play a farewell game or the opportunity to secure a place in the side for the finals?
  7. I get my second AZ on the 30th. Like you, I suffered no ill effects (apart from some localised soreness in the arm) and didn’t feel it go in at all.
  8. Can we please cease and desist with the “it’s a conspiracy, the AFL is out to get us (MFC)” posts. These are very difficult times and the AFL is trying their best to work logistical miracles with the continually moving target that the virus creates. If we’re good enough, we should be able to win regardless of where we have to play.
  9. That was the first thing that popped into my mind... let alone the cost of airfares for two to Perth (assuming they get the gig) and 2 weeks accommodation, which is pretty much out of the question when you're on next to no income.
  10. Settle petal… I wasn’t playing games at all. If anything, I was agreeing g with you about the need to vaccinate, as the protection it offers is always better than the alternative.
  11. Yes, but they don’t say roughly how much, but they do mention the 81% at 12 weeks which is the same as mentioned in my earlier quote… so I’m guessing the figure they’re not providing probably matches (or thereabouts), the figure in my quote. Either way, the protection is way better than the alternative.
  12. For those wondering, like me, about the Grand Final Guarantee and what the club will do in the event that we cannot use it due to lockdowns, I just received the following back from the club: “Please see below the information I have been provided regarding the grand final guarantees. You will only be entitled to a refund if restrictions in your LGA restrict you from doing so. Due to the uncertainty around the location of this seasons’ Grand Final, we’d like to reiterate some restrictions of the Grand Final Guarantee product. If Melbourne are not a competing team in the Grand Final, the grand final guarantee product is non-refundable. If the Grand Final is played outside of Victoria under no COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, providing Melbourne are a competing team you are not eligible for a refund. If COVID-19 restrictions impede your ability to attend the Grand Final and Melbourne is a participating team, you are entitled to a refund of the Grand Final Guarantee product. If you have any further questions, please let us know.”
  13. This is a quote from The Conversation site, re effectiveness based on time between shots: ”Leaving 6-8 weeks between shots increased efficacy to 59.9%, and waiting 9-11 weeks, efficacy was 63.7%. However, if the gap was 12 weeks or longer efficacy jumped to 81.3%.”
  14. Yes, you can, but apparently the effectiveness is somewhat compromised/reduced by a few percentage points. I'm hanging out for the full 12 weeks (2 weeks from today) for my second jab of AZ.
  15. As the old joke goes… Nurse: “Dr D, what’s that rectal thermometer doing in your top pocket?” Dr D: “What??!! Some bum’s got my biro!!”
  16. Sorry, I skipped your post… I assume you mean not ruling out?
  17. I saw this posted on FB… anyone know any more and whether this is likely. All extremities crossed
  18. Apparently 28 is a very good read. A friend of mine Stuart Coupe whose judgment I trust (he’s a successful biographer of a number of musicians), is raving about this book. I’ll certainly be grabbing a copy.
  19. I would rather see the AFL have the red, black and yellow somehow incorporated in the design of all club guernseys; perhaps as a border around the bottom?
  20. Viney isn’t back until next week against Geelong.
  21. Lovely guy… he ensured that I got tickets for the China game and gave them to me personally at a training session the day before the game. On game day he took me into the rooms before the game and let me take photos as the team prepared to play and later sat and chatted with me in the stand.
  22. I don’t think so… assuming we win tomorrow, if we beat the cats and dogs win, then we play Port in the first final as they finish 4th and we finish 1st. If we lose to cats and dogs win, we play the dogs in the first final. If we beat cats and port win and lions win, we play the lions in the first final. There are plenty of instances where we won’t play the dogs.
  23. Well, during last year I had questioned them about what would happen and was told that it would be carried over to 2021 and I would hear more when membership payment was due. Next I was informed my membership fee had been taken and I noticed they had included the GFG in both mine and my son’s payments. I then contacted them, reminding them of what I’d been told via email and they then eventually made the adjustment, refunding the GFG costs.
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