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Posts posted by Robbie57

  1. I agree that we disagree. You're of the simple opinion that the green vest should be off limits to the captain and if he wears it, in your opinion it's humiliating and an embarrassment.

    I'm of the opinion that I want the same as you - that we want "the muddle at the club to stop and our players to step up", the thing is in order to do this, what steps are you prepared to take ? I'll back those who are "trying to get us going in the right direction with some hard decisions" - oh wait a second..that's what you said.

    These decisions aren't made lightly...or made on a whim.

    I am sure they are not acting lightly or without thought but the fact they take hard decision or act on whims doesn't make them immune from Criticism or mean they will always be right.

  2. That's what Lyon stated last night. That it was a match committee decision.

    No it doesn't.

    Let me ask you this. If Green had started on the bench without the vest, would we be having this discussion ?

    So does that mean Viney wasn't involved? (or Lyon)? I like both Viney and Lyon and think they are trying to get us going in the right direction with some hard decisions.

    But seriously Viney must have been involved lets be men about this, he was at least part of the decision. No doubt he made it in good faith as did everyone else, I just think it was a poor one.

    We disagree about whether it was right or wrong which is fair enough.

    Starting in the 21 is different given the way the game is played these days.

    What I do want is the muddle at the club to stop and our players to step up.

  3. It was a match committee decision. Throwing mud Lyon and Viney's way based on an assumption is low.

    Does that mean the coach has no say in who wears the vest or is he not on the match committee?

    If they were not involved in the decision I am happy to be corrected and apologise to them.

    More importantly if they are not consulted about it then something is seriously wrong at our club.

    Whoever made that decision in my view made a wrong decision.

    I understand they think he was underdone for the game but that doesn't change how it appeared to the world and the message it sent.

    Its not about "toughening up" or being in the 22, that completely misses my point about the treatment of our captain.

  4. Lyon would bring the mongrel we need he hates losing and calls a poor performance exactly that not to mention a poor surface.

    I dont care if we play ugly football if it means I ont have to watch another demon loss.

    I want to be able to watch more wins in a season than losses.

  5. Joint captains so we stop this terrible situation of our older players feeling unwanted.

    Its time as a club we did things differently sometimes our thinking is limited.

    so Green, Rivers and Moloney. Vice captains Trengove, Grimes and Jones.

  6. We treated him badly on Saturday. In fact as an supporter I was embarrassed at how we treated him.

    I agree his form has been such that he is struggling to get a game but you dont put your captain in a vest on the bench on 1 hours notice.

    Declare him injured and unable to play. Not injured but ok to play a quarter go sit on the bench in a fluoro vest. Whoever made that decision Lyon or Viney was wrong.

    Someone should apologise to him and we move on.

    What is of concern is it reinforces what happened at the end of last year to Mc Donald, again a situation badly handled by the club.

    I think he is a required player next year and if played in the right way could be very dangerous.

    I also want to see a loyal clubman play out his days at the dees and nowhere else.

    If that means joint captains as Sydney did then I am all for that.

    As far as I am concerned Brad has given his all to the club and we should honour that. Of course that does not mean he is a shoe in to play each week but I think he is still good enough to be in our best 22 next year if the cards fall his way a bit more.

  7. I'd like to give those on the cusp a crack over the next two weeks.

    We have 2 extra spots up for grabs lets use them wisely.

    That aside I dont think we should be "resting" players to tank or protect them.

    We must have a new outlook and it starts now, we put the best team on the park we can and they are expected to follow the gameplan and to win.

    No passengers. Getting a rest means either you are unfit to play or you have been dropped.

  8. As one of those who have been critical of Sylvia I have to say yesterday's performance was simply terrific.

    My conplaint is not that he can dominate but it seems he has been not putting in every week.

    Last year I put him down as a smokey this year for the Brownlow such is his raw talent.

    But to end on a positive he was simply best on ground yesterday by a wide margin. Well done.

  9. Agree!......why would Clarkson leave a team he helped build? If the hawks offer him a contract, he'll take it.

    Kennett going helps the hawks ability to retain him.

    The question for him maybe whether its a long term proposition.

    The hawks will not offer 5 years.

    He will remember the pressure he was under after they slumped after the premiership year.

    He might relish building a dynasty as against a closing window for the Hawks.

    Then there is the Bomber Thompson factor, the opportunity to go back to his spiritual home with his best mates and work was just too tempting.

    That said they are still in the window and he might want to make the most of it.

    We can think of all sorts of reasons but what I like about this is that it says we are not going to be left wondering and yes we are serious about getting the best not just on offer but the best where ever they may be.

    It may make Malthouse rethink his position.

    I like it and even if it fails its a great strategy for rebuilding the club.

    "whatever it takes"

    This will have a significant impact on the playing group knowing we are not going to settle for whatever we can get.

  10. Both his ball drop and his kicking action are flawed.

    Both must be fixable for someone who can spend all day every week working on it.

    A bit more of the Johhny Wilkinson attitude applied to it.

    If I may go off topic there is really no excuse for any forward in 90 arc from the centre of the goals within the 50 from missing at all. Something that should be practiced until you do it in your sleep.

  11. It's. Not. Just. His. Kicking.

    He. Makes. Terrible. Decisions.

    (plus the head coach is not a skills coach)

    Do I have to put a full stop after every word or type in capitals?

    I agree with your sentiment except the head coach is responsible for every aspect of the team.

  12. Agree Choko.

    I understand the need internally to keep the vibe positive as it's important for the playing group to be upbeat and keep morale high.

    But externally I would rather hear a bit more anger about where we're at rather than towing the party line.

    If asked about playing finals, I would love one of our players to reply something like "Finals? We have just come off three big losses including an absolute thumping by Geelong and you want me to talk about finals!? We are solely focused on getting back to playing good footy and competing hard and we are not looking further ahead than Richmond this week. If at the end of the season we make it, then we make it, but with where we are currently at we're not even thinking about finals."

    Agree about the external.

    Indeed there is something very wrong that we can talk about finals after losing by eight goals.

    An eight goal loss should be described by all concerned as unacceptable.

    As for internally well it should be described as unacceptable and the poor efforts should be name and described as such and acted upon.

    Sylvia back to the magoos with Davey, Bennell, etc.

  13. Rock Bottom!

    Come on, we are about one quarter away from competitive.

    Seriously lets get a grip.

    We have team with players with real futures, Trengove, Watts, Blease, Gawn, Tapscott, Grimes, Mckenzie.

    I hate losing by big margins and its not acceptable but we have had an upheaval at the end of a year.

    I expect (and demand) a turn around.

    As for FEV in my opinion he has made some very poor choices and is a poor role model. As for the future I think we need a few solid players with the junior crew, can he perform at the highest level again, only the new coach will be able to make that decision. Not me.

  14. Oh And I should add its a great opportunity to test Malthouse out.

    Gary: "Hi Mick just calling about Neeldy, what do you think would he like our list? Shame your not available but thats life.

    We are going to offer a new coach a bucket load. He looks pretty good to us a younger versio of you really plenty of life left in him.

    Oh and next year are you up for a regular game of golf? You will have plenty of time on your hands or will you have grand kidduty? We have space in our regular group now Bucks is going to be too busy. Man he so excited aout a shot at the trophy next year.

    Mick : (unpublishable)

  15. "Neeld, who is out of contract, has been offered senior assistant roles at Geelong, Gold Coast and Greater Western Sydney."

    I find this bit interesting it doesn't mention whether Collingwood are offering him a new contract, unless I missed something.

    Because he wants a senior gig he wont get at the Wobbles.

    He is going after that with their blessing which just makes good sense with 3 roles on offer.

    Seriously we should look at him.

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